Thursday, June 26, 2008

Death Warrant

So I had my first run-in with Nubbie (Monk20/Rogue19/SD1; login name- Tyrswrath) a couple nights ago. I come to find out afterwards that Simon has had altercations with this douche-bag before. Anyway, here's what happened:
I'm running around the Subterraneum with one of my level 30's trying to grind out a level before I hang it up for the night. After running the circuit a few times, I was getting low on cleric buffs, but since I was close to level I thought I'd push it a little. I round the corner only to find a ton of spawns- my first clue that a level 40+ was in the vicinity. Usually, this isn't an uncommon occurrence in the Subterraneum because any Uber PC that wants a shot at Ryuji has to cut through there. Since azers and umber hulks are a joke for that build I pounce on them because it's good xp. Then I see Nubbie in the corner of the screen using HiPS. After a minute, while I'm killing azers one after another, Nubbie starts shadowdancing up and looting all of the azer bodies for hammers. I don't really need the hammers, but the audacity of this punk-ass to come in and steal from a level 30 was getting on my nerves. Still, it was more pathetic than anything--- a legendary character having to steal 8k hammers for money??? There are MUCH easier ways to earn cash in the Badlands with a decent build. Anyway, I'm still taking all of this in stride when Nubbie starts to get really bold. At first, he had been keeping his distance, but after a while he starts coming up and trying to pick pocket my PC while I'm fighting azers. That was the last straw for me. It's one thing to steal the hammers that I wasn't bothering with, it's another thing to try and PP my inventory. I consider PP a hostile action equivalent to an attack. I turn and try to get a KD in, which was evaded, but land a few hits before he disengages. Meanwhile, I finish off the few azers that were left. When the MOBs were gone, he asks me "you attacked me?", I said I tried to KD him because he got too close and PP'd me. He plays dumb (if there's one thing I can't stand, it's anuses like Tyrswrath that play dumb... recall that 'Ball' was notorious for playing dumb). Inconveniently, my happy green squares all start to blink as my buffs wore off. I try to slap on a couple fresh ones, when he jumps me and KDs me. I made a run for the sanctuary but didn't make it. A sneak attack got me before I made a safe zone. The last thing I said was "now you're dead". I logged in Gnimble since he's my legendary PC of choice for dealing with rogues and dexers. After Nubbie sells all of his unearned hammers in Dozo, he chickens out and logs in a lowbie (some sort of paladin/sorcerer named Freak). At this point, I'm exhausted and don't have the energy to hunt down his flaming homo paladin, so I log off and make a mental note to PK Tyrswrath on sight from now on. My guess is he'll just death log when I catch him anyway. Oh well, some people are just bitches.


erik!!!! said...

owned by a level 32.

erik!!!! said...

oh yeah.. he's in my guild now too?

Simon Hawk said...

Why the heck would you want HIM in you guild? He'll get pwned every 2 seconds and isn't a good boss killer. Sounds like a big liability to me, plus I know a few nasty mages that are going to 'toast' him on site. I'd dump that baggage right away if I were you.

Deurack said...

Yeah, Nubbie is on quite a few peoples "Kill on Sight" list, including mine. He's a total waste of DNA which I sincerely hope that God is merciful enough to castrate at some point before he has an opportunity to reproduce.

Ukcanuk...there was a guy on the server pre-crash that had a guild. He invited EVERYONE into it, regardless of who they were or whether he knew them or not. To make matters worse, they then started inviting people into the guild without him knowing about it. His guild ended up being universally hated and a collection of the biggest pussies and assholes (usually the same person) the server has ever seen; a total joke since most of them literally couldnt fight to save their lives.

Just a cautionary tale. Might wanna be a tad more selective about who you invite.

Simon Hawk said...

Amen brother.

I need to do some 'house cleaning' myself. I was '3 sheets to the wind' one night and started inviting random people, not a good situation. :P A few Ale's and all of a sudden everyone is Hellies best friend.

Jim Brannick said...

Simon... drinking?! Nah... I can't believe it! If you're still hitting the whiskey like you did 5 years ago, your liver must be fully "preserved" by now.

But seriously, watching Newbie get owned last night by a level 32 and then talking trash until he got IGM'd a new asshole by Hellie Layne (who Newbie called an "old crumpet") was somewhat gratifying. However, it doesn't remove the death warrant I've placed on his head.
He can't stay in Dozo forever...

Simon Hawk said...

If I'm creamated when I die I figure I'll burn for about six weeks. :PPP

"Old Crumpet" lol, that was rich. He got burnt by that fiesty pastry, and thats for sure and for certain.

erik!!!! said...

I didn't invite him, SF did.. lol.
Don't worry, once i see him while im on PK, he'll be out fast.

Jim Brannick said...

Hey Simon, "creamated" LOL!!! Is that what happens when you homo out?
I hope you meant "cremated", and that your typo wasn't a Freudian slip! :p

Simon Hawk said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! I REALLY need to start paying attention more.

I can't believe one little misplaced "a" can cause so much hilarity.

Deimonos said...

Skipping Simon's "creamated" thing..
Nubbie demonstrated an interest on guild related matters when he saw Simon claiming an outpost.
Since his halfling monk/rog has been 40ish forever, it's unlikely he'll ever get high enough to try getting his own guild.
So I think he played nice to win SF's affection.. hmm