Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Love and Balance

The following was sent to me in a PM (Private Message) by Leg enD. Leg is not new to BadLands, just BadLands RPG. I know of Gnoff as an NPC in BadLands, did not know Gnoff was also a real Person. But quite a few of the Bosses and/or high-level NPCs were named after the original members that started building BadLands as a group. Stride is one we all know as a BOSS. It is a lot of reading, but I found it interesting and will pass it on without any edits.


From: Leg enD
To: Qwildurn
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:20 pm
Subject: some light reading, ignore if your not interested, its long here's the reply i got after asking a long time badlands player (longer than even me) what he thought about dodgy/badlands X. it also imo sums up ideal balance as the person who wrote it... really knows thier shit.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
It's taken me a little bit to get back to you on the whole Badlands and Balance thing...

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
People never seemed to understand what a multi-faceted thing PvP balance was, the ideas that resided in it, the concepts that went with it, and the math involved in it.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
I wanted to make a post detailing that on the still flopping Badlands X forums, but have no real active account... you see.. people see balance as a singular issue, they look at one issue troubling them, and to them, at that second, that is balance... but in reality, it's like looking at a scratch on one side of a gem covered in other sides, and wondering what, if anything, you can do to it without shattering the gem in question.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
what I'm saying is... it's like looking at a tree-chart that all flows into balance... actions players can / are allowed to take affect balance (locks, pick pocket, disarm, so called griefing).

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
weapons affect balance (I cannot count the number of times I have had to argue with someone why, exactly, 2d6 is better than 1d12, or why 2d4 is better than 1d10 for that matter, despite the upward of two damage potential.), and you can have your boss rapier if you intelligently accomodate for it by creating things that are less used that people can build for (someone is always going to use a crafted rapier/kukri/scimitar, the critical hit range is just too worth it).

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
spells affect balance, how you nerf heal should be proportional to how IGMs is nerfed, how acid sheeth is nerfed in relation to elemental shield / death ward, the spells you disable and the spells you enable.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
: items affect balance, what statistics you can gain for your character, what you can merge into shape shifts, the variety of maxed stats you can make if you're willing to sacrifice things, the bonuses to skills you can find if you combine items properly.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
There's a slew of other things that affect balance as well... Classes, skill points, traps, basic character progression, money (to an extent), how fast one could feasibly level (no xp transfers is generally a rule of thumb) alignment restrictions, and lack of subraces (to create the potential to add towards one stat IS unbalanced, as it's not accomodated for in the original design, I.e. a character with the ability to gain +2 wisdom while still making the race playable and implimentable, no matter what detriment you give them, will always be a great DC cleric / druid, or a wonderful zen archer.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
but these things don't just affect THEMSELVES, and that's what people miss out on. They influence EACH OTHER. Your powerful items are indeed useful so long as dwarven defenders are still viable class selections. Your maximised IGMs can do 120 unerring damage as long as a player can potentially and feasably break the mage's damage reduction in some way shape or form, you can have characters that potentially heal for 390 hit points if you accomodate for it with character ability traits like stunning fist or devistating critical hit, you can get rid of healkits if you are willing to modify acid sheeth slightly.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
and these choices should be left up to someone who has spent a great deal of time studying and learning from how they all coincide, someone who will not feasibly lose sight of the bigger picture, despite the fact that they still play and experience the game.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
not simply one person, as we learned from leaf, but a staff of people all similarly educated, with slight differences in class selection, potential building strategies, and module affecting skills that they bring to the table.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
there need not be a public relations officer if this is done right, because players should play and be happy... sure it may suck to get trumped by the mage on path of the beaten, but the ten people who made it possible obviously thought of a way (or in the case of a mage, several dozen) to kill that mage and many more.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
simple lack of inginuity and resourcefulness isn't an excuse for the clamour that the Badlands 3000 staff constantly recieved. While we tried to finalize balance, we got earfuls of complaints from everyone from Sweetly / Dhast, to Highv, about how we could reel in more players, when we lost sight of what our ten people had been elected to do... there were no propaganda machines here, our ten man staff was no office of immigrations, it was a government of balance.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
why should the people who are focusing so hard on the balanced side of the server be the ones responsible for bringing in players... in the past, that was the job of OTHER players. When I played and was not a DM, I went from server to server, sometimes using less subtle methods, but sometimes simply playing there for an evening, making a variety of friends, and then bidding them farewell as I left to return to my intriguing home.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
Players who played DeX obviously came here steadily as a result of players who played here who USED to play on DeX. We know DEX players played here, because DEX shortly after changed its crafting system and spell balance to imitate ours. It has since strayed, yes... but there were obviously people there... now there were no DEX members on the staff, with the possible exception of Gein, (a lot of ex DEX members though) and yet they still came here in droves, because their fellow PLAYERS told them about it.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
there's nothing we can change here that will bring in players if those players don't know what we did... changing things to attract a fanbase is futile. A techno artist does not become a country singer in order to bring in droves of rednecks. They enjoy their noteriety in their field, despite the fact that it may be significantly smaller (Small circles of people vs the entire south)

