Saturday, October 18, 2008

Subraces txt file

I have a request for Q:
Would it be possible to update the DAR subraces text on your website with the latest subrace listing on the Badlands?


Qwildurn said...

Done! :)

DARII subraces used in BadLands RPG.
Role Play Game Server
(light role play, heavy hack-n-slash)
To get a printable copy of this
document, visit our web at:
This is a list the subraces currently
programed into the DARII Subrace Engine.

ECL (Effective Character Level)

ECL --1 == 10% XP bonus - lvl 61
ECL 0 == normal leveling speed - lvl 60
ECL 1 == 10% XP Penalty - lvl 59
ECL 2 == 20% XP Penalty - lvl 58
ECL 3 == 30% XP Penalty - lvl 57

ECL is a way of balancing Sub-Races with
better racial qualities. The ECL penalty
is an XP drop. Each ECL point is 10% XP.
A race with ECL 1 gets 10% less XP than
ECL 0. The 7 standard races are all ECL
0. It is possible for a poor race to be
ECL -1 giving them 10% more XP.

BioWare (NWN) will subtract another
10-20% XP for multi-class penalty
depending on how far apart your levels are.


Wings and tails will be allowed for certain
races. Most Sub-Races and Monster Races
that get a NEW BODY have a male/female
version. Some only have one gender.

I plan on adding more subraces for you to
play. DAR II is set up so I can invent
new races. Please let me know what you

To use play as a subrace:
1. Build a new character.
2. Select the approriate main race.
3. Finish building your new character.

After you enter the server, talk to the
slaves and they will help you set your
sub-race name.

Finally: You must talk to the Master
Slaver. Even if you are NOT a sub-race,
the Master Slaver MUST re-log you.

Example: If you are Human, talk to the
Human Slave. He will have all the options
valid for a Human to select.

Until you get XP, you can re-select the
type of sub-race you want to be. After
you get XP you cannot select a sub-race.

=== EXAMPLE ===
Example: To build an Arctic Dwarf
1. Build a Dwarf and enter the server
2. Talk to the Dwarf Slave and select
Arctic Dwarf
3. Talk to Master Slaver
4. The Master Slaver will give you your
starting gold and XP and re-log you.
5. After you log back in, check your
stats to see if you got what you
6. Now that your back you may start
your adventure.
=== end example ===

Do not use the ID number as part of the
Sub-Race name. The ID is internally uesd.
You will see this ID number at log-on.

=== DAR RACES ===
The following Sub-Races get a body
change. Most get a monster body while
others get a differant player body or
wings or tail. (*note: only Player Bodies
are customizable to show tatoos, armor,
capes, wings, tails)
A Kobold can have visable wings.

- Azer Dwarf
- Duergar Dwarf
- Dwark (dwarf body)

- Drow Elf

- Svirfneblin

- Orkling (dwarf body)

- Dworc (half-orc body)
- Ogrillon (ogre body)
- Tanarukk (wings)

- Fey'ri
- Elven Sprite
- Air Genasi
- Earth Genasi
- Fire Genasi
- Water Genasi

- Aasimar (wings)
- Tiefling (wings)

- Goblin
- Kobold
- Orc
- Hobgoblin
- Bugbear
- Githyanki (tail)
- Githzerai (tail)
- Polymorph Monster (beta members only)
- Yuan-ti
- Shades
- Goliath (half-orc body)

Names with ID:
-1. Standard races (obsolite)
51. standard dwarf
52. standard elf
53. standard gnome
54. standard halfling
55. standard half-elf
56. standard half-orc
57. standard human

0. New character that has not yet been
processed by DAR II

=== DWARF ===
1. Arctic Dwarf
2. Azer Dwarf (azer body)
3. Deep Dwarf
4. Derro Dwarf
5. Derrzagon Dwarf
6. Duergar Dwarf (duergar body)
7. Gold Dwarf
8. Wild Dwarf
9. Urdunnir Dwarf
28. Dwark (dwarf body)
58. Stone Dwarf
59. Aghar Dwarf
60. Maeluth

=== ELF ===
10. Drow Elf (drow body)
11. Aquatic Elf
12. Gray Elf
13. Wild Elf
14. Wood Elf
61. Kagonesti Elf
62. Dargonesti Elf
63. Dimernesti Elf
64. Snow Elf

=== GNOME ===
15. Svirfneblin (svirfneblin body)
16. Forest Gnome
41: Spriggan Gnome
65. Whisper Gnome
72. Lurid Gnome
73. Underdark Gnome

=== HALFLING ===
17. Tallfellow
18. Deep Halfling
31: Ghostwise
32: Strongheart
33: Boogle
48: Orkling (dwarf body)
49: Athaslan
50: Furchin
66. Wispling
69. Wild Halfling
70. Magi Halfling

=== HALF-ORC ===
29. Dworc (half-orc body)
34: Gray Orc
35: Deep Orc
36: Orog
37: Ogrillon (ogre body)
38: Tanarukk (wings)

=== HALF-ELF ===
27: Half Drow
39: Fey'ri (succubus body)
40: Elven Sprite (dryad body)
42: Air Genasi (element air body)
43: Earth Genasi (element earth body)
44: Fire Genasi (element fire body)
45: Water Genasi (element water body)

=== ANY RACE ===
22. Aasimar (wings)
23. Tiefling (wings)

=== HUMAN ===
19. Goblin (goblin body)
20. Kobold (kobold body)
21. Orc (orc body)
24. Hobgoblin (hobgoblin body)
71. Bugbear (bugbear body)

25. Githyanki (tail)
26. Githzerai (tail)

30: Polymorph Monster (beta members only)

46: Yuan-ti (yuan-ti body)
47: Shades (shadow body)

67. Half Yuan-ti (human body)
68. Goliath (half-orc body)

Races with info:

This was extracted from the scripts that
actually determine what is what....
Hopefully, there are no typing errors. I
cleaned it up --- LOL

This list is grouped by the

********** DWARVES **********
All Dwarfs get Weapon Focus in Dwarven
Waraxe (you will need to take Exotic
Weapon Focus). I wanted to do an
old-school style where a dwarf gets +1 to
Dwarven Waraxe, but it's not possible in
NWN, or I don't know how to.

