Monday, March 17, 2008

The Nature of Evil

A couple days ago, I'm running through the Newport sewers trying to grab a couple of levels when I come across a group of three characters. My character being chaotic evil, I didn't hesitate to PK them. After quickly dispatching the group, I continued along on my merry way for more vampire killing and leveling. Although I didn't steal their gold or stay around to pester them, I received a hailstorm of verbal abuse over 'tells' and via 'shouts' on the server.
Yesterday, one of the guys I PKed named Padrier (login name aka98) starts chastising me for PKing them, demanding I give a good reason (and not "because it was funny"). Being the gentleman that I am, I tried explaining the situation: a chaotic evil PC comes across someone weaker than himself- nuff said. Well, Padrier goes into a 10 minute diatribe about how you shouldn't PK someone lower level than you and that because his character is chaotic evil, I shouldn't have killed him because "you can't kill someone of the same alignment." I said I was sorry that his ass was still chapped about the whole ordeal, but I refused to apologize for doing it. He said PKing like that will cause people to "get upset and quit the game." Look, Padrier, there are plenty of no PvP servers out there. Also, the Badlands RPG PvP rules are MUCH more strict than most PvP servers that allow it. If he didn't like what happened to him on Saturday, he wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes back in the Razius Sewers of Death days.
I can't go into detail about all of his complaints, but I will say it was an endless stream of whining and crying. One thing that I thought was completely off-base was his bitching about how casters are worthless on the server because "everyone has spell resistance, so it's not fair." I'm sorry, but IMO casters in the BL are some of the toughest badasses around. They're also usually the only ones that can kill bosses.
So if you see Padrier, tell him Elric Darkfyre sends his regards. But don't PK him, unless you want to listen to someone grovel and whine for 30 minutes.
BTW, if you want to learn more about the chaotic evil alignment, check out this summary on NwN wikia: Chaotic evil
I would say I was completely playing my alignment. You be the judge.


Garble said...

It’s good to play your alignment. But there’s a fine line between Roleplaying Chaotic Evil in a funny way and being a relentless ass hole. I think that if you started camping the Dozo Ruins and killing new players I’d have to try and blasty yur face face. On the other hand if you happen across some PC’s, kill one of them and than rant on shout about your phenomenal cosmic power etc. etc. you’re well within your rights. My chaotic evil rule is that if PK’ing you gets boring I’ll drop you some cash and leave.

On a totally unrelated note my next caster build will specialize in Petrifaction. You’re not actually dead when you’re stone so you can’t respawn AND if I turn you invisible monster’s won’t attack you. Nice way to make Oki’s into bait for other Oki’s.

Simon Hawk said...

You weren't "Griefing" anyone so I'd say you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't use a level 50 to pk a lowbie, so again no big deal. It sounds like you were close in level to Padrier, so if he had a crappy character then to bad so sad.

I remember getting PK'd in the sewers by Uber-level Razius-Asshole builds, that sucked because he'd steal your gold AND he'd keep PK'ing you if you'd walk down there.

Truth be known that one of the big reasons I kept playing on BL was so I could have a 'shot' at killing Razius-Reyer-the-Buttplug-buyer. But that never happened because he "dissapeared" before any of us finally figured out what the hell we were doing.

Jim Brannick said...

I agree that there is definitely some "etiquette" when it comes to PKing someone. The server has changed a lot in order to try and enforce that etiquette (mainly due to the actions of some prior to the server crash). For example, most of the lowbie levels are No PvP. The Crystal Coast (I think) is the first place where another PC can actually attack you (correct me if I'm wrong). So the days of slaughtering level 2's and 3's in the Dozo ruins are gone- For which I think we are all glad. Also, you must now be within 5 levels of someone you PK.. otherwise the server will drop a shout on you and you'll accrue PK points.
But Garble, don't you think your petrification idea is pretty sadistic? I mean, it's one thing to run by, bash someone, then leave... it's another thing to petrify them forcing them to stand there and not be able to do anything until you rest. Now that's just plain mean!

Jim Brannick said...

Now that we've mentioned Razius a few times, I'd like to invite Deurack, Deimonos, or Darian to enlighten everyone with an abbreviated "Rise and Fall of Razius". It's a really good Shakespearian bed-time story that I think all will enjoy.

Deimonos said...

Relying on specific spells to pk is not a good strategy my friend. Badlands' upgrade system lets you get +15 on your saves, so it's really not a good idea. You can use them for lvling.. they will make your trip way easier.

Alongside Crystal Coast, we may add Dungeon of Despair as one of the first PvP areas.

About Raz's tale.. I already wrote it. If any of you could give me contributor status I'll post it for your delight..

Garble said...

Yeah, spells with saves are useless in PvP on badlands because of the +21 to all saves. +5 on 2 rings and an amulet and + 12 to your con, wis, and dex give you a new +21.

But it's a fun plan for A-holes.

Deimonos said...

Indeed, Garble. Good point.
You can get most of the annoying players with that.
I bet, Rome Ledak and his epic druid with his uber AC17 wouldn't stand a chance against you..

Deurack said...

Another fun thing to do with a Mage is cast 'Extended Bigby's Forceful Hand' on Dex builds...or just lowbies you dont like. A level 20 Caster will have the poor victim on his back for 40 rounds...that's a while.

Lord help the poor schmuck if the caster also happens to have Rogue levels and some points in Pick Pocket...

Simon Hawk said...

It's funny that you mention that Deurack. I was thinking the exact same thing after Darian was showing me some mage fighting tactics.