Monday, March 31, 2008

The Fabled Level 8 Death Match

Well, here’s a quick blurb about the Level 8 Death Match that happened this week.

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s a new thing the DM’s are doing on occasion. Everyone that wants to participate creates a new character. They are given 10,000 gold and enough Xp to get to level 8. Then, when everyone is ready, we all get ‘ported’ to a new PK arena the DM’s have made. Sometimes the action is Team Based, sometimes its Last Man Standing free-for-all. This week it was Last Man Standing.

It was pretty fun, we had about 10 people participate. Hopefully that sort of thing will happen more in the future, as it really makes people think. How good a build can you make in 8 levels? It’s a challenge, and most importantly, Its something Different! We all know how cool RPG’s are, but we also know how stale games can get. Something Different usually = Something Good and Fun!

So Kudos’ to the DM’s! Keep it up, I had a blast!


Simon Hawk said...

The level 8 death matches are pretty fun, plus you get a sweet level 8 character out of the deal. It's been challenging to come up with a decent build in 8 levels, and with that I will cut to the chase.

How in the hell does some make a Fargin' Iron Golem in 8 levels? I did some checking and the only thing I can see is using the Polymorph Monster sub-race which is ONLY available to Beta people. Curious minds want to know.

Deurack said...

I was the one who made the Iron Golem :-)

I can promise you that it is entirely possible, and that I have no Beta abilities at all. You can figure it out if you think about it.