Saturday, June 21, 2008

The New ISP Is Up And Running

The new ISP, Verizon FiOS is working now. Players are logging on as I write. I'm getting most of the 15/15 they promised, about 14/14. With the old cable service I was getting 10/1 which is nothing to complain about actually. Oh yeah, and my faster service is costing me the same amount of Gold Pieces. After all the bullshit I, and you went through it was a failed part that Verizon was responsible for.

My Web Page is not working because Verizon has block the Web Port (port 80). I will need to find a hackers way around this.

My new email is:
My old email is still working for now:

Yay! It works!



Deurack said...

Praise Jehovah! :)

Simon Hawk said...

Hooray! Thanks again Q!

erik!!!! said...

Errr, the server is crashing over and over again.. dunno what's wrong, but I thought I'd let you know Q.

Qwildurn said...

I dunno either. Thans I will look into it.