1: Arctic Dwarf
ECL = 0
STR = 2
CON = -1
DEX = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Immune to cold = 100%
Favored Class = Fighter

2: Azer Dwarf
Appearance: Azer
ECL = 0
Base Spell Resistance = 18
SR increacement per level = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Immune to fire = 100%
Vulnerable to cold = 100%
Favored Class = Fighter

3: Deep Dwarf
ECL = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Will Save vs Magic = 3
Fort Save vs Poison = 3
Favored Class = Fighter

4: Derro Dwarf
ECL = 0
Base Spell Resistance = 18
SR increacement per level = 0
Feat: Blind Fight
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Favored Class = Sorcerer

The Derrzagon Dwarf

Derrzagon Subrace: (Half-fiend + Derro)
Where as Durzagon are a cross breed of
Duergar and an infernal or occassionally
an abyssal Derrzagon are most often a
cross breed of a Derro and a Shadow
Demon with a favoured class of Shadow
Dancer. Essentially weaker but faster,
more alert and cunning than a Durzagon

5: Derrzagon Dwarf
ECL = 0
DEX = 2
INT = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Base Spell Resistance = 18
SR increacement per level = 0
Feat: Blind Fight
Feat: Keen Sense
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Acid Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Fire Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Rogue

Note to self--add Durzagon once I dig up
my Monster Manual II where the stats are

6: Duergar Dwarf
Appearance: Duergar
ECL = 0
CHA = -2
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Skill: Move Silently = 4
Skill: Listen = 1
Skill: Spot = 1
Immune to Paralysis
Immune to Poison
Favored Class = Fighter

7: Gold Dwarf
ECL = 0
DEX = -2
CON = 1
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Favored Class = Paladin

8: Wild Dwarf
ECL = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Fire Resistance = 5 dmg. Resisted
Fort Save vs Poison = 1
Fort Save vs Disease = 4
Favored Class = Barbarian

9: Urdunnir Dwarf
ECL = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Fort Save vs Poison = 2
Favored Class = Cleric

The Dwark is a cross between Dwarf and
Orc, proving once again that enough
Dwarven Ale will make anybody seem
attractive, even a smelly Orc.

If your Dwarc is more Dwarf than Orc,
start with a Dwarf's body.

28: Dwark
Appearance: Dwarf
ECL = 1
STR = 2
CON = 2
DEX = 2
INT = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Favored Class = Fighter

Stone Dwarf

Stone dwarves live underground in complete
darkness. They have a natural talent as
sorcerers and good amount of stamina.

58: Stone Dwarf
ECL = 2
Dex = -2
Con = 4
Wis = -2
Cha = 4
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Favored Class = Sorcerer

Aghar Dwarf

They have strong survival instincts, pride,
endurance, and a will to live. They are known
to be vicious fighters when cornered. They
are generally stupid and often hold menial jobs.

59: Aghar Dwarf
ECL = 1
Str = 2
Con = 2
Int = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Feat: Slippery Mind
Will Save = 2
Favored Class = Barbarian


Solitary beings descended from dwarves and devils.

60: Maeluth
ECL = 2
Str = 2
Dex = 2
Int = -2
Wis = 2
Cha = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Cleric

********** END DWARVES **********

********** ELVES **********

10: Drow Elf
Appearance: Drow
ECL = 1
INT = 2
CHA = 2
CON = -3
STR = -1
Feat: Darkvision
Will Save vs Magic = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 11
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class Male = Wizard
Favored Class Female = Cleric

11: Aquatic Elf
ECL = 0
INT = -2
CON = 2
Favored Class = Fighter

12: Gray Elf
ECL = 0
INT = 2
STR = -2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Favored Class = Wizard

13: Wild Elf
ECL = 0
INT = -2
CON = 2
Favored Class = Sorcerer

14: Wood Elf
ECL = 0
INT = -2
STR = 2
Favored Class = Ranger

Kagonesti Elf

The Kagonesti prefer living in the natural
caves and trees, and never build unless the
situation forces them to. In addition, they
dismantle anything that is unused, in an attempt
leaving the land as they had found.

61: Kagonesti Elf
ECL = 2
Str = 2
Wis = 4
Cha = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Longbow
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Stealthy
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Ranger

Dargonesti Elf

The Dargonest are a race of sea elves.
Their name means "Deep Elves", and they usually
live in deeper water. They are the tallest of all
elves, with males reaching 7 feet and females 6 feet.

62: Dargonesti Elf
ECL = 2
Str = 4
Con = 2
Int = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Fighter

Dimernesti Elf

Dimernesti are very tall for elves, males reaching
6 1/2 feet and females 6 feet. They are heavily built
compared to other elves but slim in comparison to humans.

63: Dimernesti Elf
ECL = 2
Con = 4
Int = 4
Cha = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Combat Casting
Skill: Concentration = 2
Favored Class = Wizard

Snow Elf

These extremely rare elves come from frozen lands and
can withstand low temperatures for long periods of time.

64: Snow Elf
ECL = 1
Dex = 2
Con = 2
Cha = -2
Cold Resistance = 20 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Cleric

********** END ELVES **********

********** GNOMES **********

The Svirfneblin Subrace:
15: Svirfneblin
Appearance: Svirfneblin
ECL = 0
CON = -2
DEX = 2
WIS = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Universial Save = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Monk

16: Forest Gnome
ECL = 0
WIS = 1
CHA = -1
Skill: Hide = 4
Skill: Heal = 4
Favored Class = Ranger

Spriggan Gnome

Spriggan gnomes are an evil gnome sub-type
Originally they had enlarge spells (enlarge
spell is avalable in NWN2) as a natural
ability but this may not work.

41: Spriggan Gnome
ECL = 0
STR = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Skill: Open Lock = 2
Skill: Lore = 2
Favored Class = Rogue

Whisper Gnome

Whisper gnomes outwardly resemble common gnomes,
but they lack the jovial nature and easy outlook
on life that their more common relatives enjoy.

65: Whisper Gnome
ECL = 1
Str = -2
Dex = 2
Con = 2
Cha = -2
Feat: Keen Sense
Skill: Listen = 2
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Favored Class = Rogue

Lurid Gnome

These gnomes come from Lurids area. They
are used to live in the forest and have a deep
connection with nature.

72: Lurid Gnome
ECL = 2
STR = 2
WIS = 2
Feat: Keen Sense
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Druid

Underdark Gnome

These gnomes live in the deep UD underground
and got used to dealing with all the underdark

73: Underdark Gnome
ECL = 2
STR = 4
DEX = -2
CON = 2
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Feat: Darkvision
Favored Class Male = Barbarian
Favored Class Female = Fighter

********** END GNOMES **********

********** HALFLINGS **********

17: Tallfellow
ECL = 0
Feat: Keen Sense
Skill: Move Silently = -2
Favored Class = Bard

18: Deep Halfling
ECL = 0
Feat: Keen Sense
Feat: Darkvision
Skill: Move Silently = -2
Favored Class = Rogue

Ghostwise Halfling

Ghostwise halflings exist in similar roles
on Faerun to wild elves and wild dwarves,
as a more feral version of the species.
Most ghostwise favor barbarian as a class
or ranger due to closer ties to nature.
They come from mostly deep forests
untouched by civilisation. The peculiar
talent ghostwise halflings have is limited
telepathy, which is wasted on Badlands RPG.