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
and yet people clamoured like mad for the changes they got with Badlands X... Dodgy was the Barrack Obama of Badlands... he came forward, no experience, said "Let's have change", implimented the change, and now he's closing the doors.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
Sure, his charisma and people's desperation made for a lot of suckers... but it's obvious that some change is not good change. Sometimes the old standby needs a tad bit of tweaking to be worthwhile again, but a solid system that malfunctions is better than a new system that doesn't start.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
Badlands is the exact same way... and yet people still don't see it. People like Highv still advocate that people should be allowed to say exactly what gets changed... but sometimes you get an ignorent majority, and then you're on thin ice... And when that ice cracks, Badlands X happens.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
I've already got deli signed on for hosting badlands roughly once a week so that the older players who actually understand all of these things can have a place to go... People served a great deal of time and effort into the server with actual knowlege, only to be put down and scoffed at by hyper-critical people who, rather than learn the game, would have it handed to them.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
Over the time I've played Badlands, there were so few people who were non staff members that I still respected, that it disheartened me. I respected people who had a drive to learn the game, and the humility to admit that even if they'd been playing it for five years, they still didn't know what they were doing.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
Dodgy was one of those people, but he felt that rather than listen to wisdom, changes could be implimented to the system that he saw fit... Unfortunately, I think we can all agree Dodgy's system was more than a little broken. If someone says they have played other servers, and did not like them, and need to play badlands, why do those same people advocate the addition of things that would make badlands no more than one of those very servers we were just talking about? Subraces, additional classes, etc. have so little bearing on the world at large.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
What matters isn't what you offer, it's how you offer it. Badlands had a nice 60 players when DEX was no more. DEX came back, and its balance sucks. It offers by far the most terrible PVP experience I've ever born witness to, and yet it draws a crowd, because it has members that do just that, draw a crowd. Badlands was once the place that noobs stepped into and came out as hardcore PVPers, but that age died a long time ago. If you're looking for a game or a server with a ton of people, simply put, play world of warcraft... but if you're looking for a balanced hand at being able to create a wide variety of characters, you need to get over some of the more boring parts of the game.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
People bitch and moan about leveling, they say they have fifty characters, but what's important is making the experience worthwhile. Strid and I have never once complained that leveling is boring. Each new character is an adventure that we usually share together, from level 1 to level 40, and we do it because we make the world our own. Vampires and Driders hold a special place for me when leveling, because I remember a great deal of things happening in those areas. What's important isn't what you offer, it's how you offer it. You can sell a blind man oranges, if you can just convince him that they're sweet apples.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
I enjoy leveling because it's the unique experience. If you think about it, the ability to combine character races, classes, and abilities, are what adds for so much diversity to the game, and sets it apart from world of warcraft. If you're in it for players, WoW has it hands down... if you're in it for that diversity, stop complaining about what it takes to get there... Those millions of combinations can't be available and still be something else. The people balancing that give birth to that which makes NWN what it is, an excersize in diversity, the ability to build characters endlessly, make thousands of them over the course of years, and still have new ideas and new potentials. As time goes on, it only gets more challenging, but it gets easier to learn to... Databases exist that can take a lot of the work out of learning. To make the game fun, you have to embrace what makes it what it is, and that's balanced diversity, not a large player base.

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
If you're willing to read all that insight, bravo to you. If you're willing to copy paste it to forums, a round of applause for you. I'll grant you I still have access to reading them through other accounts, but I'll not be posting there again. I rarely post in places where vast amounts of experience and opinion are not rewarded

Gonff "Measure in Love" says:
Until we talk again Leg, take care, and best of luck in everything you do.


darianthebold said...

