Friday, October 31, 2008

Open Season on Leg | enD

In a forum post by Leg, he made it very clear that he wants to be able to PK lowbies without penalty. So let's give what he wants. Open Season on Leg.

Legs post: it did not copy/paste well:

"just an idea, love it hate it, it up to you a system where an account is in ONE guild, every character made from lvl 1 is in that guild (unless u want to keep different characters at different alignments, then this whole idea kinda blows) makeing all characters watever thier alignment restrictions are, the alignment of the chosen guild. guilds imo should be able to use all of the games 'lamer' areas, disarming pickpocketing hunting of lowbies (without penalties) as freely as they want considering thier alignment (there will always bee a good evil and neutral guild, usualy more neutral but thats un avoidable really) e.g in a 'war' for the good to surpress the evil and the other way, should those guilds be able to try halt how fast thier opponents create more characters? and how powerful the items the characters use are? feel free to add to or ignore this, a comment of any kind is always apreciated *edit* rofl, will try go into this more when i aint so wasted :\"


Simon Hawk said...

Im totally going to waste you next time I see you.

Deimonos said...

That's drunken Simon talking.. lol
Thing is, we already have plenty of ideas for areas, quests and guild changes..
Making unique shops for each guild and stuff like that would make it joining a guild more appealing, without turning the server into an open baby killing season.
Unless that's exactly what one wants.. then I can't help ya..

darianthebold said...

Well I did as Q instructed ..walked down to the trogs and killed lender (leg). After that lycan called for a UD War ..and OMG the death and chaos that ensued.
At one stage the UD war contained me , deimonos, simon , conan , lycan , dano , leg , zenblade and any poor ud noob that ran by.
And most of all , it was fun ....if u could see it ....lag stopped me :(
So get ur uber toons ready folks ...its harvest time.

Leg | enD said...

baby killing isnt what im looking for :P what we started yesturday definatly is. between guilds it isnt really 'baby killing' imo *refer to forum post*
soon as a toon reaches no pvp its fair game (should be able to set it to not penalize guild toons if this idea takes on?) the current setup should stay to help out those not in a guild, which kinda declares them as 'not up for pvp'

the question to ask yourselves is: is it satisfying enough to just beat another players character? or do you want to surpress them completely (if u make something uber i WILL find a way to down it, shouldnt u be able to try halt me makeing the thing to end you

to deim: all ur guild ideas would still fit nice if we could still hassle each other in almost every possible way, infact it improves it greatly giving us something worth fighting over

darianthebold said...

Well leg was ur guild was so uber "back in the day" , why did u spend all that time leveling an awesome dragon that everyone apparently wanted to copy only to find out what most people who know what they are doing already knew ..........
The gear stacks mean u get owned in morphed shape.
If u really think most guys have mages for their ubers ur gonna get deved a whole lot.
Almost everyone who went to UD has an array of toons.
Because they already understand the rock-paper-scissors requirements to hunt bosses and kill each other.

LOL we all had fun ...... when the theatre designs are fully ready it will be a common event hopefully.

Leg | enD said...

only to find out what most people who know what they are doing already knew ..........
The gear stacks mean u get owned in morphed shape. -

- waa? i dont understand? lvling a druid 1st off is common sence, they dont need much gear so u dont need much gp. and if u mean finding out dev crit insta kills anything with a low fort save an no pm lvls, then errr.... do you think i just started nwn recently? lol

u seem a very 'proud' type, i guess i'll leave your ego were it is for now.

Deimonos said...

"Well leg was ur guild was so uber "back in the day" , why did u spend all that time leveling an awesome dragon that everyone apparently wanted to copy only to find out what most people who know what they are doing already knew .........."

"- waa? i dont understand? lvling a druid 1st off is common sence, they dont need much gear so u dont need much gp. and if u mean finding out dev crit insta kills anything with a low fort save an no pm lvls, then errr.... do you think i just started nwn recently? lol"

I've gotta say I'm surprised that you consider the druid a perfect initial build to a server that you know for quite some time.
Maybe the cleric with the ac buffs, ab, dmg bonuses, true seing and the always helpful concealment from imp invis would be a more suitable choice for someone with such knowledge.
And it fits the economic profile you described. Not to mention, it can solo easily.
I'm not sure you could say the same about your druid..