31: Ghostwise
ECL = 0
CON = 2
INT = -2
Feat: Keen Sense
Favored Class = Barbarian

Strongheart Halfling

Strongheart halfling exist as more martial
versions of halfings as lightfoot (default)
is rougish and ghostwise barbaric. They are
still halflings but are less nomadic and
flighty and are more prone to cleric, monk
and paladin classes than typical halflings.
Stronghearts come from the strongheart
dominated ancestral halfling land of

32: Strongheart
ECL = 0
WIS = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Exotic Weapons Proficency
Favored Class = Paladin

Boogle Halfling

Boogles are not halflings.
Boogles are expert snatch thiefs that
exist as hairless halfling sized wicked
little guys.
Preferred class is Rogue.

33: Boogle
ECL = 0
STR = -2
DEX = 2
INT = 2
CHA = -2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Favored Class = Rogue

An Orkling is an Orc / Halfling blend.
Orklings are taller than a Halfling and
stronger, but not as big and strong as
an Orc. Orklings look more like a Dwarf
without a beard and are easly mistaken for
Dwarfs. But a true dwarf will allways
attack a Orkling on sight. It is an
unexplainable phenomenon how (or why)
an Orkling can be so wise with the ways
of the world while being otherwise
lacking. Orklings can't hide as well as
the smaller Halfling but do have hightened
An Orkling tends to enjoy being a
Battle-Cleric, while some prefer Druid or

48: Orkling
Appearance: Dwarf
ECL = 1
STR = 2
DEX = -2
CON = 2
INT = -2
WIS = 2
CHA = -4
Feat: Keen Sense.
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Skill: Move Silently = -4
Skill: Hide = -4
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Favored Class = Cleric

Athaslan Halfling

Athaslan are a fierce race, unfriendly to
non-halflings. The Athaslan usually goes
nude (sporting only a shaggy mane of
hair). The Athaslan halflings live a life
more like that of a classic Tarzan style
jungle savage, than that of a normal

Athaslan are well suited to become Rangers
or Shadow Dancers

49: Athaslan
ECL = 2
STR = 2
CON = 2
INT = -2
CHA = -4
Feat: Keen Sense.
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Stealthy
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Barbarian

Furchin (Polar Halfling)

The furchin are the rarest and shortest
lived of all halfling races (80 years
average). They are the only bearded
halflings (beards are a matter of great
pride among the furchin). They live a life
similar to that of the eskimo (furchins
live only in glacial areas). Building
igloos in the winter, and tents in the
summer. Living a migratorial lifestyle,
the furchin are trappers and fishermen
foremost (having no time for the classic
halfling pursuits of laziness).

50: Furchin
ECL = 1
CON = -2
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Cold Resistance = 20 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Sorcerer


These are descended from halflings and demons.
They are small, quick, and deceptive.

66: Wispling
ECL = 2
Str = -2
Dex = 4
Con = -2
Wis = 2
Feat: Improved Initiative
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Monk

Wild Hafling

These halflings are use to live in the wilderness
and rarely leave it for the city.

69: Wild Halfling
ECL = 1
DEX = -2
CON = 2
WIS = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Keen Sense
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Favored Class = Druid

Magi Halfling

These little fellows are smart and keen.
Their unusual curiosity makes them interested
in magic.

70: Magi Halfling
ECL = 2
CON = -2
INT = +4
WIS = +2
Base Spell Resistance = 11
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Wizard

********** END HALFLINGS **********

********** HALF-ORCS **********

All Half-Orcs get Weapon Focus in Double
Axe. It's a favored racial weapon.

The Dwark is a cross between Dwarf and
Orc, proving once again that enough
Dwarven Ale will make anybody seem
attractive, even a filthy Dwarf.

If your Dwark is more Orc than Dwarf,
start with a Half-Orc's body.

29: Dworc
Appearance: Half-Orc
ECL = 1
STR = 2
CON = 2
DEX = 2
INT = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class = Barbarian

Deep orc and Gray orcs come form the
sourcebook Races of Faerun, deep orcs are
also called orogs to confuse things.
Tanarukk is from the Faerun Monsters
Compendium and the ogrillon and orogs
designs are from earlier DnD editions.

Gray Orcs

Gray orcs are a Half-Orc and Orc variety
that were transplanted to Faerun by
magic. They are smarter than standard
Orcs but not as strong. Instead of brutal
combat they are ambushers and mercenaries
for others.

Gray Orcs prefer to be spiritual clerics
rather than more barbaric Orcs.

34: Gray Orc
ECL = 0
WIS = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class = Cleric

Deep Orcs

Deep Orcs are an ecl 2 stronger half-orc
type. Natural selection made Deep orcs
tougher and to survive the Underdark they
have enhanced abilities. Deep Orcs are
fighters and also bards and sorcerers as
well. Many Deep Orcs rejoice in their
Dragon Blood lines and become RDD's

35: Deep Orc
ECL = 2
STR = 4
DEX = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = 4
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class Male = Bard
Favored Class Female = Sorcerer


Orog has been rewritten may times but is
better as a hobgoblin / orc blend. They
traditionally are the shock troops and
commandos in orc hordes.
Orogs make good weaponmasters and
blackguards or assassins.

36: Orog
ECL = 1
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class = Fighter

4. Ogrillon

Ogrillon is the Orc / Ogre blend.
Ogres and Orcs are both known for their
strength and their stupidity. An Ogrillon
looks like an Ogre to show Ogrish
parentage. An Ogrillon can wield a Great
Axe in one hand and a Tower Shield in
the other. (but the left hand item is not
The Ogrillon favors a Greataxe and shield.
Ogrillon make excellent barbarians.

37: Ogrillon
Appearance: Ogre
ECL = 2
STR = 4
CON = 4
INT = -4
CHA = -4
Feat: Weapon Focus Great Axe
Skill: Move Silently = -4
Skill: Hide = -4
Favored Class = Barbarian


Tanarukk is the orc version of a tiefling,
with a demonic ancestry.
Tanarukk make excellent melee characters

38: Tanarukk
Wings = Demon
ECL = 2
STR = 2
CON = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Fire Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Barbarian

********** END HALF-ORCS **********

********** HALF-ELFS **********

Half Drow

Half Drow exist in Faerun in a land called
Dambrath as a legacy of Drow ownership
of a surface realm. The drow retreated
to the darkness but left relatives to rule
for them Half drow retain the feat keen
sense and some spell resistance of 1 per
level. Otherwise they are the same as
standard half elves and have an ecl of 1.
Half drow is a drow and human mix. But
with a little more drow like attributes
than a standard half-elf.

27: Half Drow
ECL = 1
DEX = 1
CON = -1
INT = 1
CHA = 1
Feat: Keen Sense
Feat: Lowlight Vision
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Any


Fey'ri are an elven equivalent of tiefling
but stronger. Fey'ri make excellent
sorcerers and wizards.

39: Fey'ri
(males and females look like female)
Appearance: Succubus
ECL = 2
CON = 2
CHA = 2
Fire Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Any

Elven Sprite

Elves mixed with a fey base become even
more attuned to the forest. Elven sprites
make great rangers and druids.

