Monday, October 20, 2008

Random Money Tip For Noobs.

So you've managed to earn a few levels on BadLands RPG and you're still willing to keep battling your way through new and exciting lands, but in all your excitment you've managed to run out of money early on making it impossible to upgrade your gear to make life easier. "What ever shall I do!?" you ask, well thats easy, remember all those treasure chests, crates, & coffins early in the game? Yeah, the ones you didn't feel like checking because you were to busy hacking enemies to pieces. Those things are full of useful itmes! REALLY!? yep, they are.

One being gems that you sell for GOLD! cool! The next important thing you may not realize are those pesky blank scrolls, bone wands, and History of Newport books. What good is all that garbage? You don't even have scribe scroll or craft wand skills, and you definatly HATE history. Well, forget about yourself for once stupid! There's a good chance that your local high level mage or other PC would be VERY interested in buying those from you, so make sure you stuff your inventory full and cash in, then when you hit lvl 21 you can upgrade all your junk and become a BadLands Badass!


darianthebold said...

Well have I got a ripper noob tale for you guys.
Its called "CRAZY is as crazy does" , SIR.

Sadly , I heard it second hand... :(
A young, headstrong lad named Crazy gnome2 has been enjoying the server lately. Doing the usual.. killing bosses , dano ...the basics.
Gets a few good builds and starts to guild and inflict some wrath on others.
Then he meets a pissant lvl 2 shout spammer who cant even handle the ruins. So Crazy unloads on him.
UNFORTUNATELY , this particular noob is deimonos , one of the DMs.
Suddenly our friend crazy is in trouble. Hes just mouthed off calling a module maker , long term player and DM a noob .
NOW thats gotta be quality ...foot in mouth disease ...maybe the whole leg.
Crazy slinks off to find some other poor sucka after getting the Baneful Touch of Qwildurn.
Lesson kiddies , be careful who u mock.... sometimes they bite back in the genitals.

Aragwen said...

LOL ... poor guy was so out of his depth ... he did not know where to put his head when he realised what he actually did.

Was quite funny seeing his RL reaction on this side when I told him you just called a DM a noob.

He was like a jellyfish in the pond with the 20 sharks :D

Deimonos said...

I was playing with a lvl 2 that had just finished gearing up and I shouted once looking for a group.
I tried to "grow some noobs", as you usually say, but starting fresh for a change..

Anyways, free will, my friend. You do and/or say whatever you want. Just be prepared to defend yourself if needed to. >)

Simon Hawk said...

Agreed, be prepared to defend yourself if you have diarrhea of the mouth.

Or if you call someone else "chicken". :P

Qwildurn said...

LMAO - I was there too. I didn't even realize the noob was Deimonos at first. I just gave Crazy Gnome a ration of shit for being such a disrespectful asshole. Had I of known it was D being called a noob....

"... You were once a noob too ...
You can hate the character, but don't hate the player behind the character ..."

I still think it should be Character vs Character, not, Player vs Player. When it becomes personal, then it's no longer a game and it's not fun anymore.


Qwildurn said...

Chicken? Last time I called somebody a chicken or coward, I went AFK and got back just in time to see my char fall. I think that reinforces my statement about him are being a chicken or coward.

Then there is the level 35 guy that challenges level 15's to a Arena match.

Or the guy that hunts players well below his own level, looses badly and runs away to Dozo.

Qwildurn said...

Back to the topic of gold to buy better equipment.

There is plenty of stuff to loot as you play. Looting the coffins and chests is only part of it.

Each kill pays a random amount of gold. The higher the monster (as compared to you), the more it will pay. There is a "random gold doubler and tripler" as well. This works at kill time, but only if your hunting above your own level. The higher the monsters level (as compared to you), the greater the chance of a double pay. If you read your server log window, it will say the Gold Doubler payed. If the Gold Tripler pays, it will send out a server wide shout. I have never seen the shout.

Some of the monsters have items on their person to loot. I see players run on past every corpse leaving the loot, then shout asking for free gold.

Certain areas or monsters or chests are richer than others. You're on your own to find those.

Finding an NPC that buys stuff at a good price is, well, they don't all pay the same price. One might pay 100 gold while another pays 150.

I have built plenty of noobs, using only the loot-able gold, and I don't have any problems with gold.