Thursday, October 9, 2008

BadassLands RPG

Ok, so basically Q, Deimonos, Darian and some others have been very busy updating and expanding BadLands RPG for your gaming enjoyment. With this being said I suggest to you, the player, old and new to make a brand new toon and fully re-explore the module. I've already found myself trying to take the easy way out by bugging the DM's for easy clues as to where all the new areas and shit are, well thats bullshit. Ya gotta put forth a little effort on the side of the player and man up and go exploring, the best way to do this is to build a new toon from scratch. I myself have taken some of my high level chars into the new areas but it doesnt do them justice because the characters level is to high to fully enjoy the new places. I said earlier this week that I wasn't going to make any toons until all of my current ones were finished, but it might not work out that way. There's to much new content to just sit by and not see it all. So with that being said, kick back, grab yourself a beer and start bashing enemies for gods sake! :P


Qwildurn said...

Finally! I have met someone who thinks as demented as I think I think I am.

Qwildurn said...

Bad - Ass - Lands

I just caught that. Slap, slap. That's we are, what we do, and where we do it!

Garble said...

Yup, I've got a 7nth level monk Magog Mage Bane that I'm drenning up.