40: Elven Sprite
(males and females look like female)
Appearance: Dryad
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
CON = -2
INT = 2
WIS = -2
Feat: Keen Sense
Favored Class = Any

Genasi (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)

These are present in Faerun and written
into NWN2. All genasi are like tieflings
but instead of demons are elemental in
nature. All genasi get access to
darkvision also as a feat. All genasi are
ecl 1.
The four types are:
Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

42: Air Genasi
Appearance: Air Elemental
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Sonic = 100%
Favored Class = Any

43: Earth Genasi
Appearance: Earth Elemental
ECL = 1
STR = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Electrical = 100%
Favored Class = Any

44: Fire Genasi
Appearance: Fire Elemental
ECL = 1
INT = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Fire = 100%
Favored Class = Any

45: Water Genasi
Appearance: Water Elemental
ECL = 1
CON = 2
INT = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Acid = 100%
Favored Class = Any

********** END HALF-ELVES **********

********** ALL RACES **********

Any of the seven Player Races can be
the following sub-races.

A sub-race cannot get a second sub-race.
(I've been asked this more than once)

Aasimar (part celestial 25% or less)
Typically a Good race, usually a Paladin.

22: Aasimar
Wings: Bird
ECL = 1
WIS = 2
CHA = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Improved Initiative
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Acid Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Cold Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Elec Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class Male = Cleric
Favored Class Female = Paladin

Tiefling (part fiend - 25% or less)
Typically a Evil race, usually a Rogue or

23: Tiefling
Wings: Bat
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
INT = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Skill: Bluff = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Fire Resistant = 10 dmg
Cold Resistant = 10 dmg
Elec Resistant = 10 dmg
Favored Class = Rogue

********** END ALL RACES **********

********** HUMANS **********
Most monsters must start as a human.

19: Goblin
Appearance: Goblin
ECL = 0
STR = -1
DEX = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Skill Move Silently = 4
Favored Class = Rogue

20: Kobold
Appearance: Kobold
*** can get RDD wings
ECL = 0
STR = -2
DEX = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Skill: Search = 2
Favored Class = Sorcerer

21: Orc
Appearance: Orc
ECL = 0
STR = 4
INT = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat Darkvision
Favored Class = Barbarian

24: Hobgoblin
Appearance: Hobgoblin
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
CON = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Skill Move Silently = 4
Favored Class = Fighter


The biggest and strongest of the goblinoids,
bugbears are more agressive than their smaller
relatives. they live by hinting any creature
weaker than themselves.

71: Bugbear
Appearance: Bugbear
ECL = 1
STR = 2
DEX = 2
CON = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Skill Move Silently = 4
Favored Class Male = Ranger
Favored Class Female = Rogue

25: Githyanki
Tail: Devil
ECL = 2
DEX = 2
CON = 2
WIS = -2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Favored Class = Fighter

26: Githzerai
Tail: Devil
ECL = 2
DEX = 4
INT = -2
WIS = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increacement per level = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Favored Class = Monk

Polymorph Monster (BETA ONLY)

A Polymorph Monster is a Player Controlled
Monster. Each time the player goes into a
new area, the server polymorphs him / her
into the appropriate monster for that
area In the sewers a Polymorph Monster
would be a Vampire. The Polymorph Monster
is not hostile towards other monsters and
is hated by all players and all friendly
NPCs. This is not working yet in BadLands
RPG but the basic pieces work in a test

To build a Polymorph Monster you MUST
have at least one Druid and one Shifter
level. You will need to be able to cast
spells of 3rd lvl in ANY SPELL CLASS to
get Shifter. I have givin you every
polymorph feat and 30 wisdom.

There is a lot of unknown and unfinished
stuff here.

Polymorph Monster is only availabe to DMs
and Beta Members.

30: Polymorph Monster (beta members only)
Appearance: NWN_AARIN
Appearance: ARIBETH
ECL = 0
STR = 0
DEX = 0
CON = 0
INT = 0
WIS = 30
CHA = 0;






Favored Class = NONE
Prestige Penalty = TRUE

Yuan-ti pureblood

This one is my best idea yet ...( I think)
Yuan-ti are the snakemen. Purebloods
would take the appearance of a Yuan-ti
and use that sub-type but have dark skills
Yuan-ti would appear as a Yuan-ti because
that is exactly what purebloods look like.

46: Yuan-ti
(males and females look like female)
Appearance: Yuan-ti
ECL = 2
DEX = 2
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Bard


These are humans that went to the
Demiplane of Shadow and return a little
altered. Shades are diabolical evil
Shades look like a Shadow and are well
suited for any class (but truely being a
Shadow Dancer (for obvious reasons))

47: Shades
Appearance: Shadow
ECL = 2
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 11
SR increacement per level = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Skill: Hide = 2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Vulnerable to Divine = 25% //might be to
vulnerable, but,...
Feat: Self Concealment 10
Favored Class = Wizard

Half Yuan-ti

A Half yuan-ti looks like a human and can walk
on human lands without worrying too much.

67. Half Yuan-ti
ECL = 1
Str = -2
Int = 2
Cha = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increacement per level = 1
Favored Class = Sorcerer


Goliaths are massive creatures unafraid of throwing
their weight around in a fight. Highly competitive,
these strong nomads can prove to be powerful allies
and welcome additions to any adventuring party.
Because of their massive size, they tend to look like
a Half-Orc

68. Goliath
Appearance: Half-Orc
ECL = 2
Str = 4
Dex = -2
Con = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Power Attack
Skill: Discipline = 2
Favored Class = Barbarian

********** END HUMANS **********


Monsters are generally regaurded as lesser
things. Sometimes feared, sometimes hated.
Seldom welcomed or treated with respect.
Usually hunted for sport or food.

Humans espesially have an air of arrogance
about them thinking they are on the top
of the food chain. Most of the "civilized"
races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling to name
a few) tollerate each other. But all look
down apon the crude and ignorant lesser
beings. Hate can be contagious.

If you are a "Sub-Race", you will have a
hard life. Never fitting in, never
belonging. Wanting more than what's
allowed by your culture group, not being
excepted into the next better group.
You will be victomized, hated, outcast.
Not being of "pureblood" you won't fit in
with either side. You might be hated by
your own parents. If your lucky, you
might find a group of ill-fated misfits to
accept you in as one of them.

On a more technical note:
A monster is any LIVING thing that is
NOT in your party and CAN hurt you.

For mechanical reasons only, most Player
Monsters start out as Human. It is easier
to modify the Human Race.

********** END MONSTERS **********

Qwildurn said...

Ok - So I posted the wrong list. That was the list to be used in the next Module Update 095.
I will leave the future list up as a teaser.

This is the current list (094).

