Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Jak Attack

Here’s the story of what happened with Nephthys Ellow lvl 17-18 (Halfling Rogue) vs. Jakle lvl 21 - 22, (shades wiz/monk, with disarm)

1.) I’m XP’ing in the beholder caves, minding my own business as usual.
2.) Jakle walks up and says “invite”. And being the wonderful person that I am, I oblige.
3.) Jakle ends up being higher level than me, my xp drops from 800 per kill to 600. I politly ‘leave’ the party, I do not boot the person.
4.) Jakle aks “why?” I explain, he says “ok, I won’t take all the spawns”. Im thinking, whatever.
5.) Simon hears a loud noise on the roof of his house and stupidly leaves his rogue standing un-manned to go investigate.
6.) Simon returns to see his rogue surrounded by many beholders and Jakle bashing it.
7.) Simon quickly realizes Nephthys has NO WEAPONS. And immediately runs for the weapon shop.
8.) Jakle sends Simon a “tell”. “To be honest, I didn’t want to share, and I needed the money”
9.) Witty banter ensuses.
10.) Deimonos logs in 2 minutes after this has happened with the same lvl range char as Simon, they party and start XP’ing.
11.) Jakle sends a ‘Shout’. “Which shop buy for the highest price?” Yep, he’s gonna go and sell my weapons for money. He was wondering if there’s a shop behind a locked door in Newport.
12.) Jakle private messages Deimonos asking if he can pick locks, lol, Deimonos using his quick-wit lures Jakle back into the beholder caves where we are waiting for him.
13.) Nephthys & Margo (Deims cleric) start bashing Jakle. Jakle starts running like a bitch. Nephthys literally chases Jakle through most of UD yelling “Run Bitch!”
14.) Jakle escapes due to his great speed and hides up in mountain slide (I think)
15.) Margo the cleric makes her way up to mountain slide and finishes him off. LoL, nice job.

Jakle had said before most of that had happened that he was an old BadLands player from 3 years ago and that he planned on “Taking it all back”. Good luck, my friend. Good luck.

After getting bashed he wanted to be friends and even offered to return my Kukri.

I had to then let him know that the Kukri held no sentimental value to me.


Simon Hawk said...

Thats the basics of it. I'm sure I left out some details, so if you have something to add, go for it Deim. :)

Deimonos said...

Hmm, I got his tell but didnt have time to answer it. When I was about to reply something, he just appeared back into the caves and came straight to me, trying to disarm and attack me, missing every single attempt.
So you back stabbed him a couple of times while I buffed and after one hit, he ran fast, mega spawned beholders everywhere. I tried to follow and got turned into a stone seconds later.. lol

After I came back for my gold, I ported to ud sanctuary to come back from the entrance of the cave, but I saw him just standing there, near the gate. 2 hits and he was running around, til he ported to dozo-warfields-crumple-upper mines.

I followed and fully buffed bashed him to oblivion.
That's pretty much it. Then he resumed his xp'ing and left us alone.

He did his thing, we did ours. All around the same lvl range. No massive heal kit spamming, mega spawning.
Except for the "let's be friends" thing, he was ok.

darianthebold said...

Indeed ..sounds like jakle is the kinda guy to meet soon.

Jim Brannick said...

Now THAT'S how you right a PK story in a fully understandable Play-by-play fashion.

The disarm feat is something I haven't seen used much in the BL (I know it's prevalent in some other servers I've visited). It presents some interesting challenges for builds with low disciplines and small/tiny weapons.

Qwildurn said...

Don't you just love to hate these brave cowards?

And the disarm was changed recently. If you roll a 20 on disarm, the weapon drop on the ground, not in the attackers pack. Otherwise it drops in the owners pack.

Simon Hawk said...

The only thing I was pissed about was not taking my own damn advice about "not leaving your toon standing around with its thumb in its butt." It's all my fault for gettng jumped like that. lol!

Live & Learn, live & learn.

I now carry multiple kukris "just in case" lol.