"(if u make something uber i WILL find a way to down it, shouldnt u be able to try halt me makeing the thing to end you

"If u really think most guys have mages for their ubers ur gonna get deved a whole lot.
Almost everyone who went to UD has an array of toons.
Because they already understand the rock-paper-scissors requirements to hunt bosses and kill each other."

It's simple really, no build is unbeatable. You just gotta figure out the difference between 2k and RPG and finding the perfect build to deal with someone won't be a problem..

Qwildurn said...


I don't think that many here ever played on BadLands 1095 (1k) or earlier.

I did and I'm sure Leg did. When Leaf made some drastic changes and it became (2k), I think all he really did was cosmetic. Dozo and Newport look different now. A few new Bosses were added that aren't really any different from the older bosses. And he built the Theaters.

I don't know how effective a Druid/Draggy was then or is now. Back then, about the only thing that could hunt bosses was a Mage. That is NOT true with RPG. We have Bosses that a Mage can't touch.

Back-In-The-Day, 40's would line up in Crystal Coast or The Mines waiting for 10's and 15's to step out so they could massacre them and then brag about it. That is after stealing their sword with disarm and anything else they could with pick-pocket.

How many of these Brave 40's had earned their levels and gear, or had been gifted by an un-balanced DM, I don't know. As a long term player and a long term DM, I would say that most "brave 40's" had been given free levels and items not normally available to players. Like +8 swords and +8 armor.

What I did notice, was that once you could get beyond the low-level areas and up into higher areas, like Sheelo Mountain and Wolfwoods Canyon, the PKing stopped.

Me and a pal found a well known PKr in Polar Cap once, a pair actually. We were lower level but attacked on sight. Took out one and nearly had the second too. Would have killed the second, except the first respawned and came back and blasted us with IGM's. Both could not cry loud enough that it was an unfair fight because of......

What Leg does not know about yet, is the re-structure and re-balance that has taken place here on BadLands RPG. I also think Leg has not taken the time to read some of the documented stuff that is available to all players.

Between reading and playing both, it should become clear that most of our players prefer this adjustment. Even when 3k was up, we got plenty of players that had left 3k to try RPG because of all the "baby-killers".

Full PVP and Action does not mean cowardly baby-killing. For a more fulfilling experience, hunting at your own level is a must.

And why is it that "The Spirit of Dungeons and Dragons" got lost because of the "multi-player online gaming"?

I run a "Dungeons and Dragons" server. This is not a "Whatever" server.

Qwildurn Bluemoon ---(huntress of evil)---

Leg | enD said...

wish u'd post the long 1's in boards... easier to navigate

1: i lvl'd a cleric monk sd and my drag at pretty much the same time (wow heh, i musta played here before)

2: (gettin bored of repeating this)im NOT after baby killing :S geez im talkin about guild stuff, what better things do guilds have to do that kill the other guilds? how is killing my lowbies classed as baby killing? im no baby

deim said :It's simple really, no build is unbeatable. You just gotta figure out the difference between 2k and RPG and finding the perfect build to deal with someone won't be a problem..

i dont kno what bads u mean, but ive never played a mod where a 'perfect build' was possible. ive never not been able to counter any build ive been up against btw. im not sure what difference im looking for? someone's got a bit lost here, or ive missed something :S

to Q:if you guys pulled ur heads outa ur ass's an acutally re read my 1st post :S "just an idea, love it hate it, it up to you" im NOT tryin to change ur server, i heard guilds were being looked at mentioned somewhere, so i gave my 2 cents, i DID NOT invite u all to get ina pissy, if u dont like the idea, ignore it :S

u COULD always add to the idea.. like same thing but toons arnt inv'd to guild until lvl 30, leaving no 'baby's'unprotected
ffs, i expetced this kinda shit from the noobs over at dex or CW.. but not here, i was told good things about most of you :S

o and darian: where did i even once! mention my old guild was 'awsome/pwnage' in any way? LOL

gtfo my back an sort ur issues out, alla u.

tho tbh, declare the open season thing was hella funny... (of course welcomed'd too), but seriously. tryin to teach me some metaphorical lesson i learnt over 6yrs ago.... :S tis a bit much just for an idea??? right??