DARII subraces used in BadLands RPG.
Role Play Game Server
(light role play, heavy hack-n-slash)
To get a printable copy of this
document, visit our web at:
This is a list the subraces currently
programed into the DARII Subrace Engine.

ECL (Effective Character Level)

ECL --1 == 10% XP bonus - lvl 61
ECL 0 == normal leveling speed - lvl 60
ECL 1 == 10% XP Penalty - lvl 59
ECL 2 == 20% XP Penalty - lvl 58
ECL 3 == 30% XP Penalty - lvl 57

ECL is a way of balancing Sub-Races with
better racial qualities. The ECL penalty
is an XP drop. Each ECL point is 10% XP.
A race with ECL 1 gets 10% less XP than
ECL 0. The 7 standard races are all ECL
0. It is possible for a poor race to be
ECL -1 giving them 10% more XP.

BioWare (NWN) will subtract another
10-20% XP for multi-class penalty
depending on how far apart your levels are.


Wings and tails will be allowed for certain
races. Most Sub-Races and Monster Races
that get a NEW BODY have a male/female
version. Some only have one gender.

I plan on adding more subraces for you to
play. DAR II is set up so I can invent
new races. Please let me know what you

To use play as a subrace:
1. Build a new character.
2. Select the appropriate main race.
3. Finish building your new character.

After you enter the server, talk to the
slaves and they will help you set your
sub-race name.

Finally: You must talk to the Master
Slaver. Even if you are NOT a sub-race,
the Master Slaver MUST re-log you.

Example: If you are Human, talk to the
Human Slave. He will have all the options
valid for a Human to select.

Until you get XP, you can re-select the
type of sub-race you want to be. After
you get XP you cannot select a sub-race.

=== EXAMPLE ===
Example: To build an Arctic Dwarf
1. Build a Dwarf and enter the server
2. Talk to the Dwarf Slave and select
Arctic Dwarf
3. Talk to Master Slaver
4. The Master Slaver will give you your
starting gold and XP and re-log you.
5. After you log back in, check your
stats to see if you got what you
6. Now that your back you may start
your adventure.
=== end example ===

Do not use the ID number as part of the
Sub-Race name. The ID is internally used.
You will see this ID number at log-on.

=== DAR RACES ===
The following Sub-Races get a body
change. Most get a monster body while
others get a different player body or
wings or tail. (*note: only Player Bodies
are customizable to show tattoos, armor,
capes, wings, tails)
A Kobold can have visible wings.

- Azer Dwarf
- Duergar Dwarf
- Dwark (dwarf body)

- Drow Elf

- Svirfneblin

- Orkling (dwarf body)

- Dworc (half-orc body)
- Ogrillon (ogre body)
- Tanarukk (wings)

- Fey'ri
- Elven Sprite
- Air Genasi
- Earth Genasi
- Fire Genasi
- Water Genasi

- Aasimar (wings)
- Tiefling (wings)

- Goblin
- Kobold
- Orc
- Hobgoblin
- Bugbear
- Githyanki (tail)
- Githzerai (tail)
- Polymorph Monster (beta members only)
- Yuan-ti
- Shades
- Goliath (half-orc body)

Names with ID:
-1. Standard races (obsolete)
51. standard dwarf
52. standard elf
53. standard gnome
54. standard halfling
55. standard half-elf
56. standard half-orc
57. standard human

0. New character that has not yet been
processed by DAR II

=== DWARF ===
1. Arctic Dwarf
2. Azer Dwarf (azer body)
3. Deep Dwarf
4. Derro Dwarf
5. Derrzagon Dwarf
6. Duergar Dwarf (duergar body)
7. Gold Dwarf
8. Wild Dwarf
9. Urdunnir Dwarf
28. Dwark (dwarf body)
58. Stone Dwarf
59. Aghar Dwarf
60. Maeluth

=== ELF ===
10. Drow Elf (drow body)
11. Aquatic Elf
12. Gray Elf
13. Wild Elf
14. Wood Elf
61. Kagonesti Elf
62. Dargonesti Elf
63. Dimernesti Elf
64. Snow Elf

=== GNOME ===
15. Svirfneblin (svirfneblin body)
16. Forest Gnome
41: Spriggan Gnome
65. Whisper Gnome
72. Lurid Gnome
73. Underdark Gnome

=== HALFLING ===
17. Tallfellow
18. Deep Halfling
31: Ghostwise
32: Strongheart
33: Boogle
48: Orkling (dwarf body)
49: Athaslan
50: Furchin
66. Wispling
69. Wild Halfling
70. Magi Halfling

=== HALF-ORC ===
29. Dworc (half-orc body)
34: Gray Orc
35: Deep Orc
36: Orog
37: Ogrillon (ogre body)
38: Tanarukk (wings)

=== HALF-ELF ===
27: Half Drow
39: Fey'ri (succubus body)
40: Elven Sprite (dryad body)
42: Air Genasi (element air body)
43: Earth Genasi (element earth body)
44: Fire Genasi (element fire body)
45: Water Genasi (element water body)

=== ANY RACE ===
22. Aasimar (wings)
23. Tiefling (wings)

=== HUMAN ===
19. Goblin (goblin body)
20. Kobold (kobold body)
21. Orc (orc body)
24. Hobgoblin (hobgoblin body)
71. Bugbear (bugbear body)

25. Githyanki (tail)
26. Githzerai (tail)

30: Polymorph Monster (beta members only)

46: Yuan-ti (yuan-ti body)
47: Shades (shadow body)

67. Half Yuan-ti (human body)
68. Goliath (half-orc body)

Races with info:

This was extracted from the scripts that
actually determine what is what....
Hopefully, there are no typing errors. I
cleaned it up --- LOL

This list is grouped by the

********** DWARVES **********
All Dwarfs get Weapon Focus in Dwarven
Waraxe (you will need to take Exotic
Weapon Focus). I wanted to do an
old-school style where a dwarf gets +1 to
Dwarven Waraxe, but it's not possible in
NWN, or I don't know how to.

