Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stupid Question Of The Day.

If you're a high level PC, will the treasure chests in the lowbie areas still randomly generate blank scrolls, bone wands, and History of Newport books?


darianthebold said...

You COULD do it , but its usually better to buy these items from destitute newbies rather than go down to those areas and kill all the spawns with a lvl 40 plus.

Qwildurn said...

what darian said

Simon Hawk said...

That's what I figured, but was still curious anyways. And also what the post was called "Stupid Question Of The Day" :P

Qwildurn said...

Is that anything like asking, "What time it is?"

If you had a watch you'd know what time it is.

If you knew what time is was, you'd know that it's night time.

And night-time ain't no time to be in this neighborhood.

Terry17 said...

Most chests are affected by character level. The higher the level, the more expensive the loot. Since scrolls are only worth 1gp, the higher your level, the less likely you will get them.

So again, like Darian said, get a newbie to hunt them up for you.

Simon Hawk said...

terry17? Damn, haven't seen that name in awhile.