Deimonos said...

2: (gettin bored of repeating this)im NOT after baby killing :S geez im talkin about guild stuff, what better things do guilds have to do that kill the other guilds? how is killing my lowbies classed as baby killing? im no baby

Ok, I've counted like 20 times the "'i know the game" motto. Some of us here go back to 89 AD&D 2nd edition, but then again, pointing that out serves no purpose than ego reassurance.

Baby killing is not about being new to the game or server but bashing a low lvl character. By your own idea, a character would be introduced to a guild earlier on creation, which would make him always a target for bashing, since killing a guild member never gets you pk points.
Imagine that, your lvl 24 getting owned consecutives times on sheelo by dano, paine or agony.

Yeah, we know, you think you are uber, 6 years knowing the game, ok, we get it.. humility got lost somewhere along these years.
But there's no fairness to that.

That's why we were thinking about a new system that would make it pvp appealing, with real rewards to fair pvp and negative stuff to killing lower than 5 lvls of you.
You can still pk under 5 lvls but you'll get nothing good out of it.
I know 3kers have a hard time dealing with fair pvp, but that's how we roll here.

Leg | enD said...

Q said : I run a "Dungeons and Dragons" server. This is not a "Whatever" server

im not sure how my idea defers from that... so help me make it so it doesnt? im only tryin to change how guilds behave in an effort to make them more attractive, and improve the game experiance for everyone.

surly if i wanted to change everything i'd have gone to the masses and try'd for some backing... im looking for all your opinions, not ur ego's issues

Simon Hawk said...

""guilds imo should be able to use all of the games 'lamer' areas, disarming pickpocketing hunting of lowbies (without penalties) as freely as they want""

SO, if you have a lowbie that is in a Guild, what Legend is saying is that a member of the opposing Guild should be able to kill it regardless of level?

Still sounds like baby hunting to me. Personally I wouldn't want lowbies in a guild, where is the motivation for players to build their toons to at least 21 - 40?

I see what Leg is trying to say, but to me guild or not, bashing a lowbie is not challenging, and is usually reserved for people who just feeling like being annyoing.

Biggest reason I stayed on RPG is the lowbie areas are NO PvP. Gotta love it.

Leg | enD said...

deim said: Imagine that, your lvl 24 getting owned consecutives times on sheelo by dano, paine or agony.
Yeah, we know, you think you are uber, 6 years knowing the game, ok, we get it.. humility got lost somewhere along these years.
But there's no fairness to that.

in my 2 years out i 4got a hell of alot btw, bit of a noob builder these days(had to check the req's for dev the other day lol?)... fair has nothing to do with it, the killing of lower lvl characters i put across as an idea to surpressing an opposing guild, wether its challenging or not is irrelevent, this isnt some macho internet thing, u missed my point intirely, i meant pkin lower lvl characters to defeat a whole guild, not stand there an go "hahah i just pwnthewtff outa you?!?!" thats always been lame and by good players laughed at while they log a 40 and 'pwnthewtf' back at them

and for you, imagine not being able to lvl a build more than 8 lvls in a whole week of trying... it didnt put me off then, it wont now. at one point on old bads when it was full, if you wanted to lvl you couldnt unless in a guild with a few of your members gaurding the area your lowbies lvl'd on (keeps it interesting imo)

deim said: I know 3kers have a hard time dealing with fair pvp, but that's how we roll here.