There are some very wise words inside its lenghty prose.
So I will summarise the RPG credos......its all about balanced FUN.
This means the only real aim of the RPG leadership community ( host , dms , guild leaders and regular players alike )is to try to make the online experience enjoyable for its clientele.
When decisions are made , its done by consultation , testing and evaluation. Sometimes we make bad calls and fix it. Other times some clients believe a wrong decision is made and go. But its all part of the swirling , chaotic life online.
In the end , the blog, online talks and probably now the forum are focussed on providing the utopian NWN time you have that DOESNT inhibit someone elses.

Simon Hawk said...

I totally agree with what was said about NwN vs. WoW.

I played WoW for the extent of the free trial, I got bored by level 9 and went back to NwN and BadLands RPG.

Simon Hawk said...

Somehow when I finished playing the entire NwN platinum edition from start to finish I found BadLands2k and then BadLands RPG online.

It was the first server I'd logged into and somehow got sucked in. I've tried other places and always find myself coming back for more. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment :)

Simon Hawk said...

Oh yeah, and for all of us that know who Drew & Mike are, I must leave this quote in regards to the long post.

"Don't write me a book, kid" :P

Jim Brannick said...

Wow. That was long, yet informative.

Here's my long (yet less informative ) two cents on PvP game balance:
NWN was born as a series of campaigns based of the DnD rules. It's primary goal (IMHO) was to provide lots of action/RPG adventure for a SOLO player. The secondary goal was to provide the players with the toolset so that they could build their own modules and host group games.
Had the initial goal been to provide an expanded online gaming world, I wonder if Bioware wouldn't have worked more "balance" in early on. As it is, module builders and DMs have had to develop their own balance over time (with help from a few Bioware updates, etc.). I think Badlands and a rare few other servers have come as close to a truly fun "balanced" system as possible. Kudos to all the hardwork over the years to Q et al.

On a side note, maybe it's because I've been out of the loop for a while, but can someone (in 1,000 words or less) describe what the whole Dodgy/Badlands X thing is? I think from now on, posters should at least put a little summary before a long/involved post, so as to get the ignorant up to speed.

Deimonos said...

Basically, original bads fell because DMs screwed it up by toying with players and giving uber weapons to their friends.

Then came Bads 3k and 1k. On 1k, you could get easy and fast xp. Not sure why it fell. 3k was the place for the pvp "Im gonna camp my 40 in the path of the beaten and pk as many 11 as I can find" so called old school tough guys wannabe. Dodgy's home.

So after 3k fell, he wanted to make his own server, Bads X for eXtreme. Basically, by remaking a few initial areas, stealing some others from other mods and begging Q for scripts. And because of his tyrannical behaviour, lack of scripting skills and isp problems with the host, it also died.

That is the abridged version. Maybe Darian, a well educated citizen of the Badlands drama could explain it with more educated terms.

Qwildurn said...

The history of BadLands goes back long before my time.

The earliest recorded Update Information I have is this:

July 14 '04:
-You should now be able to craft your gear without GP or DC penalty.
-Added Armor Crafter to Dozo (level 9)
-Streamlined merchents a'lil.
-Some other stuff i can't remember.

Quotes from an old in-game NPC conversation:

Welcome to BadLands. Whom would you like to know about?

Dungeon Masters:
All these people have helped (in one way or another) make BadLands what it is today. They are all DMs so treat them with respect please:

Server Host:
*Delithril Xanadornado* helped playtest the module in the begining and is currently an active Dungeon Master. His contributions to the server are too numerous to list here, but to give you an idea:

-Spending many long hours playtesting
-Offernig very useful advice that everyone seems to look over (including myself)
-Too much stuff to mention here.

A big Thank You to *Delithril Xanadornado* for hosting the module.

Module Designer:
Leaf Stone

Whom would you like to know about?

Lefty: *DM Lefty* is the reason why BadLands is running today. His spirit and confidence for the module motivated others to make BadLands a reality.

Leora: A great DM and good friend.

Shocklemzoa: *Shocklemzoa* inspired the creation of the module. Without him, it may have never existed. Although none of his work remains, I have adopted two areas that were inspired by his work. I am under the impression he no longer plays NWN although I could be wrong.

