Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reign of Gods Test.

Yesterday my brother and I worked on the Reign of Gods module, I'm planning on having it up for a short time starting at 8pm eastern time till about 10:30pm or so.

The whole concept is a high magic world that contains many powerful hidden items & equipment for you to find, crafting is not available yet so any fancy weapons will have to be searched out in the mod. You'll have to fight bosses to get keys that will open doors to other areas. Anyone used to strict D&D may not like this mod due to the fact it was created by someone whos never played the game (my bro). Monster encounters will seem out of place for the environment to your average D&D'er, but it'll be alright.

The basic foundation has been laid out of the starting town and areas leading to the second town, which will be the main hub so to speak. Our goals for tonight are simple.

1.) Try to actually host said module.
2.) Mess with DM Client.
3.) Have players adventure through the beginning areas to see what happens.

If anyone plans on logging in tonight, don't worry about making some UBER build or anything, just make a simple melee type char for testing purposes.

We'll probably have the mod limited somewhere between 6-8 players max since we have no idea whats going to happen and that'll make life easier for now.


Simon Hawk


Jim Brannick said...

What?! You mean I don't get to start off with 3 million gold, and max equipment at 21st level?! I have to actually SEARCH for magic items??? :D
Seriously though, I will definitely try out Reign of Gods tonight. I assume it will be under the "Action" tab in Gamespy? Any password needed?

Simon Hawk said...

lol, believe me, you'll hit 21'st level and get 3 million gold in no time! haha.

It "Should" be listed under the action tab.

I'll email out a password so no Oki's or Ledaks bust in on our test.

Simon Hawk said...

Deimonos, Darian, Deurack, Q, Terry.

If any of you are interested in laughing tonight, send me an email and I'll reply with the password to join the test mod. I'll be checking my email throughout the evening. If not, it'll just be a few of us bloggers.

Qwildurn said...

Do you need a host? I think I got power to spare now.



Cohort Mandibles said...

If I could make it where you start off with 3 million gold and max items that would be awesome. But I don't know the scripts for that. Starting with nothing and being weaker than a rat is boring.

Simon Hawk said...

Wow, I aprreciate that offer Q, that's mighty nice of you.

Since im totally nOOb to this whole thing whats invovled? I mail the mod to you and you basically run it off of your new machine correct?

I'm definatly interested in that but not until Cohort and I finish it. It should be good enough for tonight just running off of my PC I would think, the mod is small and there wont be many players.

Qwildurn said...

For now, yes, email the mod to me and I host it with my new machine.
- What I want to learn next, is how to set up accounts so certain users can upload to their private folders. Then my brother can post the pictures of his summer vacation while on his vacation, and people like Simon could upload a edited mod and restart it.

To host a mod yourself: The biggest single problem is getting the ports open through the firewall. Most firewalls (software and hardware) are crap! You need to open ports 5121-5300 UDP, not TCP. If you are having a lot of problems, you can try a DMZ setting. This is scary and only used for testing as it dissables the firewall completely to one computer making it fully exposed to the internet and all the assholes that think its cool to break into your computer. That sort of behaivuar is not really any differant than breaking into somebodies house or stealing a car.

You probably won't be able to see your own server in gamespy or logon. This is normal. Use the LAN logon to connect to your own server, unless your away from home. I usually have to call a friend and ask then to look in gamespy for me. During that shrug week long diaster with the hardware/ISP change-over, I could see my server in gamespy and logon but nobody else could. Now you can but I can't.


Unknown said...

Sweet, a new server...

i'll check it out when testings over


(Totally not an oki or a ledak)

Qwildurn said...

How to start a new char at level 21?

-Open Module for editing
-Open pull-down-menu EDIT
-Select Module Properties
-In the new window named "Module Properties" select Events
-Now find the script you want. In this case we want "OnClientEnter"
(remember you can change the name of the script to something like "Mod_On_Enter". Renaming every script here to start as "Mod_" would have it's uses")
-Click button "Edit" on this line.

Now this is the script that runs every time a player logs on.

The following is a short but working (I hope) code fragment to give gold and XP to a player.

Script Name: "Mod_On_Enter"
(copy and paste the following)

void main()
/* find out who or what is
entering the mod and store
it in a variable named oPC */
object oPC = GetEnteringObject();

/* the server should never
actually run this script on
a monster, but, let's check
just to make sure this is a
player if it's not a player
we will simply exit now */
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;

/* special care needs to be
taken to test for a DM
A DM is a special kind of PC
We don't need to give gold or
XP to a DM so let's not try */
if (GetIsDM(oPC) || GetIsDMPossessed(oPC)) return;

/* if this is a NEW CHARACTER
they won't have XP let's test
for XP */
if (GetXP(oPC) == 0)
/* OK. this is where we give
the oPC gold and XP once and
only once if they can exploit
something they will */
SetXP(oPC, 21000); /*change 21000
to the correct amount of XP you
actually want to give */
GiveGoldToCreature(oPC, 3000000);

/* more code goes here but you knew that */

(copy and paste the above)


Deurack said...

Too much homework for me to do tonight, I have to have a paper done by the end of the week or I fail my last Psyc class and dont graduate on time...so I think I'll log on some other time :P

Hope it goes well, looking forward to checking it out.