Monday, November 24, 2008

BadLands Dating.

Here's your daily does of RPG related humor. I found this on Craigslist. Enjoy!
(Or maybe you want to reply)
Ogre Mage seeks Druid.


Qwildurn said...

Quote from Craigslist:
lvl 8 ogre mage seeks moon queen or druid
(pic not quoted)
I am a lvl 8 warrior seeking my adventuring companion for game play and fornication. I partake in only adventure/fantasy role play, no creepy goth stuff, it’s too weird. Only sanctioned spells allowed, costume dress optional but preferred. I have the body of a wandering Norwegian brawler and short brown hair. Please be quite buxom and imaginative for play and enjoy fantasy role play aesthetics. Please send pics, leves, preferred adventure type and spell list. We could go get dinner (under $20), and watch a movie. Also I’m allergic to cats.

End Quote

LMAO - I guess that excludes Elfs (not buxom) and Druids who can shift into Tigers (cat hair). - LMAO

Deurack said...

That is officially one of the funniest and most pathetic things I have ever read. I certainly hope that's a joke, but I know it's probably not :P

Simon Hawk said...

Point and laugh, people. Point and laugh.