1: Arctic Dwarf
ECL = 0
STR = 2
CON = -1
DEX = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Immune to cold = 100%
Favored Class = Fighter

2: Azer Dwarf
Appearance: Azer
ECL = 0
Base Spell Resistance = 18
SR increment per level = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Immune to fire = 100%
Vulnerable to cold = 100%
Favored Class = Fighter

3: Deep Dwarf
ECL = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Will Save vs Magic = 3
Fort Save vs Poison = 3
Favored Class = Fighter

4: Derro Dwarf
ECL = 0
Base Spell Resistance = 18
SR increment per level = 0
Feat: Blind Fight
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Favored Class = Sorcerer

The Derrzagon Dwarf

Derrzagon Subrace: (Half-fiend + Derro)
Where as Durzagon are a cross breed of
Duergar and an infernal or occasionally
an abyssal Derrzagon are most often a
cross breed of a Derro and a Shadow
Demon with a favored class of Shadow
Dancer. Essentially weaker but faster,
more alert and cunning than a Durzagon

5: Derrzagon Dwarf
ECL = 0
DEX = 2
INT = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Base Spell Resistance = 18
SR increment per level = 0
Feat: Blind Fight
Feat: Keen Sense
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Acid Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Fire Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Rogue

Note to self--add Durzagon once I dig up
my Monster Manual II where the stats are

6: Duergar Dwarf
Appearance: Duergar
ECL = 0
CHA = -2
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Skill: Move Silently = 4
Skill: Listen = 1
Skill: Spot = 1
Immune to Paralysis
Immune to Poison
Favored Class = Fighter

7: Gold Dwarf
ECL = 0
DEX = -2
CON = 1
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Favored Class = Paladin

8: Wild Dwarf
ECL = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Fire Resistance = 5 dmg. Resisted
Fort Save vs Poison = 1
Fort Save vs Disease = 4
Favored Class = Barbarian

9: Urdunnir Dwarf
ECL = 0
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Fort Save vs Poison = 2
Favored Class = Cleric

The Dwark is a cross between Dwarf and
Orc, proving once again that enough
Dwarven Ale will make anybody seem
attractive, even a smelly Orc.

If your Dwarc is more Dwarf than Orc,
start with a Dwarf's body.

28: Dwark
Appearance: Dwarf
ECL = 1
STR = 2
CON = 2
DEX = 2
INT = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Favored Class = Fighter

Stone Dwarf

Stone dwarves live underground in complete
darkness. They have a natural talent as
sorcerers and good amount of stamina.

58: Stone Dwarf
ECL = 2
Dex = -2
Con = 4
Wis = -2
Cha = 4
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Favored Class = Sorcerer

Aghar Dwarf

They have strong survival instincts, pride,
endurance, and a will to live. They are known
to be vicious fighters when cornered. They
are generally stupid and often hold menial jobs.

59: Aghar Dwarf
ECL = 1
Str = 2
Con = 2
Int = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Feat: Slippery Mind
Will Save = 2
Favored Class = Barbarian


Solitary beings descended from dwarves and devils.

60: Maeluth
ECL = 2
Str = 2
Dex = 2
Int = -2
Wis = 2
Cha = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Cleric

********** END DWARVES **********

********** ELVES **********

10: Drow Elf
Appearance: Drow
ECL = 1
INT = 2
CHA = 2
CON = -3
STR = -1
Feat: Darkvision
Will Save vs Magic = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 11
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class Male = Wizard
Favored Class Female = Cleric

11: Aquatic Elf
ECL = 0
INT = -2
CON = 2
Favored Class = Fighter

12: Gray Elf
ECL = 0
INT = 2
STR = -2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Favored Class = Wizard

13: Wild Elf
ECL = 0
INT = -2
CON = 2
Favored Class = Sorcerer

14: Wood Elf
ECL = 0
INT = -2
STR = 2
Favored Class = Ranger

Kagonesti Elf

The Kagonesti prefer living in the natural
caves and trees, and never build unless the
situation forces them to. In addition, they
dismantle anything that is unused, in an attempt
leaving the land as they had found.

61: Kagonesti Elf
ECL = 2
Str = 2
Wis = 4
Cha = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Longbow
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Stealthy
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Ranger

Dargonesti Elf

The Dargonest are a race of sea elves.
Their name means "Deep Elves", and they usually
live in deeper water. They are the tallest of all
elves, with males reaching 7 feet and females 6 feet.

62: Dargonesti Elf
ECL = 2
Str = 4
Con = 2
Int = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Fighter

Dimernesti Elf

Dimernesti are very tall for elves, males reaching
6 1/2 feet and females 6 feet. They are heavily built
compared to other elves but slim in comparison to humans.

63: Dimernesti Elf
ECL = 2
Con = 4
Int = 4
Cha = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Combat Casting
Skill: Concentration = 2
Favored Class = Wizard

Snow Elf

These extremely rare elves come from frozen lands and
can withstand low temperatures for long periods of time.

64: Snow Elf
ECL = 1
Dex = 2
Con = 2
Cha = -2
Cold Resistance = 20 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Cleric

********** END ELVES **********

********** GNOMES **********

The Svirfneblin Subrace:
15: Svirfneblin
Appearance: Svirfneblin
ECL = 0
CON = -2
DEX = 2
WIS = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Universal Save = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Monk

16: Forest Gnome
ECL = 0
WIS = 1
CHA = -1
Skill: Hide = 4
Skill: Heal = 4
Favored Class = Ranger

Spriggan Gnome

Spriggan gnomes are an evil gnome sub-type
Originally they had enlarge spells (enlarge
spell is available in NWN2) as a natural
ability but this may not work.

41: Spriggan Gnome
ECL = 0
STR = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Skill: Open Lock = 2
Skill: Lore = 2
Favored Class = Rogue

Whisper Gnome

Whisper gnomes outwardly resemble common gnomes,
but they lack the jovial nature and easy outlook
on life that their more common relatives enjoy.

65: Whisper Gnome
ECL = 1
Str = -2
Dex = 2
Con = 2
Cha = -2
Feat: Keen Sense
Skill: Listen = 2
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Favored Class = Rogue

Lurid Gnome

These gnomes come from Lurids area. They
are used to live in the forest and have a deep
connection with nature.

72: Lurid Gnome
ECL = 2
STR = 2
WIS = 2
Feat: Keen Sense
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Druid

Underdark Gnome

These gnomes live in the deep UD underground
and got used to dealing with all the underdark

73: Underdark Gnome
ECL = 2
STR = 4
DEX = -2
CON = 2
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Feat: Darkvision
Favored Class Male = Barbarian
Favored Class Female = Fighter

********** END GNOMES **********

********** HALFLINGS **********

17: Tallfellow
ECL = 0
Feat: Keen Sense
Skill: Move Silently = -2
Favored Class = Bard

18: Deep Halfling
ECL = 0
Feat: Keen Sense
Feat: Darkvision
Skill: Move Silently = -2
Favored Class = Rogue

Ghostwise Halfling

Ghostwise halflings exist in similar roles
on Faerun to wild elves and wild dwarves,
as a more feral version of the species.
Most ghostwise favor barbarian as a class
or ranger due to closer ties to nature.
They come from mostly deep forests
untouched by civilization. The peculiar
talent ghostwise halflings have is limited
telepathy, which is wasted on Badlands RPG.

31: Ghostwise
ECL = 0
CON = 2
INT = -2
Feat: Keen Sense
Favored Class = Barbarian

Strongheart Halfling

Strongheart halfling exist as more martial
versions of halfings as lightfoot (default)
is roguish and ghostwise barbaric. They are
still halflings but are less nomadic and
flighty and are more prone to cleric, monk
and paladin classes than typical halflings.
Stronghearts come from the strongheart
dominated ancestral halfling land of

32: Strongheart
ECL = 0
WIS = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Exotic Weapons Proficiency
Favored Class = Paladin

Boogle Halfling

Boogles are not halflings.
Boogles are expert snatch thieves that
exist as hairless halfling sized wicked
little guys.
Preferred class is Rogue.

