Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hellie and Bers Apsis Tep Commiserate with an Oki about a problem of a personal nature


Simon Hawk said...

Holy crap, that is hilarious looking.

Deurack said...

Wow, that actually made me laugh out loud...Nicely done

Jim Brannick said...

STDs seem to be going around the Badlands these days. For example, Drake got the clap from the Gypsy Mage in Newport. Seemed she couldn't get enough of his "undead graft".

In fact, I think a lot of the Badlands' wenches have some STD or another. You're really only safe if you play a monk... "Purity of Body" lets you bed any wench you want!

Simon Hawk said...

Any reason you didn't mention "The Server Lady"? :)

lol at the undead graft, yet another way to tell if you play to much NWN.