Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Player Etiquette (Guilds)

Here's my random question for the day, is it okay for one player to have his/hers various PC's in different Guilds. One can see the obvious advantages and exploits doing this has to offer.

Your thoughts?


darianthebold said...

Currently players are fully allowed to have the different aligned and playing style toons inside other guilds. The only player who really does this on a large scale atm in zenblade.
If the builds are played to individualistic natures there should be no conflict. But clearly insidious exploit possibilities exist.
Its up to guild leaders to find I guess and stake out the traitors.

Deimonos said...

If the builds are played to individualistic natures there should be no conflict. But clearly insidious exploit possibilities exist.

Indeed. Like inviting a monk/cleric/sd build to Arcane Brotherhood.. or a mage/pm to a Sword and Fist (example) guild.

Qwildurn said...

The server won't allow any single character to be in more than one guild. It's just not mechanically feasible to do it any other way.

The original author of the guild system, did not make provisions for any type of checking to prevent one player from having multiple chars in multiple guilds. It probably would be easy enough to add in, but, like Darian said, I decided to leave it up to the guilds, their leaders and members to police this.

If you can't find a traitor; If you have a spy in your midst; If a non-guild member is buy-selling information; That's not my problem, It's your problem.

It's also up to the high-ranking guild members (those that can invite noobs) to figure out what alignment a person (character, not player) is. Not all can RPG well. Some do RPG well enough to intently trick you so they can get in your guild to spy.

A well built, well played rogue is best for this type of Cloak and Dagger stuff.