Saturday, October 25, 2008

Badlands Lives Up To Its Reputation

Recently a number of nasty pvp interactions have been going on. And we all love it.
Try to remember the basic code most people follow.
1. Accept defeat with some dignity.
2. Heal kit spamming and spawn running is considered most embarrassing.
3. If you need allies , rely on friends or guild members. Don't cry ( see rule 1)
4. Try to fight someone about your own level or you will be hunted soon after.
5. Enjoy it .... and remember its a game.

Personally I got owned more than I like. So if you think you had a good start to the weekend , I will settle the score.


Simon Hawk said...

Funny thing is, with all this PvP shit going on, it reminds me of the 'Pirates Code' from the film Pirates of the Caribbean. Yeah there are some vague 'rules' that exist, but most are bent or totally broken to suit your own needs in the heat of battle.

I picture BadLands as this wild west / Pirate world where pretty much anything goes, and if you are weak willed you'll perish, or be crying for mommy.

And on a side note, if anyone sees Dano, let him know that I have a new bottle of Johnson & Johnson No More Tears shampoo and a fresh pair of Huggies for him.

Deimonos said...

With a new guild sytem in place, joining a guild will be more appealing and pvp will come naturally.