Monday, June 16, 2008

Simon Says.

Well, yesterday was a day of 'firsts'. I usually do cool stuff when nobody I know is around to witness it. Usually it's the other way around, if I do something totally ridiculous EVERYONE and their brother is around to see it. Oh well.

1.) Finally figured out how to claim the Maze of the Lost. OMG, I must be dumb but it's so freakin' obvious now. My caster had an ace up her sleeve that I totally overlooked. I was sitting there just scrolling through the different options and was like "oh yeah, duh". So watch out, Arcane Brotherhood should hopefully own the maze more often. :P

2.) Solo killed Dark Ryuji, damn it was hard and took a few tries but I did it. Im thinking I need a few more levels (Like 10 more) to be more effective with that specific character.

3.) Solo killed Meph, he was easy (mega minions are a pain), I don't know why I never tried doing it before.

4.) I learned that I still really really suck balls at PvP. The next few weeks I want to devote to PvP training and tactics. Next time Paine Killer won't be so lucky. :P.

All in all it was a productive weekend (as far as gaming is concerned), and thanks again to Q for hosting the BadLands. Even though there are some bugs to work out, with a little patience all the new hardware and ISP speed with be totally worth it. Hang in there everyone and try not to give Q TOO much grief (well, maybe a little at least).


erik!!!! said...

It wasn't luck.. :p

Terry17 said...

Paine Killer,

It wasn't luck for me either.

Borg Master.

Simon Hawk said...

ukcanuk2, yeah it was luck.

Mostly BAD luck....on my part. :)