Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fun with Raz

Just thought I would share a short, entertaining story.

I was on this morning leveling a new character and the only other person on was Raz, playing a Bard/RDD/PM build. Well, suddenly I see that Raz has killed the Rakshasa. I was fairly surprised by this, as I didn't think he had the intelligence to figure out how to kill that boss with that build, but I didn't pay it much attention. However, when the server shouted that the Outpost in the Highwood Silent Forest had been claimed by the Free Traders, I was prompted into action.

I don’t have a problem with people taking territories that House Thanatos currently holds. I admit, it does create some competition, and if possible I will keep my territories, but it’s really not a big deal. BUT…Raz taking one of my territories…that’s just plain wrong and must be dealt with in the harshest manner possible. (Not to mention, who the *&%@ let Raz in a guild?)

So I logged of the newbie, logged on Belpheron, and waited. Sure enough, in about 5 minutes, I saw a shout that Raz had killed the Royal Assassin. Since the Outpost in the Newport Docks was currently owned by House Thanatos, I used my amulet to teleport there. Within a few seconds, Raz appeared next to me. He seemed a bit surprised to see someone else in the room with him, and was even more surprised when I began to hit him with Maximized “Isaac’s Greater Missile Storms”. It only took 2 of them, as he was already hurting from the fight with the Assassin. As he crumpled to the ground in the agonizing throes of death, I simply said…


He whined and cried for a bit, shouting some nonsense that I honestly didn't believe was worth a response as I simply went about the business of killing all the other bosses that he could attempt to kill to claim any more territories. In about 5 minutes, he left without another word, and I went back to leveling the newbie. Mission accomplished: Raz gets no more territories, and hopefully has less of a desire to play on our beloved server.

Not a bad way to spend a morning J


Matt McMinn said...

About the only time it would have been appropriate to say "I love the (virtual) smell of IGM's in the morning."

Blade said...

It wasn't me invited Raz

I have written something about the BadlandsRPG Guilds in a different place as i was technologically challenged earlier lol.

Please try to read my very short Blog " FizzBangBlade "

All the Best .........Blade

Jim Brannick said...

Deurack, that's an awesome way to start your day.
I've seen that Raz build running around from time to time. Looks very similar to my Drake build (hmmm...).