Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New BadLands Forums

A player that goes by "Legend" or "Leg" as you may have seen has created an offical forum for all things BadLands RPG. Go check it out and start posting!

I also added a permanent link in the "Neverwinter Links" section of this blog.

BadLands Forums


darianthebold said...

Yeah I joined up .... lets see if the player base joins the forum any faster than the blog comments.

Qwildurn said...

He calls himself "Leg | enD". I missed the play on words to "Legend" until just now. Now that I get it, it's cool.

Leg ran his idea past me before he started it and I will say publicly what I told Leg:

"I was thinking of starting a forum but The Blog came around first (thank you Simon) and seemed to fill the need. What I was going to do was host the forum myself. I think I have all the software necessary. I have the equipment and the bandwidth. I just never got around to doing it.

"We should use Leg's forum as a testing/learning ground for a while. (don't let that stop you from posting stuff)

"By hosting my own forum, I can link it to BadLands and have a section that tracks PVP; Boss; Arena Kills/Deaths and most anything we want. Who is on-line; what level they are...ect...
"Connecting to the database the game uses probably won't be possible by using any free forum and we won't have advertisements to look at either.

"My idea continues to using the players log-name and CD Key as part of the security check. Logging into the game and starting a toon would be enough. Then, after proving you are you, any player could post new topics just like any forum. Of course it would still be public reading."

And just like Leg has done in BadLands RPG Forum there would be sections closed to all except members of that guild and a DM section. You can't see them, but trust me, they are there.

We, Leg and I, will start assigning moderators and offering permissions to guild member so they can access their guild sections. But, until you log in and create an account, we can't do this for you.

Qwildurn said...

The link don't work. Copy and paste this:
