Thursday, October 2, 2008

Respawn Question

Has there been a change made to the respawn stone/menu making it so that you cant spawn back into an area with a .... what are they called...the thing you claim a territory with? I killed the Medusa tonight and went to claim the territory and ran over some traps which killed me and gave me a good laugh (nicely done, whoever you are) but then it wouldnt let me spawn back into the room. I checked the spawn info and it had no record of my last death.

If that is a change that was made to prevent the theft of territories, I'm all for it. If that is a bug that prevented me from claiming a territory, I'm less for it :)

Nice to be back slaughtering bosses again. Hoping to slaughter some people again the game that is. I'm probably done with janitors for a while. The cops are getting too close.


Deimonos said...

lol.. that was cool..
Know that dano owns most of the fortress atm and he's on everyday, so feel free to hunt him down for keys.. :D

Qwildurn said...

Hmm... Yes, no, no, yes, and sometimes.

Oh geeze, I forgot maybe.

I had to read that twice before I actually understood the question.

The "change" happened so long ago I nearly forgot. It sounds like the Outpost owners set some traps to keep thieves like you out.
Yes, your death inside any territory, even your own is removed from the records to prevent players from being able to respawn back into a territory and claim it without doing the normal work.
If you log-out while inside your Outpost and the property changes hands, you will be ported out at log-on because it's not yours anymore.

You haven't seen the "NEW" changes yet either. Medusa now has the ability to stone any player. The DC is pretty high. Rolling a '1' will get you stoned. Stoned is permanent. Relogging or resting won't help. A server reset won't help either. A player can cast "Stone to Flesh" or beat you into rubble.
Yes, there is a new mini-boss in a new area with a new drop, that helps against Medusa's evil eye. Like real DND, it's not an absolute, but it does help a lot. I think your Constitution, or your Fort Save is the saving DC.
The door to Medusa's prison will stay locked behind you until Medusa dies. Her death unlocks the door so you can walk out. It's not really all that hard to kill Medusa, if she does not turn you into a statue first.

You may want to spend some time reading the update sign. Most of this is documented. I started posting the updates in this Blog as well. There is a permanent slot just for them.


Deurack said...

Thanks Q. Sounds like a good rule to me, keeps people from sneaking back in to claim outposts. It has been over a month or so since I played regularly so I'm still getting the hang of the new rules and areas. I read the update board when I toddled off to kill bosses, looks like there are some fun new areas to explore.

And yeah, I'm well aware of the Medusa's new-found power, but didnt know about the protective item. I gotta go find that thing, will make killing her much less risky...hopefully. I gotta say though, I'm glad to see her get a power bump. A medusa SHOULD be able to stone you permanently unless you get some protection. In literature it's the sneaky and clever protagonist who is able to defeat her, not the brute who just walks up and begins whacking her with a big stick.

darianthebold said...

I am always very happy to see active guild disputes. Theres nothing worse than making a great toon only to have to retire it because no-one wants to just boss kill forever.
Let the tensions escalate and the fireworks commence!