Saturday, March 29, 2008

Some Fucker is messing with the Blog

Pardon the language, but it pissed me off. Someone created a 'response' to my Post about the Level 8 Death match. It was a link to a Spyware website that tried to install itself on my comp. I had to CONT+ALT+DELETE to get it to stop and shut down. I deleted the post for now so no one else will get their computer messed up.

Just keep a watch out for suspicious looking posts, responses, ect.


Matt McMinn said...

I just checked the settings, supposedly only people with accounts can post. If you got a login name, we can report the ass. I also set it to force non-authors to do a captcha, so if it was automated, that should help some too.

Matt McMinn said...

Oh, and swearing is cool.

Simon Hawk said...

Thanks Matt, and yeah, swearing is cool, dont apologize.

Deurack said...

well, he had a name but when I clicked on the login name to see who it was, it re-directed me right back to that website, so I just deleted everything.


Matt McMinn said...

Well, I went ahead and reported that guy. Unfortunately, we can't just ban him - but, take pleasure in the fact that he's an idiot. His website "scanned" my "windows PC" for viruses, which is funny since I don't run windows. The next step that we could take if this becomes a problem is just inviting people to comment, which is kind of a pain, or moderating comments, which is also a pain, so we'll just have to see how it goes.

Deurack, post your level 8 death match again, I'd love to read about it and see what the heck it's about.