Friday, June 27, 2008

Server Problem

Posting here as unable to contact Quildurn on his email ( )

Problem :- Server only lasts for a few minutes and then restarts / this repeats all day

Hiya Quildurn, Blade here.

I was playing fine this morning until 07.30 AM (GMT) when the server restarted with this problem again. I have been unable to play properly during the daytime in UK because of this.

It seems to resolve itself later in the day, not sure what time, maybe 12 hours later ? or when someone has intervened ?

I play all day long, or I used to lol , but now a big chunk of my daily gameplaying has gone :(

All i can do whilst the server is like this is to quickly kill the Royal Assassin if i'm lucky:(

Iwould be grateful if you could look into this, as i love to play ( at all hours !!!! )

All the Best ............Blade (zenblade)


SF Daishi said...

Yes same problem during the morning here too. Please fix. I only get a small window of time in the morning to play until I get my "honey-do list." Then game play is on pause till the evening.

Jim Brannick said...

Not sure if that was a typo in the post, but Q's e-mail is:

It looked like you changed the "w" above into a "u". That could be why Q didn't respond.

Qwildurn said...

My old email is:
My new email is:
Both are current and valid.
Had I recieved an email, I would have responded.

About the server continually resetting it's self:
The server monitor measures activity. With none or only a few players it's allways been like this (just not as bad). Now that the server is faster it probably needs more activity as in more players. If the server is stable while lots of players are on and crashes a lot with just a few then we know.

Unfortunattly I may not be able to do anything about this. The author of the server monitoring tools is still around. He, and his team, are working on the same tool for NWN2. They built NWNX, Fast French (badlands uses fast french), and now NWNX4 for NWN2. They have a forum I can try. Converting BadLands over to NWNX would be a BIG job but not impossible, this was done to 1095c. NWNX uses a differant database and we would lose all of our guild and boss kills if we did do a conversion.