Friday, March 21, 2008

BaldLands Updates

Here's an email I recieved from "Q" about things that are changing on Badlands.

"Mosquito Wolfe and a few other areas were changed slightly, only because I found them to be mapped incorrectly to the rest of the realm.

In a future blog I’m sure you will talk about the new random monster trigger I’m working on.

The mechanical details in short are:

What was one big trigger is now a set of 4 small triggers. Only one of the 4 is ever working at once. Each time you trigger it, it sets up a different trigger to work next time. It is random and might select the same one twice. This also includes 4 random spawn points. Each part (trigger/spawn point) is separate of each other. I’m not limited to sets of 4, that’s just what I’m using during development. For now, only Dozo Warfields and the lowest four shelves on North Face are using the random monster trigger.

And yes, I have tried other random systems built by other people, but I never found one I liked so I am building my own. Mine won’t lag the server. (well I hope it won’t) like some did."

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