These Areas were *Named* by Shocklemzoa.

+Mosquito Wolfe
(Random combination of names pulled from a deck of Magic Cards)
+Path of the Beaten
+Savoured Sands

Condotierri: *Condotierri* was one of the first Dungeon Masters. Although retired, his contributions to the server included:

-Offering daily advice about everything from creature spawns to XP penalties.

All of your help proved invaluable.

Sandora: Sandora designed most, if not all, helmets.

Qwildurn said...

This is the complete Update Sign that had been used in the beggining.

July 22 '05:

-Updated Rakshasa boss
-Adjusted EpicTrap prices accordingly
-Shelter merchent on top of Sheelo Mountain now gives full return on items.
-Moose and Librarian no longer give full price
-You can now venture to Octus and complete the Barbizon Quest
-Added Tower of Power spawns

July 17 '05:

-Harper Scouts do not require Alerness or IronWill feat

May 24 '05:

-Fixed armor dupe bug.
-Fixed Weapon Enchanter allowing to craft over max level.
-You can no longer stack AC on boots.
-Brought back old Mord's dispell.

January 10 'o5:

-Newport Weapon and Armor crafters are now located in the Newport Armory.
-Working on new Guild effects.
-Some other stuffs.

January 9 'o5:

-Updated Old Healer Hag.
-Updated some of the areas.
-Added more map notes.
-Added more helmets to the armor shops.

January 7 'o5:

-Reworked Shadow Tombs. Made spawns a bit easier. Added more loot.
-Added Helmets to Newport and Dozo armor merchents.
-Did some minor things like adding map notes and aligning waypoints.
-Moved and altered some of the NPCs.
-Old Healer Hag in Underdark can now be killed which may alter alignment. Be
careful, this will alter your party members as well!!

December 29 'o4:
-Upgraded Ruined Pass.
-Altered various effects.
-Touched-up a few things.

December 26 'o4:
-Updated Newport Barracks.
-Upgraded mine spawns.
-Increased number of creatures for Tower of Power spawns.
-Upgraded Highland Island spawns.

December 24 'o4:
-Added new Portal Stone for Sheelo Mounatin, Go find it!!
-Upgraded guild castles and territories.
-Upgraded Shadow Tombs.
-No porting around territories / boss areas.
-Drider gate auto locks.
-Highland Island spawns give more XP now.
-Upper/Lower mine spawns are easier and give better XP.
-Added Dye Guy to Dozo.
-Healers added to Newport and Underdark.

December 22 'o4:
-Added new twist to Nandanzo Sea quest.
-Upgraded quest areas.
-Fixed Ryuji drop.

December 22 'o4:
-Added new quest areas. It's concludes the nandanzo quest but there is still more
to come.

December 20 'o4:
-Arena scoreboard should only display those with kills.
-Nomad only gives XP to character who possesses the harp.

December 9 'o4:
-Fixed Highland Island spawns (there alittle easier and CR is correct).
-Fixed Savoured Sands quest.
-Cleaned out useless plot items form players inventory.
-Prevented stacking of plot items.
-Upgraded Nandanzo Sea areas.
-Fixed Newport Ranged Weapon merchent from buying at too high a price.

December 7 'o4:
-Added new areas to the Black Sea of Nanadanzo.
-Upgraded various areas.
-Removed Bulletin Board System.

December 4 'o4:
-Added Bulletin Board System to start area.
-Added new quest that will span the entire module in time.
-Added new areas.
-Lot of new goodies!!

November 28 'o4:

-Added a small plot to Savoured Sands for lower level characters, Check it out!!
-Made Shadow Tomb/Old Forest spawns alittle easier.
-Fixed XP messege.

November 20 'o4:

-TimeStop Area of Effect Radius is now 5 feet.
-Dispell on rest to prevent shifters from retaining effects of other forms.
-Lowered HP on Highland Island spawns.
-Some of the boss items have been updated.
-Newport Barracks doors have been fixed.
-Attempt to fix blind effect sticking on canceled rest.

August 26 'o4:

-TimeStop Area of Effect Radius is now 10 feet and the duration is 1d4 * 3

August 19 'o4:

-Large benches can seat 5, couches can seat 3 *Thnx Dawg!!
-Fixed Arena Wager bug. If you lost your wager his conversation would get stuck,
it should be fixed now.
-Increased Lock DC check on castle doors.
-Upgraded Sheelo Mountain Polar Bears.
-Upgraded Sheelo herself.
-Upgraded Castles and Territories.
-Reworked Arena Scoreboard again, it should be more accurate.
-Added helmets by DM Delithril.