33: Boogle
ECL = 0
STR = -2
DEX = 2
INT = 2
CHA = -2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Favored Class = Rogue

An Orkling is an Orc / Halfling blend.
Orklings are taller than a Halfling and
stronger, but not as big and strong as
an Orc. Orklings look more like a Dwarf
without a beard and are easily mistaken for
Dwarfs. But a true dwarf will always
attack a Orkling on sight. It is an
unexplainable phenomenon how (or why)
an Orkling can be so wise with the ways
of the world while being otherwise
lacking. Orklings can't hide as well as
the smaller Halfling but do have heightened
An Orkling tends to enjoy being a
Battle-Cleric, while some prefer Druid or

48: Orkling
Appearance: Dwarf
ECL = 1
STR = 2
DEX = -2
CON = 2
INT = -2
WIS = 2
CHA = -4
Feat: Keen Sense.
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Skill: Move Silently = -4
Skill: Hide = -4
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Favored Class = Cleric

Athaslan Halfling

Athaslan are a fierce race, unfriendly to
non-halflings. The Athaslan usually goes
nude (sporting only a shaggy mane of
hair). The Athaslan halflings live a life
more like that of a classic Tarzan style
jungle savage, than that of a normal

Athaslan are well suited to become Rangers
or Shadow Dancers

49: Athaslan
ECL = 2
STR = 2
CON = 2
INT = -2
CHA = -4
Feat: Keen Sense.
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Stealthy
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Barbarian

Furchin (Polar Halfling)

The furchin are the rarest and shortest
lived of all halfling races (80 years
average). They are the only bearded
halflings (beards are a matter of great
pride among the furchin). They live a life
similar to that of the Eskimo (furchins
live only in glacial areas). Building
igloos in the winter, and tents in the
summer. Living a migratory lifestyle,
the furchin are trappers and fishermen
foremost (having no time for the classic
halfling pursuits of laziness).

50: Furchin
ECL = 1
CON = -2
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Cold Resistance = 20 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Sorcerer


These are descended from halflings and demons.
They are small, quick, and deceptive.

66: Wispling
ECL = 2
Str = -2
Dex = 4
Con = -2
Wis = 2
Feat: Improved Initiative
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Monk

Wild Hafling

These halflings are use to live in the wilderness
and rarely leave it for the city.

69: Wild Halfling
ECL = 1
DEX = -2
CON = 2
WIS = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Keen Sense
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Favored Class = Druid

Magi Halfling

These little fellows are smart and keen.
Their unusual curiosity makes them interested
in magic.

70: Magi Halfling
ECL = 2
CON = -2
INT = +4
WIS = +2
Base Spell Resistance = 11
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Wizard

********** END HALFLINGS **********

********** HALF-ORCS **********

All Half-Orcs get Weapon Focus in Double
Axe. It's a favored racial weapon.

The Dwark is a cross between Dwarf and
Orc, proving once again that enough
Dwarven Ale will make anybody seem
attractive, even a filthy Dwarf.

If your Dwark is more Orc than Dwarf,
start with a Half-Orc's body.

29: Dworc
Appearance: Half-Orc
ECL = 1
STR = 2
CON = 2
DEX = 2
INT = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class = Barbarian

Deep orc and Gray orcs come form the
source book Races of Faerun, deep orcs are
also called orogs to confuse things.
Tanarukk is from the Faerun Monsters
Compendium and the ogrillon and orogs
designs are from earlier DnD editions.

Gray Orcs

Gray orcs are a Half-Orc and Orc variety
that were transplanted to Faerun by
magic. They are smarter than standard
Orcs but not as strong. Instead of brutal
combat they are ambushers and mercenaries
for others.

Gray Orcs prefer to be spiritual clerics
rather than more barbaric Orcs.

34: Gray Orc
ECL = 0
WIS = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class = Cleric

Deep Orcs

Deep Orcs are an ecl 2 stronger half-orc
type. Natural selection made Deep orcs
tougher and to survive the Underdark they
have enhanced abilities. Deep Orcs are
fighters and also bards and sorcerers as
well. Many Deep Orcs rejoice in their
Dragon Blood lines and become RDD's

35: Deep Orc
ECL = 2
STR = 4
DEX = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = 4
Feat: Blindsight 60 feet
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class Male = Bard
Favored Class Female = Sorcerer


Orog has been rewritten may times but is
better as a hobgoblin / orc blend. They
traditionally are the shock troops and
commandos in orc hordes.
Orogs make good weapon masters and
blackguards or assassins.

36: Orog
ECL = 1
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Favored Class = Fighter

4. Ogrillon

Ogrillon is the Orc / Ogre blend.
Ogres and Orcs are both known for their
strength and their stupidity. An Ogrillon
looks like an Ogre to show Ogrish
parentage. An Ogrillon can wield a Great
Axe in one hand and a Tower Shield in
the other. (but the left hand item is not
The Ogrillon favors a Greataxe and shield.
Ogrillon make excellent barbarians.

37: Ogrillon
Appearance: Ogre
ECL = 2
STR = 4
CON = 4
INT = -4
CHA = -4
Feat: Weapon Focus Great Axe
Skill: Move Silently = -4
Skill: Hide = -4
Favored Class = Barbarian


Tanarukk is the orc version of a tiefling,
with a demonic ancestry.
Tanarukk make excellent melee characters

38: Tanarukk
Wings = Demon
ECL = 2
STR = 2
CON = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Feat: Weapon Focus Double Axe
Fire Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class = Barbarian

********** END HALF-ORCS **********

********** HALF-ELFS **********

Half Drow

Half Drow exist in Faerun in a land called
Dambrath as a legacy of Drow ownership
of a surface realm. The drow retreated
to the darkness but left relatives to rule
for them Half drow retain the feat keen
sense and some spell resistance of 1 per
level. Otherwise they are the same as
standard half elves and have an ecl of 1.
Half drow is a drow and human mix. But
with a little more drow like attributes
than a standard half-elf.

27: Half Drow
ECL = 1
DEX = 1
CON = -1
INT = 1
CHA = 1
Feat: Keen Sense
Feat: Lowlight Vision
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Any


Fey'ri are an elven equivalent of tiefling
but stronger. Fey'ri make excellent
sorcerers and wizards.

39: Fey'ri
(males and females look like female)
Appearance: Succubus
ECL = 2
CON = 2
CHA = 2
Fire Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Any

Elven Sprite

Elves mixed with a fey base become even
more attuned to the forest. Elven sprites
make great rangers and druids.

