Friday, June 6, 2008



On Monday, 16 June 2008 I will be getting a new ISP (Internet Service Provider). I will also be transferring your user accounts over to a faster computer.

  • The new ISP is Verizon FiOS (fiber-optic).
  • About 30 times faster than my current cable.
  • Bandwidth: Down / Up
    • Old: 8k / 500
    • New: 15k / 15k
  • The new serving computer has four (4) 2700 MHz Xeon CPU's.
  • The old server has four (4) 500 MHz Xeon CPU's.

  • Way fast I think it will be!

I will need to shut down BadLands RPG to copy your user files and data base over. I don't expect the server to be down much more than two hours, but........ Hopefully this transfer will be painless.

As you probably allready know, I host BadLands and my own web site Qwildurn's DND Server from my house. If there are serious complication's, I will be on it.


Qwildurn - Server host of BadLands RPG and BadLands 2082

Edited for readability by Auther


Deurack said...

Sounds good Q, and in case no one has said this in a while, Thank You for hosting this server :)

Simon Hawk said...

Nice! That sounds like quite the impressive piece of machinery, it'll be sooo great with faster ISP also. I'm really looking forward to next week being virtually lag-free.

And to build upon what Deurack says, Thanks for hosting the module, its so fun!

Don't get discouraged if we bitch to much, you know how online gamers are. We're like a bunch of damn vultures, lol!

Qwildurn said...

I ignore any bitching done in the Blog.
LMAO - I can turn off the Blog, but I can't turn off my girlfriend when she starts.

Oh, and, your welcome.


Simon Hawk said...

LOL! It's crazy, woman have plenty of 'inputs' & 'outputs' but unfortunatly no 'mute' button. :P

Animepersun said...
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