August 14 'o4:

-Added/Completed Illithid Areas in the Underdark. You can level to 40 there.
-Added new Territory.
-Added new Boss to Illithid Areas. (Thnx Honey!!)
-Reworked Subterraneum.
-Old Forest Ruins spawns are a bit easier now.
-Tweaked Bosses. They should be easier to hit.
-Tweaked GP for kills to something reasonable.
-Capped Guzz Buy Price to 200,000 GP.
-Still working on new areas, check them out in the UnderDArk!!

August 12 'o4:

-XP should be much better now, thnx to lazy for the Dungeon Eternal XP script.
-Raised the XP cap to 500.
-Raised Lock DC on castle doors.
-Lowered Drops on some creatures to something more reasonable.

August 11 'o4:

-Added new Castle Territory, go and find it for your guild!!
-You can now Gamble up to 5000 GP on arena matches.


-Upgraded merchent prices. There is one merchent in the game that will buy
anything for 100% with unlimited price. You just have to find it.
-Some creatures are disarmable, think of it as a new way to loot.
-TimeStop has been enabled again.
-Fixed enchanter Token error.
-Still tweaking XP.

August 10 'o4:

-Fixed guild castle doors (I hope).
-Upgraded Medusa
-Still tweaking XP system.
-You now need 3 guild members to claim territories.
-Sanctuary is now enabled although Greater Sanctuary is disabled.
-Added a few merchent clean-up scripts that I had overlooked.
-Inn Keeper in Tunafish Tavern is now immortal.
-Greater Sanctuary was suppose to be disabled but it was not. It is disabled now.

August 07 'o4:

-Epic Warding is now +7/50

August 05 'o4:

-Lowered AB on Highland Island Spawns, they were alittle too hard.
-Upped AB on Mosquito Wolfe Undead Spawns.
-Reworked the UnderDark.

August 04 'o4:

-Added Poisons to Dozo Rogue Shop.
-Added Poisons to Royal Oyster Rogue Shop (Eskipito Merchent).
-Added Deadly/Epic Traps to Royal Oyster Rogue Shop.
-Added new Ammunition merchent to Newport. She has some better ammo, more is
-Fixed Old Forest Ruins Spawning Dumb Minotaur Shamans.
-Fixed Mine spawning clerics that only heal themselves.
-Fixed Weapon Enchanter displaying incorrect level requirement.

August 03 '04:

-Added loot to some areas.
-Updated Mine Dwarves.

August 02 '04:

-Bosses appear once per-restart.
-Added Trash clean-up script for lag reduction.
-Upgraded Mountain Spawns.
-Fix to IceStorm going through Mantles.
-Acid Sheath, Elemental Sheild, and Death Armor do not stack. The first one u cast
will be the one in effect.
-You now lose all Memorized spells upon entering
---- ( Thnx Honey!! )-------
-Added new helmets to Dozo/Newport Armor Merchent.
-------( By Sandora )--------
-Fixed Royal Assassin drops.
-Added Trash Cans to Dozo and Newport.
-Added Area clean-up scripts.

August 01 'o4:

-You can now teleport to any of your guilds (if your in a guild) claimed
territories using the guild journal.
-All players recieve a guild journal upon entry. To start a new guild you must
first be level 40 and have at least 5 members. Ask a DM after you have meet these
-Adjusted Guild Journal Options, Warlord (Rank 6) is only member who can
invite/remove players from the guild.
-Warlords and Champions can now claim territories for there guild.
-Two guild members are needed to claim a territory, one of them must be Warlord or
Champion rank.
-Fixed broken Underdark Transitions.
-Reverted to Default Divine Shield. It works as normal.
July 31 'o4:
-Added 5 new Territories for Guilds. These territories can be claimed by any 2
members of a Guild.
-Fixed Faction castle doors not closing.

