Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Annoying players Part III - Jerks of the past

Here I am, the one and only Deimonos. I said once that I would do a topic about our most famous pk, Razius (login heater5). Well, let's start then.
Once upon a time, when the server had legendary players like Talon and Creeping Doom, we had the pleasure of this pk legend to join us. He wasn't a pk legend yet, just a regular player like any other one online back in the day. As the time moved on, we all lvled our chars, became stronger and friendship was build between the players. I could say all their names, but they have left our numbers, only a few remained I'm afraid. Ok, so after a while, this player earned a "promotion". He became beta. What is this "beta" status? I bet you've heard about it. Beta is given to players that manage the server, people who has an intimate knowledge of what Q wants to do with it. So after earning his new status; by earning, I mean, begging nonstop for days, probably weeks; this particular player got what he wanted. And then badlands went through its darkest period..

Our friend there, a friendly guy and average player, went from a total nice player behaviour to a total obsessive pk maniac..He had a bunch of chars around lvl 30, but what he really liked to do was making fresh lvl 40 chars.. to do what, you may be wondering? The answer is simple, for pking.

He liked to use his monk/assassin/sd to slaughter people down in the sewers. Dozens of players were massacred in that place. Remember once, when I'd logged on quickly just to get myself a dev shell, I saw a lot of shouts, pk shouts, our pk legend was bashing everyone.. players were angered, crying out for help. Even Darian the Bold was afraid. He sent me a tell, "raz owns here" "get down here, bash him". But I couldn't. I had to log.. I had to go to work..

Then, everytime I could, I hunted him down with my monk, Arikel Thunder. Everytime I got close enough to smash him, he ran away, didn't even try to fight back. Usually ported to one of territories. Yes, he had a guild too.
Never killed him. He was a jerk but he sure knew how to run. That's a shame.. But I made him feel scared. But It was too late.Many players had left the server. Ok, it was during the summer.. school was on a break and all, but it was his fault, no doubt. We had like 10+ players logged on all day..

When everything was getting out of control, Q made a pk system.. to help prevent his pk spree from happening. But it didn't help much. He still did it. Got sent to jail? Just make a fresh 40.. no biggie.

Then school vacation was over. He had to go back to school, so he stopped playing. Peace was back but the damage was already done. Then came the "earn your boss drop" thing and the few players still playing left. Lost Talon and Creeping Doom.. when all territories became available for claiming, Jajus and Mnich left too. Deurack had moved to a new place, so he was offline for months.

For a while it was maybe 3 or 4 players hanging around during the day and even less after midnight. Remember many nights playing with only Darian and icewear. Terry was there sometimes too. It was sad, we really thought the server was coming to an end. We were pissed. How can one jerk screw our server so bad? "If the server survives, we won't let it happen again" Darian and I said. When Raz comes back in the end of the year, we'll be ready for him. We may get banned, but we'll make it worth..

So November came, then December and no sign of our pk bud. Q said that he'd lost his game cds. We were really hoping to meet him again. We really wanted to give him a friendly welcome, especially when we found out that he wasn't beta anymore. And finally he was back. There he was, logging on again, back on the server he almost destroyed. After some time, when his char was high enough, we hunted him in the sewers, like he used to do. Darian and I cornered him near the stairs to Newport and our fight began. Darian dispelled his buffs and I kd him to his death..
He cried a little and we remembered him about his past. He laughed and ported do dozo and stayed there for a long time..

It was enough. He knew what would happen to him if he tried to do it again. He was scared, we could tell.

So, he started emailing Q about his beta. He wanted it back so bad.. he didn't understand why he couldn't have it back. That's how screwed up in the head that guy is. Why he wanted it back? Because me and Darian would hunt him down everytime he logged, so without beta to make a free char at any lvl he wanted, he wouldn't stand a chance against us.

Luckly he didn't get it back. Too bad for him. And he's still loggin. Not that much since he didn't get what he wanted and we are on everyday. Last time he logged, me and Deurack had a go at him.
Deurack asked him if he was still begging to be beta again and the pk boy answered with one lie after another. He said he didn't want to be beta again. That he wasn't afraid of us. And finally, that he was just playing his alignment."How about playing your alignment with players within your lvl range?" "Oh, you don't want to be beta? Weird that Q himself told me you are emailing him, asking to be beta again.." "What? Abuse DM powers to punish you? I could just log with one of my many earned chars and hunt you down. What now? Dozo is a nice place to stay? And your are not afraid? Sure, why don't you leave Dozo then and come to UD? No? Ok, say that you are not afraid again.."

After that chat, we thought we had enough and resumed our xping.
Well, that's pretty much what I had to tell you about our "pk legend".. good hunting folks..


Simon Hawk said...

Thanks for enlightening us on the whole Razius debacle. I'm glad that you guys didn't give up and shut down the server over that whole ordeal, what a pain in the ass.

I dont know how many time poor old Rana Ellow got killed by Raz, oh well at least you bashed him hard.

I saw a Razius build on yesterday, he may have a new login name (Radizz) but Im not exactly sure, so be on the look out. :)

Jim Brannick said...

Yeah, I saw Razius on the other day. He had a 30-40 lvl character up on the Mountain.
I was leveling a newer build, otherwise, I'd have logged Drake and bashed the piss outta the little weasel.

Similar to Simon, I had many a character get PKed by a lvl 40 Raz back in the day (which was a Wednesday, by the way). And I NEVER once complained. Usually, I'd just respawn and go to a different area. I still found Badlands RPG much better (even back then) compared to the other Badlands servers... many of which are ridiculous when it comes to PK (i.e., you're lucky to make it to 5th level sometimes).

Jim Brannick said...

And thanks for that story, Deimonos! It's a nice bit of Badlands History... and should prove a lesson to all who seek power...