40: Elven Sprite
(males and females look like female)
Appearance: Dryad
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
CON = -2
INT = 2
WIS = -2
Feat: Keen Sense
Favored Class = Any

Genasi (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)

These are present in Faerun and written
into NWN2. All genasi are like tieflings
but instead of demons are elemental in
nature. All genasi get access to
darkvision also as a feat. All genasi are
ecl 1.
The four types are:
Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

42: Air Genasi
Appearance: Air Elemental
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Sonic = 100%
Favored Class = Any

43: Earth Genasi
Appearance: Earth Elemental
ECL = 1
STR = 2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Electrical = 100%
Favored Class = Any

44: Fire Genasi
Appearance: Fire Elemental
ECL = 1
INT = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Fire = 100%
Favored Class = Any

45: Water Genasi
Appearance: Water Elemental
ECL = 1
CON = 2
INT = -2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Immune to Acid = 100%
Favored Class = Any

********** END HALF-ELVES **********

********** ALL RACES **********

Any of the seven Player Races can be
the following sub-races.

A sub-race cannot get a second sub-race.
(I've been asked this more than once)

Aasimar (part celestial 25% or less)
Typically a Good race, usually a Paladin.

22: Aasimar
Wings: Bird
ECL = 1
WIS = 2
CHA = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Improved Initiative
Skill: Spot = 2
Skill: Listen = 2
Acid Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Cold Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Elec Resistance = 10 dmg. Resisted
Favored Class Male = Cleric
Favored Class Female = Paladin

Tiefling (part fiend - 25% or less)
Typically a Evil race, usually a Rogue or

23: Tiefling
Wings: Bat
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
INT = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Skill: Bluff = 2
Skill: Hide = 2
Fire Resistant = 10 dmg
Cold Resistant = 10 dmg
Elec Resistant = 10 dmg
Favored Class = Rogue

********** END ALL RACES **********

********** HUMANS **********
Most monsters must start as a human.

19: Goblin
Appearance: Goblin
ECL = 0
STR = -1
DEX = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Skill Move Silently = 4
Favored Class = Rogue

20: Kobold
Appearance: Kobold
*** can get RDD wings
ECL = 0
STR = -2
DEX = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Skill: Search = 2
Favored Class = Sorcerer

21: Orc
Appearance: Orc
ECL = 0
STR = 4
INT = -2
WIS = -2
CHA = -2
Feat Darkvision
Favored Class = Barbarian

24: Hobgoblin
Appearance: Hobgoblin
ECL = 1
DEX = 2
CON = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Skill Move Silently = 4
Favored Class = Fighter


The biggest and strongest of the goblinoids,
bugbears are more aggressive than their smaller
relatives. they live by hinting any creature
weaker than themselves.

71: Bugbear
Appearance: Bugbear
ECL = 1
STR = 2
DEX = 2
CON = 2
CHA = -2
Feat: Darkvision
Skill Move Silently = 4
Favored Class Male = Ranger
Favored Class Female = Rogue

25: Githyanki
Tail: Devil
ECL = 2
DEX = 2
CON = 2
WIS = -2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Favored Class = Fighter

26: Githzerai
Tail: Devil
ECL = 2
DEX = 4
INT = -2
WIS = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 5
SR increment per level = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Favored Class = Monk

Polymorph Monster (BETA ONLY)

A Polymorph Monster is a Player Controlled
Monster. Each time the player goes into a
new area, the server polymorphs him / her
into the appropriate monster for that
area In the sewers a Polymorph Monster
would be a Vampire. The Polymorph Monster
is not hostile towards other monsters and
is hated by all players and all friendly
NPCs. This is not working yet in BadLands
RPG but the basic pieces work in a test

To build a Polymorph Monster you MUST
have at least one Druid and one Shifter
level. You will need to be able to cast
spells of 3rd lvl in ANY SPELL CLASS to
get Shifter. I have given you every
polymorph feat and 30 wisdom.

There is a lot of unknown and unfinished
stuff here.

Polymorph Monster is only available to DMs
and Beta Members.

30: Polymorph Monster (beta members only)
Appearance: NWN_AARIN
Appearance: ARIBETH
ECL = 0
STR = 0
DEX = 0
CON = 0
INT = 0
WIS = 30
CHA = 0;






Favored Class = NONE
Prestige Penalty = TRUE

Yuan-ti pure blood

This one is my best idea yet ...( I think)
Yuan-ti are the snakemen. Pure bloods
would take the appearance of a Yuan-ti
and use that sub-type but have dark skills
Yuan-ti would appear as a Yuan-ti because
that is exactly what pure bloods look like.

46: Yuan-ti
(males and females look like female)
Appearance: Yuan-ti
ECL = 2
DEX = 2
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Bard


These are humans that went to the
Demiplane of Shadow and return a little
altered. Shades are diabolical evil
spell casters.
Shades look like a Shadow and are well
suited for any class (but truly being a
Shadow Dancer (for obvious reasons))

47: Shades
Appearance: Shadow
ECL = 2
INT = 2
CHA = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 11
SR increment per level = 1
Feat: Darkvision
Skill: Hide = 2
Skill: Move Silently = 2
Vulnerable to Divine = 25% //might be to
vulnerable, but,...
Feat: Self Concealment 10
Favored Class = Wizard

Half Yuan-ti

A Half yuan-ti looks like a human and can walk
on human lands without worrying too much.

67. Half Yuan-ti
ECL = 1
Str = -2
Int = 2
Cha = 2
Base Spell Resistance = 0
SR increment per level = 1
Favored Class = Sorcerer


Goliaths are massive creatures unafraid of throwing
their weight around in a fight. Highly competitive,
these strong nomads can prove to be powerful allies
and welcome additions to any adventuring party.
Because of their massive size, they tend to look like
a Half-Orc

68. Goliath
Appearance: Half-Orc
ECL = 2
Str = 4
Dex = -2
Con = 2
Feat: Darkvision
Feat: Power Attack
Skill: Discipline = 2
Favored Class = Barbarian

********** END HUMANS **********


Monsters are generally regarded as lesser
things. Sometimes feared, sometimes hated.
Seldom welcomed or treated with respect.
Usually hunted for sport or food.

Humans especially have an air of arrogance
about them thinking they are on the top
of the food chain. Most of the "civilized"
races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling to name
a few) tolerate each other. But all look
down upon the crude and ignorant lesser
beings. Hate can be contagious.

If you are a "Sub-Race", you will have a
hard life. Never fitting in, never
belonging. Wanting more than what's
allowed by your culture group, not being
excepted into the next better group.
You will be victimized, hated, outcast.
Not being of "pure blood" you won't fit in
with either side. You might be hated by
your own parents. If your lucky, you
might find a group of ill-fated misfits to
accept you in as one of them.

On a more technical note:
A monster is any LIVING thing that is
NOT in your party and CAN hurt you.

For mechanical reasons only, most Player
Monsters start out as Human. It is easier
to modify the Human Race.

********** END MONSTERS **********