Monday, March 10, 2008

Annoying Players Part II

Ok, I finally broke down and killed someone out of sheer anger yesterday, thanks to some help from my good buddy Jim we smashed Rome Ledak (Moili Rumnatenk) into next week. That kid is seriously mental, the whole thing started while I was level 8 in the Shadow Tombs.

First off he was using 'Shout' trying to find a group around level 15, then all of a sudden he comes barging into the Tombs and starts spamming me with invites, he says "Hi" and then runs up to the spawns I was trying to kill and he takes the kill for himself, and then he just runs away. I tell him to get the heck out of here and not to kill my spawns. To which he replys "I was just passing through" which reminded me of something very annoying about this particular player.

That jackass WALKS everywhere and seldom uses a port stone, I friggin' hate that shit. Back when he first came on the BL scene he was partied with us and would never port to the next area that the group was headed, oh no he begged us all to WAIT for his stupid ass to walk there. I know that you can't always port exactly to where you need to be, but there's no reason to be level 15 tromping through the tombs almost spawn killing all the lowies and then having the nerve to steal the spawns that the lowies are working on, it's just bad conduct in my opinion.

So to pay him back for his idiocy Jim and I logged in with some lvl 15 Ogres and shredded him while he was walking through the Crystal Coast, lemme tell ya it felt good too. It's funny that he got super pissed so we told him to quit stealing XP from people in the Tombs, haha.


Jim Brannick said...

I couldn't agree with you more, Simon.
There is absolutely no reason why a level 15 should be even "passing thru" the Shadow Tombs. By then, characters should have a Newport stone and be farming vampires in the Sewers. You're lucky he was just killing your spawns as opposed to spawn-killing you (which I have also seen happen in cases when a high level strays into a low-level area).
Also, the server requires that we all play our alignment. So that means my chaotic evil Ogrillon with an intelligence of 6 (can't speak properly when you're that dumb) is going to be killing everything in sight... including other PC's.

Deimonos said...
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Deimonos said...

Well done, my friend. Wasted a few okis myself a couple days ago. Gathered by our well known oki boss Shadow, they were hunting beetles. As soon as I logged in, I found Deurack and gave him my "hey bud" accidentally killing him in the process.. hmm.. so our oki master shouted "Come on, pk, try to kill me"
How could I resist such temptation to satisfy my primal urges? I couldn't.. it wasn't fair to the universe to say no to such things.. the planets may collide, the world as we know may end..

Anyways.. I went there and totally destroyed him and his buddy, cortezh... he got mad and started shouting stuff.
Said he wanted to fight me, but as soon as I cornered him near the mountain shelter he just ported somewhere else.. tell u the truth, it was sad.

So I invited him to a friendly match in the arena. Him and cortezh.. well, dont need to tell u the outcome.. right?
Well, all I can say is that sometimes you need to bash them hard.. real hard.. it's a way to relax.. i like it..

Simon Hawk said...

Remind me to never piss you off. :)

I also heard that if you are a member of "The House of Thanatos" that the Oki's with attack on sight. Is this true?

Deimonos said...

Not sure. But YOU have to bash them.. everytime u see them doing anything stupid.. its a guild rule.. talk to Deurack, he made it.. hes an evil crazy guy.. lol

Simon Hawk said...

Yeah, Deurack kinda scares me. lol!

Deurack said...

Deurack is a very nice, even tempered person who speaks of himself frequently in the third person.

Deurack was provoked to great wrath by Shadow521988 one night and has sworn everlasting hatred and revenge upon him.

Deurack loaths Shadow521988 with every fiber of his substantial being.

Deurack therefor has nothing but contempt and animosity for any Oki that sees fit to party with, support or associate with Shadow.

Deurack will continue to refer to himself in the third person for the remainer of this post as he reminds everyone to bash your local Oki's every chance you get. If you are in a guild, and they are in a guild, there is no "PK point" penalty for slaughtering the evil and deserving Oki.

Deurack typically does not attack those that do not deserve it. Deserving it can change from moment to moment.


Deimonos said...

Like I said.. crazy..
okis are how can I say.. exotic players.. maybe we should talk about the real deal.. someone from the past.. our pk legend.. not in a good way.. -_-
Perhaps we should mention him in a topic here.. not in a comment..