Thursday, March 20, 2008

If you were wondering...

So, after Deimonos posted the history of our beloved Raz... “beloved” here standing in for the words “Hated, Despised, Reviled, Herpes infested, Pathetic, Loathed and Hunted”…I felt inspired to inform everyone as to why I hunt Shadow512988 so relentlessly, and any Oki that befriends him.

I want to say first that I am a very happy, even tempered person who only finds pleasure in slaughtering innocents on a very limited basis. Just ask Deimonos and Darian, who I spend a lot of time with and who can attest to my jovial and capricious nature. I very rarely PK people, and hardly ever just for the fun of it, despite being the leader of House Thanatos.

Now then, on to the story…

Back a few months ago, I had just gotten Belpheron to level 21 and was in the Underdark upgrading all my equipment. Shadow512988 (hereafter referred to as ‘The Damned’) logged on and began to obey the biological imperative that prompts all Oki’s to invite everyone on the server into their group. We all know the behavior, we have both been unfortunate enough to have experienced it and have read about it on this Blog. Well, when the black box came up offering me the dubious honor of grouping with ‘The Damned’, I was only mildly annoyed, clicked ‘ignore’ and began to go through the process of upgrading my equipment again. Approximately 10 seconds later, the invitation ‘box’ came up again from ‘The Damned’. Now I’m beginning to get irritated, because not only do I not know the Ass Clown that is sending me these invitations, but it is getting in the way of me upgrading me equipment. I needed to swap some Ability points from one piece of equipment to another, and stopping to answer ‘The Damned’ was both interfering and distracting. Once again, I clicked ‘ignore’ and went back to business.

When the invitation box came up the third time, I was understandably frustrated. I again clicked ‘ignore’ and shouted “How many times do I have to refuse your invitation before you take the hint?” I now know that this was my mistake. Instead of using words to attempt to communicate with ‘The Damned’ I should have used either Mordred or Sidian to simply bash the Syphilis infected Oki into oblivion and gone back to business.

It was at this point that ‘The Damned’ decided to make this a game. He sent me invitations every 10 to 15 seconds for the next 30 minutes. He taunted me in shouts and tells, making fun of me while sending me invitations over and Over and OVER. Eventually I had to click the option of “Never Show Me This Again” on the invitation box. This means that whenever ANYONE sends me an invitation, instead of the invitation box coming up, all I get is a little yellow text notification in the same box as the Battle Spam.

This means that it is extremely easy to miss invitations from people that I actually want to group with. This means that because of the actions of ‘The Damned’ I was forced to change the way in which I interacted with my friends. This means that I was forced to change the way in which I play a game that I enjoy, simply because ‘The Damned’ is an Asshole. This is why I will hunt him down and kill him, Pick Pocket him of all his belongings, and make his playing time on this server as miserable as possible.


Simon Hawk said...

Well written Deurack! I particularly liked the way you used various STD's to describe your mosted hated players, hilarious!

I didn't realize Shadow was so freakin' annoying, over christmas break I started playing on BL heavily again. I partied with Shadow (my first Oki exposure) and everything was fine.

It saddened me to learn about all the bad habits of this particular Oki because he seemed to be a decent player at first, but I guess idiots can't hide their true colors forever.

Deimonos said...

Well, I hate to admit, but most of them are like that, especially Ball. They see u loggin and BAM party invitation.. I had to click on that "never show this again" box too.
But its not restrict to shadow & friends. Ledak brothers did that too, before one of you (pointing to Simon) bashed the guy to oblivion. I remember loggin with a lvl 9, and I had seen that Ledak's char was 15. He saw me in the shack and spammed some invitations but since his char was higher, I told him I wanted to solo. He kept sending invitations but I had no reason to accept them. I remember ignoring it twice then I sent him a tell, telling that I didnt want to party. So he called me an ass and started following me around.
After I logged a lvl 15 and almost smashed his druid to pieces, he cried saying that he was just playing around..

A similar episode happened not long ago with shadow and buds. They were 10-14 killing bugbears and being a great person that I am, I started spawning some green dragons and even some vamps.
When I got tired and our "thankful" shadow kept saying "more", I gave them a ride to the sewers.
Interesting thing is that most of them died when the first couple of vamps spawned..
For some reason, shadow thought that I had the obligation to rez them. "Oh, the MG port us here and wont rez us. Unfair" something like that..
I spawned some monsters, they got some lvls. Even gave them a port to the sewers and I'm supposed to be there to rez them everytime they die?
Oh, come on.. then I remembered why I avoid spawning monsters for them.. its always a pain..

Simon Hawk said...

I've tried telling Ledak that I just felt like soloing also, but he interprets that as you being an ass, it's pretty pathetic.

It's just easier to make them scared of you rather than trying to be reasonable. Sad but true.

BTW, speaking of the "Never show this again" option, is there a way to turn it back on? I'd like to see the pop-up box again, I don't know how many invitations I've missed because the invite gets lost in the battle spam.

Deurack said...

I dont believe there is, which is why when I'm tempted to forgive Shadow in some of his less Oki moments, I remember that he has forever altered the way I play the game, and I just kill him instead.

Deimonos said...

Wow, obsessed much, aren't you?
Remember, he could've done much worse, like stealing boss drops, right Simon?

Simon Hawk said...

Yeah, stealing boss drops is bottom of the barrel. Hasn't happened to me thankfully, but Jim aka Kruluk has a story about an Oki that stole his drop.

Jim Brannick said...

Yeah, that was Ball... Thankfully, Darian scaring the living shit out of him and commandeered the skin to it's rightful owner... Gnimble. It's not that it was really that important (especially to my Gnomish Gnukemeister), it was just the principle.
Here's the situation: Everyone runs into the shark pond... everyone except Gnimble dies. Gnimble kills shark, then (out of good conscious) runs up and raises everyone before he even thought about picking up the drop. Of course, the first thing Ball did after being rezed was run over to the shark. Then he had the audacity to claim he had no idea what we were talking about when I asked him for the skin.

Anyone notice that Oki's seem to "forget" how to speak English when it's convenient for them???

Deimonos said...

I don't think that's true. Most of them, except for Nandridia and Shadow, can barely speak english at all.
You mean that they don't even try to understand you when it's convenient for them.

Deurack said...

Well...according to our buddy Darian, more of the Oki's can speak English than they let on. He made a new character and began speaking to them in Gaelic, claiming to be from a different country. He then convinced them to speak English to him because it was 'easier for him to understand'. He said that more of them speak very fluent English than they try to make us believe.

Also, as to the story about Ball stealing the Shark Skin...I KNOW he speaks English better than he tries to put on. I was the one that used an 'English to Polish' translator to threaten him with continuous death if he didnt give the skin back. After I did this twice and PK'ed him once, I was sent this message from him, "Ok, I give the skin back, meet in Dozo"

Then, after the swap, he went back to "I no speak good English". So, either he used a translator like I did, or he just thinks all of the English speaking people on the server are morons. Either way, I plan on bashing him on sheer principle.

Deimonos said...

Well, that's a tough one. You can't really know what's going on their minds.
He may know the basics or maybe he's ashamed of typing things that don't make any sense. Who knows..
But it they are pretending the lack of skill thing.. well, too bad for him, because I can't group or talk to someone who doesn't really understand what I'm saying..
Pking them.. well, if they bug me enough.. :D