*Lot of Spell Changes, Please Read the ::CHANGES:: Sign for details*
-These spells have been changed:
+Bigby Crushing/Grasping Hand
+Divine Shield
+Lesser/Greater Dispell
+Lesser/Greater Missle Storm
+Mordenkainens Disjunction
+Word of Faith

July 29 'o4:
-Epic Warding is now +7/15.
-Added Guild/Faction system, it may need some playtesting.
-Added good loot to Shadow Tombs special loot behind the locked door.
-Added 2 faction territories, these can be taken over by your guild/faction.
-Raised People of the Woods spawn CR to 15.
-Changed Tunnel spawns, they were too tough. Should be good for characeters
around level 20 now.
-Changed Mine spawns. No more UnderVermin, there are dwarves there now as
originally intended.
-Maybe something else
-Fixed monsters not despawning

July 29 'o4:
-Disabled Divine Power. If you have a problem with this, let me know.
-Fixed Arena On Enter messege.
-You can no longer craft helmets. Static helmets will be added to merchents and
many rare helemets will be added around the world.
-Upgraded Old Forest Temple.
-Lowered Damage on Old Forest Falcons.
-Upgraded Rakshasa.
-Fixed Royal Assassin drops (I hope!!).
-Changed The Tunnel spawns CR to 22.

July 27 'o4:
-Reworked Weapon/Ranged Enchanter Dialogue. It will now tell you level required
for the new item. Ranged Enchanter dialogue should work proper now.
-Fixed bug with people logging in dead. Variable wasn't reset until respawn
button was pressed causing people who died and were raised to log in dead.
-Added waypoints so NPCs resturn to location.
-Updated loot again.
-Removed some immunity items from Dozo merchents.

July 26 'o4:
-Heal, Harm, G. Restore, Resserect, Mass Heal have all been altered. The new
formula is:

10(heal/harm) x Caster Level

(for example, a level 20 cleric would heal 200 HP)

-Petrify lasts 1 Round x Caster Level.
-Updated Driders. CR 20 again.
-Removed Time Stop from Beholders causing crash.
-Updated Beholders.
-Updated Newport.
-Updated Highland Island spawns.
-Added areas to the Underdark.
-Added New Boss!!!

July 25 'o4:
-Modified Spells. In the future, examine the changes sign for complete list.
Disabled spells will be looked into further. Check changes sign for details.
-Reapplied Royal Assassin Pick Pocket script, watch out!!

July 24 'o4:
-Crafting Appearances should really work now.
-Updated Vampire spawns.
-Added new areas to the sewers, go check them out!!!
-You can now craft your armor/weapon appearance for free with no DC check.
-Increased GP awarded for kills.
-Increased loot, all looting places now give better loot.
-Chatacters now get saved when you rest.
-Old Forest is alittle easier to level in.
-Increased Despawn time on creatures.
-Added armor merchent to Dozo Weapons and Armor shop. Somehow it got deleted and
i didnt realize it until today. Just talk to the Armor Crafter, she will have
optoins for inventory and crafting.
-Bosses now respawn every 30 minutes.
-Upgraded bosses alittle.
-Fixed Enchanter price exploit.

July 23 '04:
-Arena Scoreboard has been reset for new database. Scores should be more accurate
-Made Shadow tomb spawns easier.
-Dire Spiders in the Old Forest should be easier to lvl with.
-You can now run to the Old Forest from Dozo Ruins.
-You lose 100 XP/LVL and 25% GP upon death.
-Fixed Dozo merchents.
-Fixed BindStone bug where all characters were bound to same location.
-Upgraded Bosses
-Made Mine Spawns easier.
-Added some signs for City of Newport.
-Balor Lord now drops a sword.
-Added new areas to the desert.
-NEW BOSS!!! Go and find it.

*BindPoints have been reet again. There was small bug binding all characters of
one account to same bindpoint. FIXED*

July 22 '04:
-We have truely persistant BindStones now. No more of the *random* porting.
-Working to make sure arena scoreboard is correct.
-You no longer lose GP on death until after level 5.
-Made Shadow Tombs easier.

July 21 '04:
*Arena ScoreBoard Fix. You no longer get a kill if the player you killed is 5
levels under yours*

-Upgraded Bosses a'lil.
-Fixed Highland Island transitions.
-Fixed prices on enchanter, they are lower for low levels.
-Made trolls alittle easier.
-Added area before Newport.
-When you make a new character, it will now give you 300 GP and 1 Level.
-Various other fixes/changes that i can't remember.

