Thursday, October 2, 2008

Update Teaser

I just want to say that we are working on new stuff for BadLands RPG.

Deimonos is doing the majority of the updates now. He has built some more new areas, including a new Outpost. D has built some new quests, mostly for low-levels. There are some new sub-races added, and a few existing have been spruced up. ("Spruce" is a strong and light tree used in the building of early airplanes.) I will let Deimons elaborate on his work.

I am doing what I'm good at, building scripts. I added a new "Favored Class System". I can't actually change Biowares Favored Class structure, it's hard-coded. What this new system does is give out extra XP so Bioware can take it away. The system makes two sets of calculations, to see what Bioware will do and what WE want to do, then adds or subtracts the correct amount of XP. We can set Paladin or Blackguard as a favored class now.

I am currently working on a new, Quest driven, Lich Sub-race. In short, you need to be chaotic/evil and have 20 levels Wizard plus 10 levels Pale Master. Then you need to find some quest items. Becoming a Lich is more than just looking like a Lich. To become a true Lich you must sell your soul to the devil. At which time you die so you can become Undead.

Setting a player to be treated like an undead is no easy task. I have changed some spells like heal/harm to treat a Lich Player like undead. Heal hurts undead while Harm helps undead. Just like Fireball is an AOE spell that tries to hurt everything in its wake, including it's caster, I changed healing circle so that it tries to heal all living and harm all undead. Yes, if a Lich cast a heal spell he might kill himself. LMAO

I am overwhelmed with the total amount of spell scripts that need to be changed. Monster spells, Pulse / Bolt and the like. Turn Undead is sort of working now. Planer Turning needs to be addressed along with Resurrection / Slay Living.

As always, we pre-test everything before it becomes public. Nobody likes a bugged server. And we are in the pre-test stages now.



Deimonos said...

Hey, big update coming and there will be a lot of stuff.
If I can remember everything.. hmm, let me try:

Exactly like Deurack said on the quest related topic, the simple "kill monster and bring me back some piece of it for your reward" is not hard to make and will be done.

I also made a boss like the Dev Beetle, with a drop that you can take to Shorty and he'll give you a fine reward.

Don't forget the new subraces. No monster bodies yet but more variety to elves and dwarves who lacked subs with SR and different stats.

Some small fixes to other issues.. and I know I'm forgetting stuff but these are the major ones.

Almost forgot: "Belph, you not good person!!" :D


Deurack said...

"You kill party! You not good person"

Deurack said...

The great thing about the quests that involve a random item showing up in the inventory of a monster, as opposed to those in which you kill a boss and take the head to someone, is that it keeps people playing/interested longer. A boss you can plan for and go kill. When it's dead, it's dead, and the quest (and therefor the interest the quest generated) is over. But if you're constantly killing monsters, hoping that the next one you kill will have the super rare item that you're looking for to finish the quest you've been working on for so long... well... that can keep the fun going for a while :)

darianthebold said...

I currently believe that the equipment system , while very good , lacks diversity in some areas. Pursuit of hand crafted and possibly individual equipment is always a key motivator in any server ....RPG included.
The items would be great with on-hit stuff and the ability to self maange attack bonus , elemental damage etc.. on above level 21 items. I hope long term we can work together to deeper explore this avenue.
Certainly , atm the administation are very very very busy with improvements.