Monday, October 6, 2008

Meph's Story of the Underworld of BadLands

The Dwarfs of Badlands, as told by Meph
retold by Glint Eastwood

The history of Dwarfs in Badlands is long. There have been native "beards" for as long as anyone can recall. Dwarven history remained slow with each sub-race governing an aspect of a mountain chain for untold generations. The Wild Dwarf Clans roamed the Mountain Slide. The Duergar empire grew under the mountains, rich from trade and slavery. The nomadic Arctic Dwarfs could be found upon Sheelo. Gold Dwarfs dotted the faces of the mountains and Deep Dwarfs hid in the darkness of the Underdark.

But all things changed.....
The coming of migration lead to swift power changes. The Wild Dwarfs were forced to retreat back in the face of expansion and are on the brink of extinction. The Duergar ranks swelled and spawned another sub-race when Meph's cult induced half-devil breeding to create Derrzagons. The Gold Dwarfs split into a group that fought migration and a group that hid. The few surviving losers of the migration that remained in Badlands are Gold Dwarfs. The hidden Clans begged for Divine Intervention and hid in the mountains as a new offshoot called Urdunnir. Azers appeared as Mind Flayer Thralls guarding the Illithidreum.

The Deep Dwarfs began to feel the pressure exerted from the growing Underdark enemies and sharing space with two Dwarven competitors - the fleeing Urdunnir and the recently appearing Azers. The Derro also appeared and tried to instigate feuds within Duergar society. But the Derrzagon assassins ended the Derro mischief this time.

New migrated Dwarfs soon emerged from the mainland. Finally, a Thrall crossbreed used by Fell Mages and Illithids called the Dwark began to surface at Underdark markets. For the Dwarven nations, things had evolved very quickly. Soon the pre-eminent Dwarf race was the migrated Dwarf and the Duergar (who lost none of their influence). The Wild, Gold, Deep and Arctic Clans shrank in the face of new threats.

posted by Qwildurn for Darian the Bold


darianthebold said...

The dwarf story is nothing more than background for the DAR subraces and is meant to provide most story threads to toons.
I have an arctic dwarf explorer and Underdark trader , a deep dwarf warlord and a derrzagon paladin filled with loathing for demons.
Simply they are story and toon themes to detail characters.

Qwildurn said...

What did not get said clearly, or not at all, is that Darian is inviting all to add their own stories either as a new post or as a comment to an existing story topic. Build on what was said, or start fresh.

Darian's story of the Underworld was written and emailed to me which gave me the idea to write my own story about a newly discovered section of BadLands. In these stories we might find new ideas for building concepts.