Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A screenshot view of last night's adventures

After killing a boss, some of us (not me) ended up getting pummeled by hordes of freaking polar bears because some people don't know how to sneak.

After that, we went on a bit of a rampage, and a couple people left, leaving poor Sheccol and Drake Vega to find something fun to do. So we decided to kill troglodytes - well, Vega killed them, Sheccol just kind of stood around. After a little while, we were joined by Grond. At this point, we started getting shit dropped on us by the DM Ari. In the space of about 30 minutes we fought several armies of LeShay's...

...the drow weapon master...

...FGBA and several cronies...


...Dark Ryuji (here I am turned to stone)...

...ard several others. After we got bored with that, we headed back to Dozo for some coversation and fun. And then (be sure to read the conversations as well)...

What's this? Server Information gone mad!

It's a horrible scene...

...leading eventually to Vega getting chased by half of Dozo.

Including some of the slave people.

Actually, most of the slave people.

So while not much was accomplished once bosses started flying around like darts, a good time was had by all.


Simon Hawk said...

That all happened after I logged out? Holy crap, hilarious!

Simon Hawk said...

Nothing more embarassing than being lvl 35 and dead underneith a pile of polar bears.

Jim Brannick said...

Wow... where do I begin...
First off, thanks Sheccol for all the screenshots. Also, that's to Ari DM for turning every NPC in Dozo hostile to Drake- LOL
After last night, I've made the following observations:
1. Sheccol is an xp leech.
2. Ari DM gets bored and spawns (literally) an army which totally crashes my client.
3. Grond is a good dev crit Barbarian, dies ALOT, and (I stand by this) has small balls for an Ogrillon
4. The Server Information chick in Dozo is a PK bitch!
5. Sheccol is an xp leech.

Deimonos said...

A good night huh?

Deurack said...

Grond not only has big, bulging Ogrillion balls which the good creator bestowed upon him, but he also has 5 sets of Beholder Balls, each weighing 100 lbs and having magical powers.

So there.