Friday, March 28, 2008

" Free Traders " Guild now a Broad Church

Hiya, Blade here :)

Thankyou Simon for inviting me to contribute.

I have become the new Guild Leader of "Free Traders", and have changed the entry requirements to the guild, basically because I didn't know any better, and also to suit myself.

Free Traders used to be a sort of "Neutral " Guild, but i have all my chars in it now, and have invited several of my friends from the Dalakora server to join me with their chars. I have tried to create a refuge for those players who are seeking the protection of "Guild Colours", from the attentions of PKers etc. DMs Darian, Deimenos, Terry are aware of the fact that my guild has all alignments in it at present, but i am seeking to make the new workings of the guild as transparent as possible, to avoid any misunderstanding or transgressions on my part.

An example therefore of a player who does not "Fit the Mold " of Free Traders now is RAZ. He will not enjoy the protection of the guild, due to his reputation and past actions especially regarding the PKing of low chars in the Newport Sewers etc. He will be EXPELLED forthwith, as soon as i can do it.

I hope that the fact that "Free Traders " is perhaps now the Largest Guild and has chars in it from Lawful Good ranging to Chaotic Evil will not cause any problems for the Game at large. We undertake not to be too " Ambitious"

I would most welcome any comments regarding all of the above, and maybe a broadening of the topic to include Guild matters in general.

All the Best ..........Blade :)


Deurack said...

"Here Here, three cheers for the Blade!"

Ok, all silliness aside, that's cool. I remember before the crash there was a guild that accepted all alignments, but I cant remember what it was called. It was basically what you just discribed, a group of people banding together for strength in numbers.

I will, however, issue a word of caution. There are those in other guilds that see a 'guild color aura' as a sign that says...

"If You PK Me, You Dont Get Any PK Points Regardless of What Level You Are!!!"

I have NO idea who those reprobates and degenerates are, or what guild they might belong to, I'm just saying...I've heard things...

yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it...

Deimonos said...

Ok Blade, you made your point.

Hey Deurack, you mean Defenders of "Ligh" or House of The Red Sun? I knew DoL was a good guild, but never really figured out Red Sun's alignment..

Indeed, what Deurack has just described shows how evil some people can be.. <_<

Talon said...

ive got banned from the server see if you can find out why

Deurack said...

DoL was a good guild, House of the Red Sun was an Evil guild. They were pretty powerful and active for a while, but then the good players started to leave and the guild went inactive. I was really thinking about re-making HotRS instead of House Thanatos, but when I read what "Thanatos" is, I just had to name the guild that :-)

Terry17 said...

The Neutral guild you are thinking of was probably Adventures Anonomous. It was headed by Grok Riftwalker. He was the first totally earned level 60 character on the server. He was lost to the Hard Drive failure. He was on Account : Terry17

I miss that grumpy orc.