Monday, October 6, 2008

True Adventures to New and Exciting Lands

The Southern Plains and The Grinder Gnomes of BadLands
by Glint Eastwood

The Southern Plains of BadLands are little known to the civilized world. (As if there is anything civilized about BadLands.) The mountains separating the Southern Plains from Dozo are un-navigateable. Few have been commissioned to seek out a route there. Most have never returned. In recent months, after The Terrific Storm, a new path has opened allowing passage up and over the Silver Mountains. Being a High Plains Drifter, I felt compelled to adventure into the knew unknown. Now I have returned with stories that mesmerize the young and befuddle the old. I had to use every bit of my Ranger training and my ability to hide in plain sight to survive the Eastern Plains as well as the Silver Mountain. But it was my charismatic Bard and lore skills that paid off well in the end.

High atop the Silver Mountains, on one of it's many peaks I met a powerful Bard named Blackmore. Blackmore was so sad he refused to bath or eat until his favored harp could be returned. Using my Ranger tracking skills, I found and snuck up on a band of Goblins. I was amazed at how powerful these Goblins were. But I killed a few and was able to hide from the rest. My ability to vanish into nothingness seemed to confuse them. The leader strummed the stolen harp and sparks and thunder shook the hills. I was able to slit their throats while they were stunned. I grabbed the harp along with other trinkets and returned it to Blackmore. After doing a few others tasks for the Great Bard, Blackmore rewarded me with a song of inspiration that gave me the extra edge to continue on through the hardships ahead.

In the Eastern Plains I met up with a nomadic band of Gnomes, the Chromatic Gnomes of the Plains. The Chromatics claim to have used their superior intellect to make a logical switch in genetic breeding. Their philosophy is to use their charisma as a base for magic freeing their greater intelligence for more important things, like inventing new things and understanding history. The Chromatics are mostly Bards and Sorcerers.

On the Blackfoot Islands, in the steep canyons, are Grinder Gnomes. The arrogant Humans of Newport insist on calling the Grinders Gnomes "Wild Gnomes", call them what you will, it does not make their brute savagery any bit less intimidating. The Newport culturists insist that Wild Gnomes never evolved from the Savage Years. According to the Chromatics, the Grinders of the Blackfoot Islands, were on a pilgrimage from the mainland to an mystical and secret place. After being shipwrecked on a string of small islands, the Grinders devolved from wizards, clerics and tinkers into savage Barbarians and Druids. Grinders use natural weapons like spears, clubs and rocks along with a mighty rage to stun and fear their enemies. Being able to transform to look like the enemy is a good defense. Then just walk up and silently slit their throats or listen to their plans.
I'm not one to travel beneath the crust under my feet, I leave that to Dwarfs and rats. I did meet up with a lone Dwarf named Meph and shared his mead. His tale is another story for another time.
Glint Eastwood, High Plains Drifter

1 comment:

darianthebold said...

Yeah , bitch , tell stories about someones RPG stuff. Thats the aim ..short and simple ..
Get on here and make noise ..otherwise both server administration and other players dont know how to best enrich your NWN experiences.
And thats the point ...making it enjoyable.:)
Deurack , welcome back ...cant wait to see some carnage.