Monday, June 23, 2008

Module Building.

Ok all you DM's and module builders, this question is for you.

How do you fix the NPC's in the module to NOT attack you if a PC accidentally does?

I've got an issue where every NPC throughout the entire MOD will be permanently pissed if one of them is attacked on accident (or on purpose depending how you look at it.)

I've got my brother working on his Reign of Gods mod again, we've found a bunch of pre-written scripts online that will fix alot of existing issues but nothing to fix or change the NPC faction/reaction thing.

Any help is appreciated.


Jim Brannick said...

When you add an NPC or merchant to a module, the toolset gives it a default "faction". Usually, this will be commoner or merchant (or something like that). If you attack and become hostile towards an NPC, then all the NPC's with that faction will attack you on sight. For example, most of the NPC's in Dozo are part of the same faction and will attack you if you attack one of them. However, NPCs in Newport are in a different faction, so if you port there, they will not attack.
To solve your problem, go into the "properties" of a specific NPC and modify their "faction" so that it is unique to that NPC or that area.
But, as I've learned in the Badlands, it's usually not a good idea to attack an NPC!

Simon Hawk said...

Ok, thats cool for now, but I'm wondering if there's a way to just make them sit there like nothing happens. It's a pain in the ass to deal with angery NPC's. We're trying to make this as trouble free as possible, and eliminating that aspect would be great.

Qwildurn said...

You can also set them as a "plot" character. This makes them impossible to hurt and they will never defend or attack.

As far as BadLands RPG is concerned, I've spent a lot of time trying to convert the NPC's over from this "furniture" state so that they will defend themselves and their towns. I've started in Dozo and never actually finished. Try attacking a bench in Dozo and see what happens.

Remember: It's BAD-lands not SOFT-lands.

Simon Hawk said...

Excellent, thats what I'm looking for. We'll give it a try tonight. Thanks Q!

Qwildurn said...

Simon, BadLands was allways just like what you are asking. I changed it. I got tired of noobs doing stupid stuff, most of which is not allowed as per Leafs Rules. I wanted cosiquences for actions. Sometimes one little change has a larger impact than it seems it should. But I must admit, it is too funny to whatch a noob step out of the Oasis Resort, attack the first NPC they see, and then complain because they died. Most of the Dozo NPC's are only level 9 or so. A few like the Server Lady are BOSS level and will rip up Bruce.


Simon Hawk said...

Noobs doing stupid stuff will never be in short supply, that's for sure. :)

But until we finish (if possible)we've gotta keep things like angry NPC's on the back-burner.

Our main goal is finishing the rest of the areas, and then ironing out the bugs for bosses/items/ect...

Right now we could have the beginning portion playable by towmorrow if we don't have any problems. And then 2 weeks maybe to wrap-up the unfinished business before we start expanding.

Everyone here is invited to try it out when it's up and running, it'll be password prortected at first (We'll let any of the BadLands regulars know what it is. We'd like to get your opinions and such and make any changes before making it public (if we do).

Cohort Mandibles said...

Hopefully I can get my computer to open up the toolset, or I won't be building much of anything. I knew I shouldn't have upgraded my videocard.

Simon Hawk said...

It'll be alright.

Cohort Mandibles said...

It better be. I spent forever on that module. If the file's corrupted I'm going to kill.

Simon Hawk said...

Q, Speaking of BAD-lands. I just ran into the wizard on the second story of the Newport Library, I learned in a hurry that it's not a good Idea to threaten them. :)))

I can't believe I've played here that long and never knew about it.

Deimonos said...

noob DETECTED! lol
Actually, that little wiz is nasty.
One day, some guy said something she didn't like, little one got mad and the guy ran. The runner was fast, he was almost reaching the stairs. She took 2 steps, started casting a spell and bam, the guy was dead.
I'm guessing Blindsight, True Seing, Spot 255 and X-Ray Vision..

Btw, what u gonna call ur mod?

Simon Hawk said...

haha, yes, that'd be me! :)) But thats what I like about BadLands. Im still finding stuff after all this time.

The name of the mod is "Reign of Gods". We'll probably have it up towmorrow around 8pm eastern time.

Deurack said...

this gonna be a totally new mod or something to be added to Badlands RPG?

Simon Hawk said...

It's something that my brother started and he and I kinda picked it back up and started working on it again. It's in the very early stages right now but I think it'll be fun.

Qwildurn said...

The wizard on the second story of the Newport Library.

I'm LMAO at most this talk. The way I did the death script, she skips ALL the normal checks and just does an instant kill. The rest is for show. One guy (dead) complained about being killed by magic he is immune to. All I can say is that she has POWERFULL MAGIC.
You piss her off, your dead. Simple as that.