July 20 '04:
-Upgraded mine spawns.
-Reworked Ruined Pass.
-Upgraded Polar Bears.
-Upgraded Sheelo.
-Mummies are easier now.

July 19 '04:
-Added Dozo Priest.
-Added bags to general store.
-Lowered XP cap to 400.
-Bosses only spawn once per-reboot now.
-Fixed Weapon Enchanter values.
-Rebuilt Newport Vampires.
-Updated Rakshasa, he drops something interesting.
-Updated Driders.

July 18 '04:
-Fixed portstone displaying messege when not in combat.
-Changed resting to Blind instead of Black Screen.
-Upgraded Weapon Enchanters. You no longer have to pull from the racks, store in
-Trolls are easier now.
-Upgraded some areas.
-Highland island isnt uber hard anymore.
-Added beholder cave areas.
-Upgraded spells/AC/AB/CR on a lot of the spawns.
-It should be alittle easier to solo now.

July 17 '04:
-Opened up the highland island. You can now level to 40 there.
-Increased CR on driders
-Upgraded mountain giants.
-Port stones cannot be used in combat.
-Upgraded Dozo gaurds.
-Added n00b areas around dozo.
-Added Dry Lands map between Dozo and desert.
-Upgraded mountain spawns.
-Upgraded bosses.
-Fixed tower loot so it doesnt give uber items.
-Fixed Old Forest Spiders, they have a very small chance to poison you now.
-Lowered Vrock elemental resistence.

July 16 '04:
-Gambling Arena is in place. You can only place wagers of 10 GP until it is
completely playtested. Be sure to read the signs, you could be deleveled or
banned if you do not follow the Arena rules.
-Weapon Enchanter now puts items in inventory to avoid illegal characters.
-Changed the mines around.
-Tomb Stones can now be destroyed.
-Fixed death logging exploit.

July 15 '04:

-You now only lose 100 XP/250 GP per level on death.
-Added new areas.
-Fixed Respawn GUI time.
--You MUST use your Recall Crystal AFTER you bind for it to save.

July 14 '04:

-You should now be able to craft your gear without GP or DC penalty.
-Added Armor Crafter to Dozo.(level 9)
-Streamlined merchents a'lil.
-Some other stuff i can't remember.

Qwildurn said...

I was a regular player for quite some time before I started hosting BadLands. What I really wanted was to build my own game from the ground up but did not know where to start. BadLands was the only game module that worked (from a players view) close to what I had in mind. I was only going to use BadLands as a tool to learn how to make things work. Two weeks after I got a copy of BadLands and got it to run properly, BadLands went down. By default, I became the new BadLands host, like it or not.

By the time I had learned enough to actually build a new world, I had a lot of regular players and had made enough changes to BadLands that I decided to simply stay with BadLands.

Changing BadLands without changing BadLands has been, and still is, a challenge. Finding a happy medium for the Rock, Paper, Scissors thing is damn hard. Offering new adventures is an adventure.

You need to note: that prier to this, there was only one BadLands and it was thee most popular server with a constant 64 players and many waiting in line to log-on.

So there I was, the new BadLands Host without a clue and nobody to help me, only pissed off players willing to crybaby bitch about stupid stuff.

This is MY first Update Post ever:
18 April 06 ( 2:00 AM )
- Downloaded Badlands 1095 and set it up with some rules of respect in regards to PK (player killing).

Others have tried to host BadLands since that day. Most have come and gone like a bad smell in the wind.
Why am I still hosting BadLands?
Because I want to build a on-line gaming world that is fun and enjoyable for all. I don't base my self-esteem or ego on the amount of players. Although it is a lot more fun with lots of players.

Qwildurn Bluemoon

Qwildurn said...

I need to take the time to thank crew that helps keep BadLands running and going in a positive direction. Many have come and gone, most have been forgotten for good reason.

Darian the Bold: DM
Many countless hours of play testing looking from every possible perspective there is. The one who sees things for what they are, not as he wants to see them.

Deimonos: DM
Whose work with new areas and new monsters has enriched all our adventures.

Simon Hawk: DM
Ahh, but the gift to gab. And the willingness to be Editor-In-Chief of The Daily Blog

Leg | enD:
aka Legend. Although new to BadLands RPG, he is not new to BadLands. His offer to build and run a BadLands Forum will be a wonderful contribution to all who play here.