Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random PvP Tip Of The Day.

NEVER start shit with a fellow BadLander and then leave your character standing with its thumb in its butt in a full PvP area, while you, the player, are AFK (Away From Keyboard).

The other person WILL kill you. You've all been officially warned. :P


Deimonos said...

Ok, Simon.. now you have officially won the paranoid pk title from Deurack :(
I heard he's moved from his local mailman and now he is bashing random ppl on the street...
Careful out there guys..

Simon Hawk said...

It's got nothing to do with being paranoid, this has actually happened.

Qwildurn said...

I think he means me.
I killed a fellow party member and rezed him. The reason I killed him was because he had some negative crab we could not dispel. Death cured his ailments. They server sent out a shout saying I PKed him. I had not realized I was 6 level above him.
So, some fool shouted some nonsense about hunting me down after they found out where the Smoke Shack was. LMAO We were hunting bosses and a level 9 thinks he is going to hunt me? - ROF-LMAO - I responded with some thing about them being a chicken.

Well, I take care of my Great Aunt who is 96 now. I can't always park in a safe place. When I got back my Bard-PM-RDD over level 40 was near dead and IGMs were bombarding her like a parade show. The server shouted that his guild killed my guild and the attacker rezed me. I promptly called him a coward for winning a one-sided-battle and left to go find my party.

darianthebold said...

Yeah theres good times ahead ....simon ambushes Q coz hes an indigo fairy now.... deimonos is the hidden noob ..deurack even lost king paranoid crown.
All on the back of a nice mix of new players and a range of quests , subs and areas.
Ohhh yes folks ...things are most definitely getting fun.
BTW my favourite pvp tip .... stay outta pk shouts that dont concern you .... sometimes we all gotta have some fun .

Deimonos said...

So says Omeo, the Axe Murderer!!
I guess someone else needs the indigo fairy color... hmm

Deurack said...

To be fair, I never bashed the mailman...not to my memory. It was a Janitor that went mysteriously missing.

And for the record, snatching random people off the street is just too risky. If we've learned nothing else from the rash of serial killers over the past 50 years, it's that you must have a pattern designed to confound the police, coupled with a plausible alibi.

And on a related topic, I was in Hawaii the past 3 days. You can't prove a thing.

darianthebold said...

Wow , Deurack on a road trip . Kinda feels like Magnum PI meets Silence of the Lambs. Also , killing janitors is insane , whos going to clean up the next mess you make in anger?

Simon Hawk said...

LMAO Darian, Well, you've managed to prove how OLD we all are. Making a Magnum P.I. joke, and me laughing at it.

Deurack said...

Agreed, and a more horrible mental image I could never invision; Magnum PI and Hannibal Lector...eek.

In line of "Random PvP Tip of the Day" I have one: If you're going to try to kill my build Mordred, you need at least 3 people and some polar bears, or be at least level 58. Otherwise, you will fail. For the full version, please ask Dano or Q. The short version is that Mordred fought off Shady Shadowblade, Big Bertha Butt and about 6 Polar Bears, killing Shady and the bears and getting B.B.B. down to "Severely Wounded" and on her way out before there was some intervention by a chump who shall remain nameless who killed B.B.B. before I had a chance to. The aforementioned chump is rotting in jail thanks to DM retaliation.

Simon Hawk said...

So basically, what you're saying is, if you wanna take down Morded you better "Pack a lunch."

But then again...it was only Dano, his builds collapse like a house of cards in a breeze.

I'm curious as to who is rotting in jail.

Deurack said...

You'll have to ask Q, I dont remember. And the funny thing is, Q's Bard/PM/RDD was MUCH harder to hit than Dano's Monk/Cleric/SD. I had to resort to using "Harm" on him cause I couldn't hit him. No idea how he go that much AC with that build.

Qwildurn said...

I needed a lunch for sure! That battle lasted sooo long all my warding and buffs wore off! I started with a fresh set of buffs to answer the challenge too.
My Bard / PM / RDD level 48 has 88 AC fully buffed. My AB sucks like a Ho in heat and I was amazed that I actually hit Mordred a few times

Conan has two in jail over that one. (Conan and Thor) He logged in and proceeded to get involved with a NONE Guild Char in a Guild war. Then he death logged cause two good hits did him in. So, like any good coward does, he got his higher level char and proceed to find revenge. Hard to say how BBB might have done with fresh buffs, by this time I was in no shape for it.

I need to re-enforce one thing here: The DM (that's me) did not jail Conan's chars cause BBB died, but because of about 3 violations all at once.
1. he death logged
2. he used a none-guild char in a guild thing
3. he got a different char cause he lost

Jim Brannick said...

Sorry to jump into the fray so late, but I just read this thread.

In response to Q's last comment above, I was wondering if these were all official server rules. Or (if they are not) should they be written in stone somewhere?

1. Death logging: I believe this IS listed in the server rules as a real bad No-No. It's just a pussy thing to do- I think we all agree on that.

2. Guild-non-guild throw downs: This one seems situation and subjective to me. It all depends on the circumstance. The one major downside though is the possibility of a guild member accruing PK pts for offing a non-guild member who attacked first. In any event, this seems like a gray area.

3. Logging in a different character after one gets bashed: I guess I didn't know this was a "server rule". I always assumed if I bashed someone, that it was okay (in fact I encouraged it) for them to relog with a different toon and try again (with the assumption that the toon is roughly equivalent in level). Am I missing something here? Did I misinterpret this unspoken "rule"? If so, please let me know so I can stop encouraging this behavior.

Simon Hawk said...

1.) Death-logging is shit, if you do it, then that toon should be put in jail.

2.) Guild VS. Non-Guild. That shouldn't make a differance in my opinion, it's still "PvP" either way. And if both toons are in the acceptable level range then I say bash the shit out of each other. Im not going to make an entirely different set of characters that are non-guild just for PvP shit. Thats to much goddamn work.

3.) If someone goes and gets a different toon, then I'll do the same. Bring it on, thats what I say.

It really doesn't bother me if someone logs a different toon if I bash them. The best about that situation is if they log a different toon and you end up bashing that one too! LOL's for everyone then!
If I lose, then I suck, to-bad-so-sad.

Jim Brannick said...

I agree with Simon. Back when the Oki's were frequent visitors, it was not uncommon for them to get bashed with back-to-back toons... sometimes 3 or more!
I say bring it.

Deimonos said...

Basically, it's all about ego and revenge.
If you get bashed by someone around your level, some won't mind, they will either respawn or wait for a rez. Others, will bitch about it for a while.

But if you get jumped by more than 1 or that raz like coward bashing, 99% of the players will relog with a higher toon, usually the perfect build to deal with the pk'ers.
If they don't do anything about it, it's just because they don't have anything decent or are just too soft.

But I agree, death logs and rez killing should be treated with death by warden inside jail.. so perm death with no chance of respawn or player rez.. muahahahahah >D