Monday, November 17, 2008

Old Tale Same ending

During the week a lot of old faces returned to see the Badlands land they left changed.
Last night one of those faces was heater5. Poor old razius appears still baffled at the animosity he receives in some quarters.
Thats right ...poor.
For more background read this link on the blog.
--march 27 Fun with Raz archive story ----

It seems from my second hand tale that razius cant even level without some jerk trying to kill him. Imagine that ....... You try to level and someone gets their kicks murdering you repeatedly.
After a "heated" exchange with Crazy gnome , Razius challenged him on his uber toon in the Underdark.
After a typically boring duel that occurs between palemaster melee builds and infinite heal kits Razius Jilkerk gets down to near dead. And even in a fair fight he runs off to the sanctuary , cheating Sill Nefzen of an honest victory.
Apparently heater5 thinks we should all just forgive and forget.
The quote of the shout contest I had replied to me was poor Raz has tried three separate online gaming communities only to find " all of them are full of retards".
Not 3 servers , 3 entire gaming worlds . Imagine that ...... being that misguided and sad .
Hence the title and the poor Raz. Someone end his suffering ........................


Jim Brannick said...

Wow. I can't say I wasn't a little surprised to Razius in the player list over the weekend. He's definitely got a little "bad penny" in him. My philosophy is to leave him be until he does something stupid or irritating. I'm not going to hunt him simply because he's logged on (BUT, I understand how some still have an axe to grind).

I also saw that Borg Master reappeared over the weekend. Seems like some of the "old guard" is showing up to enjoy all of Q and the DM's handiwork.

Qwildurn said...

Yes and yes.
For as irritating as Raz is, I actually like the guy. Don't let that stop you from hunting him or whatever.
I was on with Big Bertha Butte (level 50) when terry17 logged in with Borg Master (level 58). I gave Borg the Grand Tour. We killed some new bosses then took the long way over to Forgotten Coast / Death Island and killed Black Betty. Big Bertha can't hurt Betty, but Borg took Betty out in no time. I was surprised, impressed and disappointed. Terry said something about making a new Weapon Master to use the Widow Maker. I logged and went to bed. Next time I saw Terry, he had a noob level 9 and was making his way to Crystal Coast.

Deurack said...

I am one of the most active "Raz Killers" around (I think), but for me it isnt hatred.

I remember what Badlands was like when he was playing here on a regular basis. I remember how many people left the server as a direct result of his actions. I remember him bragging to people about his ability to make as many "level 40's" as he wanted because of his Beta status, and how he abused that privilege. I remember him PK'ing so many lowbies in the Newport Sewers with his "level 40's" and being so irritating that he was put in Jail before the PK system was even created. I remember him being in Jail and shouting CONSTANTLY just to be irritating. I remember Q telling him to stop shouting and him refusing to obey. I remember him being so irritating that the DM's would kick him from the server, only to have him log on with other toons and continue shouting. I remember people wondering why Q didnt simply CD Key ban him for repeatedly breaking the rules and defying Q, for doing things that would have gotten anyone else banned. I'm still wondering about that one. I've never seen Q play favorites with anyone except with Raz, and in that respect, it was appalling.

My goal in killing Raz repeatedly is to create an environment that is so inhospitable that he has no desire to come here. He is a destructive force that did INCALCULABLE damage to the Badlands server's reputation and player base, and I dont want to see a repeat of those days. If it were up to me, I would have CD Key banned him long ago, and I honestly cannot understand why Q didnt do that himself.

Deimonos said...

It's simple really:

1) Q didn't get caught in Raz's sewers of doom afternoon fun.

2) Raz played nice guy whenever Q was online.

3) He played on Q's heavy role playing mind: "I'm just playing my alignment. I'm evil, I should be killing ppl. Hmm? Be good? Ok, I'll try some.." 1 minute after Q had logged off, he'd be back with his uber toons.

Indeed, I remember how fun it was when my Arikel was chasing his monk/ASS/sd in ud. I think I ran after him for like 5 minutes til I got bored and let him port to an outpost.

Hmm, I can't say that I've killed him more than twice. One with a dever when he was trying to so something to some noobs in ud back in the day and the other one when he came back months ago, when me and darian had some "fun" in the sewers..

I say why ban the guy? It's too easy. Letting the guy wander around scared to death when a "darian the bold", "Simon Hawk", "Kruluk" or "Deurack01" log is way funnier.. therapeutic, actually.

Qwildurn said...

In the past, Raz has been jailed and then later banned.

Raz was the first player to be imprisoned and found a way to escape. I finally found the "hole in the fence" and fixed it.

Raz wasn't the first player to be banned, he was the second. The first was someone using the name "BillClinton" and started spam-shouting, "I hate niggers." I was using a different type of ban system then and had to reset the server to ban "Clinton".

When I banned Raz, I used what was supposed to be a better way of banning. Unfortunately, this caused the server to crash every time Raz tried to log-in. I un-banned Raz and built my own banning system, one that works well.

I'm not defending or protecting Raz. It's choices and consequences, actions and reactions. We all make bad decisions, some learn faster and learn to make better choices. Some learn everything the hard way while other seem to never learn anything.