fair pvp?!?! rofl... imo its fair enough to want to stop a player from makeing the build thats gonna wipe the floor with your most recent work... dont forget, this hassle works both ways. and deim, u will NEVER see me running from a fair or unfair fight, whichever side im on (even knowing i'd die again after darian pk'd my sd in trogs i went uds.. buffed an went back... he wasnt there (probably thinking "hah, that showed that nub" and i wouldnt be coming back, which is fair enough.. he doesnt kno me)

anywhoo, ty, i think we're gettin somewere (talking now at least) check forums post, i alterd it a bit. maybe this idea could work if characters lvl 30-35 (or more, up to u) had to be in guild? still with the idea that those not in a guild are 'not up for pvp' ur babies stay protected then? and we still get the pvp advantages

everybody wins?

Leg | enD said...

probs be easier to make all chars in guild from lvl 1 (know who's who then at least, tho that isnt really an issue) then make all lvling areas up to watever lvl u think pkin is acceptle no-pvp (easier scripting)

i kinda like that actually, no pvp till 40, expand to a fair few more lvl 40-60 areas and have them ALL full-pvp


Leg | enD said...

sorry to add more, cant edit posts on this, but i missed something earlier

sorry my bad, i see what you meant now, my fault for not explaining fully enough.

take this for e.g. darian got me with a mage, if i was to go lvl an 80sr monk and go for his mage and hopefully end it (not a knowledge example so no flames like "my mage wud own ur sr" plse, this is in theroy) should he be able to try stop me makeing this wonderful build to own his mage with?

(yes he cud just relog with a dever and drop my sr soon as he hits a crit, but dont u think thats a lil tedious? logging 1 toon after another till some either gets bored or says "o yea, i shud make that so n so so i can beat all ur characters again"..)

my way offers a kind of 'natural disaster' in with your rock>paper>scissors without messing up balance

Simon Hawk said...

""should he be able to try stop me makeing this wonderful build to own his mage with?""

I wouldn't want to 'stop' anyone from making anything. I say bring-it. Makes you a better builder/player if you can keep creating anti-the other persons toons.

Leg | enD said...

fair enough simon, very honourable.

probably just me then... but i do find it VERY tedious to log 1 build after another till your oppenent eventually runs out of things to counter with.. especially when most players have least 3 acc's to cycle through.

for me, going to old example, if that 'super mage death sr monk' was gettin pk'd constantly an took me a month to max it... then... when i finally went round the houses of every mage on the bl and slapped em upside thier heads with a wet trout, that month would have been time VERY well spent

btw simon you'd make an awsome good guild leader, whens there ALOT of pk's around a good guild has ALOT of pkin to go do themselves. surpessing evil eh, long days work

and if you want them to 'bring it' why do we have a lvling process at all? shud be an arena server...

btw what exactly is 'bad' about the badlands these days?

Deimonos said...


Qwildurn said...

Leg | enD - You're running off at the mouth about shit you know nothing about!

When you join a Guild, you will get a Guild Journal Book. This is it's pages:

.: Player Guild System :.
BadLands RPG Guild System II

(not in any order)
- Territories and Strongholds are now called Outposts and Fortresses.
- All Outposts and Fortresses are claimable and stealable
- To claim a Fortress, you must own 5 Outposts
- There is no limit to how many Outposts and Fortresses you can own

- There are only 3 (three) Fortresses,
- Zurs House of Wierding (evil)
- The Great Hall (good)
- Emerald Fortress (neutral)

- More Outposts will be made when I find the time
- Different Outposts are gotten into in different ways, most are through a Boss Portal, but not all
- To get into a Fortress, you must kill a Champion or Warlord that owns the Fortress. On death they drop a key
- The key drop is a random chance
- The more Fortresses you own, the greater the chance of a key drop.

