Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to tell if you play too much NWN...

1. You're pissed off at life because you were born with a Charisma of 9.

2. You were held back in the 3rd grade because your ECL penalty was 2.

3. You think sharks are vicious animals that can roam on land but spend most of their time in desert oases.

4. Your wife/girlfriend thinks you're a complete dork.

5. Before you go into to a bar, your friends have to wait for you to "buff".

6. Your best pick-up line is, "Hey, what's your build?"

7. You tell the guy that looked at your girlfriend's ass that you're going to PK him in the parking lot.

8. (*correction to #7 above*) You don't have a girlfriend.

9. You ask the bank what the Dollar to Beryl exchange rate is.

10. When asked how hunting season was, you refer to the animals you saw as "spawns".

11. You memorize Bigbys Grasping Hand at ladies night.

12. You think XP stands for experience, not Microsoft's operating system.

13. You refer to your friends as Guild Members.

14. People at school ask what classes you're taking, and you say, "Fighter, bard, and red dragon disciple."

15. You refer to your masters degree as an 'epic level'.

16. You say "Ding!" on your birthday.

17. You refer to your room as your "claimed territory".

18. You ask for a Heal Kit instead of a Band-Aid when you cut yourself.

19. You sleep on the ground while fully clothed.

20. While singing karaoke, you receive bonuses to your AC, AB and saving throws.

21. You told your boss you wouldn't be coming in to work today because you failed your
save versus disease.

22. You refer to your banker as "Guzz".

23. You're jealous because your ex-girlfriend is dating Evard and she brags about his "black tentacle".

24. When asked to lift weights in gym class, you claim you can't because you're a "dex build".

25. You get most of these jokes.


Simon Hawk said...

You have a Blog!

Deimonos said...

oh my god, thats hilarious!!

Deurack said...

NICE! Some of those made me really laugh :-)