Saturday, June 14, 2008

The New Server

I transfered everything over to the newer, faster server today (Friday the 13th). Something is out of adjustment still. One thing that I have noticed is that the module is back online much quicker as compared to the old server.
I am working on the problem.
The old server is turned off completely now. The Web Site and everything is being server from the new server now.



Animepersun said...

I Cannot get on the server.... at all...>.<

Jim Brannick said...

I am having the same problem. I can see the server in gamespy, but when I try to connect, it "attempts to connect to server" then after a few moments it says failed (server response timed out).
Obviously, some people are able to connect (there were 14 players on the last time I checked).
Any advice would be appreciated.

Deurack said...

Yeah, something isnt right. Sometimes I can find Badlands RPG in the list of servers, and sometimes I cant. When I can, it says that there are people in (16/90) but when I try to connect it pauses and then says that the connection to the server couldnt be made, that the server had timed out. Any suggestions?

SF Daishi said...

Me Too! Game spy told me I was most likely booted from the server when it crashed. I do see badlands in "action" but its not in my history or favorites. I can join all sorts of other mods. Just not the one I want.

Animepersun said...

Help Q you're are only hope...

Jim Brannick said...

just a quick update... after writing my comment above, I called Simon to see if he could get on the server. He was able to get on no problems, so I tried again and finally was able to log on. I played several different characters last night, with no further log in problems. So, hopefully, everyone else is able to get on too.
BTW, there were well over 20 folks on last night with only minimal server lag.

Animepersun said...

Yeah i still cant get on >.>

Qwildurn said...

The new server is still in need of adjustments. I thought I had everything ready and tested. Then suddenly it was all out of whack. The good news is I will resolve it all and there is nothing any of the clients (that's you, the players) need to do. Leto is not working, that's why new chars are not being built and HGLL is not working.
Verizon Fibre Optic (FiOS) is suppose to be here at 8:00 AM tomorrow (Monday, 16 June 08) to install the new service. Server will be down again and need some more adjustment.
Patiance please.


Qwildurn said...

This is not good at all! I'm at my girlfriend's house and I can't logon to my own server.
This totally bites!

Unknown said...

Yeah, its wierd....i cant logon from the server list but when whoever is from my buddy list is online, i can logon from there, but not from the server list

I hope this will be fixed soon


Blade said...

Hiya Blade here, I played on Monday after the new computer and the new ISP had been implemented, but now Badlands RPG is no longer in "Action " category in Gamespy, nor in my History or Favorites :(
unless it is just offline.
I think maybe it is just down at the moment ?

All the Best, cya when i can :)

Simon Hawk said...

I was on yesterday for like 30 seconds when Q announced he was shutting things down temporarily to do something with the IP adress or something. Not sure exactly but I'm guessing it's still down until he can finish up with whatever he was doing.

Animepersun said...

I am still unable to get on.....sigh