- Anything and everything in the Fortress becomes property of the new owner.
- If you die in a Outpost or Fortress, you can't respawn back into it...This prevents unearned theft
- If you login to an Outpost / Fortress that was taken while you were logged out, you will be ported out...This prevents unearned theft

---------- Any Guild that does not play their high ranking members (to prevent theft) will be considered abandoned and removed

- To be a Guild Leader you must be level 50 or more.
- To be a Champion. you must be level 41 or more
- Guild Lackies must be level 21 or more

- Guilds and their members must play their alignment

- There are no real rules in a Guild War
- Do what it takes to win
- Non-Guild members are NOT part of the battle
- It is the added responsibility of being in a Guild to pay attention to who you attack
- Characters not in a Guild can-not help Guilds
- Do not remove you Guild Color or Rank in order to "trick" your enemy.

Creating Guilds -
Guilds are used to organize, and manage other player characters. They require leaders with high levels of commitment, and dedication. Players may only be associated with one guild at any given time.

Joining Guilds -
In order to join a Guild, you need a Guild Invitation. Members from a Guild have the ability to send these - depending on their Guild Rank. Some Guilds may have a joining fee, which, if you cannot cover, will prevent you from joining.

Guild Factions -
Factions among other Guilds allow for a more in-depth Player-Guild interaction. Guilds can have allies, enemies, or remain neutral to Guilds. Enemy Guild Members are considered hostile, while allied Guilds can share Guild messages. Factions are persistent, meaning even after the server restarts, enemy Guild Members will still remain hostile towards your player character.

Qwildurn said...

Leg - did you read what the corpse in Dozo has to say about PK Points and Wanted: Dead or Alive?

Between the current Guild structure and the PK Points System, I think it's all covered.

Quit trying to change crap you don't know anything about.

This is exactly why I insist on only using long-term player as DMs. They already know the ropes and have excepted the obstacles. Because I know that they want something similar to what I want in a Game World and that they do understand the Spirit of Dungeons and Dragons.

Qwildurn said...

Leg |enD said: the question to ask yourselves is: is it satisfying enough to just beat another players character? or do you want to surpress them completely (if u make something uber i WILL find a way to down it, shouldnt u be able to try halt me makeing the thing to end you

That's exactly our (my) point! Except to suppress them while being at a similar level to them. When it's challenging it's fun. When it's just to damn easy, it's no longer fun!

Leg | enD said...

- Do what it takes to win

that bit i like, and sorry for not joining a guild yet and not seeing that ifno already... didnt wanna ally myself with potential targets.

and that does cover pretty much everything. i originaly posted in forums knowing that only a select few atm can read, this was to try avoid anyone thinking im just here to change things and to try get honest opinions without upsetting the mod's current setup.

ur DM comment i dont get, ive already mentioned the new stuff on your mod is wats kept me here longer than 20mins, obtaining DM would spoil all that.

only problem now, is players can avoid a war's effect simply by not inviting a toon till its finished :S anyway this could be set to: lvl 40 = auto in guild maybe?

- To be a Guild Leader you must be level 50 or more.
- To be a Champion. you must be level 41 or more
- Guild Lackies must be level 21 or more

- Guilds and their members must play their alignment

- There are no real rules in a Guild War
- Do what it takes to win
- Non-Guild members are NOT part of the battle
- It is the added responsibility of being in a Guild to pay attention to who you attack
- Characters not in a Guild can-not help Guilds
- Do not remove you Guild Color or Rank in order to "trick" your enemy.

is perfect, i love it! (really do), but apprently not enforced... so not quiet so perfect

Qwildurn said...

Qwildurn said: This is exactly why I insist on only using long-term player as DMs.

No, Leg|enD has not asked to be a DM or a Beta Member on BadLands RPG. About every third new player does ask me this though. And most can't seem to grasp my response. That response is that I only use long term players as DM's. Long term BadLands RPG players.

One guy specifically said to me: "I have five level 40's on the other Bads server and that's why you should make me a DM here."

Leg | enD said...

rofl, a hosts greatest achivement imo is letting the 'stick' go over thier hea... inability to do so has claimed many..

Leg | enD said...

5 lvl 40's :s rofl

i had 3full accounts and 1 near full

plenty others had over 7 accounts

wouldnt take long between wipes to fill them back up either, a decent party or high lvl buffs made it easy ina day