Friday, October 17, 2008

The Real Evil

This is an image of the older factions of evil that once haunted Badlands. Lovely , yes? All Shadow Blades pretenders better prepare nappies and tell their mommas to get a safety blankie ready.
The factions of Arcane Brotherhood and Death Dealers will soon undergo a diabolical transformation that makes these three hotties beg for more.
No longer will Shadow Blades own all the outposts , new recruits and guild dominance.
Soon the sisters will eat all those naughty little children left out in Badlands.
Words of Uthlari Rendflesh, the stocky one with the eyeshadow :)


darianthebold said...

All those interested in selling children or joining the slaughter contact a Death Dealer ( red) or Arcane Brotherhood ( semen stained?)
guild member . These indigo fairies must be stopped to prevent the server from becoming Lamelands.

Deurack said...

Shadow Blades is dominant? Really? I must have missed something, cause every time I see their guild master he's on his back gargling his own blood in about 5 seconds flat. Then there's the "Shadowblade" guy who's afraid to even fight me without backup, although he certainly talks a good game. Kinda like a chihuahua that barks at a Great Dane from behind a fence but runs away with it's tail between it's legs if the bigger and stronger dog even takes a few steps towards it. And from what I've seen, these are the two biggest and baddest fighters the guild has to offer.

Pretty lame if they're actually fooling enough people to join they're guild to become "dominant".

Hellie Layne said...

I'd like to offer the assitance of my diciple, Osiris Ellow, to join the Death Dealers to help squash the gnats that are the Shadow Blades. They have been a thorn in my side for to long now and must be dealt with.

Hellie Layne said...

My underlings tell me that there is a powerful sorcerer named 'Mors Erebos' that hides among shadows, he should be tracked down and 'convinced' to join our cause.

Qwildurn said...

Lies! All Lies! The only time I see you is when your sitting in a safety zone like Dozo, running off at the mouth just like a nervous Chihuahua.
And we own all the Outposts except two because you're never there to defend your self and property. Three or four of us, all levels 43 to 47 have taken out every Boss that we attacked! Including Shark, Bruce, Black Betty, Jazzy, Brawn Crumple... Oh list is sooo long.

Deurack said...

Uhhh, Q....who are you talking to?

Simon Hawk said...

""These indigo fairies must be stopped to prevent the server from becoming Lamelands.""

LOL, I agree with Darian, the indigo fairie brigade must be dealt with.

And as for Q, it appears he's now one of them purple-pantsed limp-wristers. Im not sure how they manage to kill all those bosses with rainbow magic, puppy dog farts, & flower power.

Deurack said...

Well...have you ever smelled a dog fart? I mean MY GOD, they're just awesomely powerful. I've seen them clear a room in 3 seconds, people screaming, falling over themselves and's a horrid scene. If the Purple Panty Waist Brigade has actually managed to harness the power of the Dog Fart, then all of the Bad Lands could be in horrible jeopardy.

Simon Hawk said...

rofl Deurack! Im at work right now seriously trying not to laugh out loud.

"the power of the Dog Fart"

Simon Hawk said...

Oh, and one more disturbing thing. Read Darians comment, it's the one at the top.

Leave it to Darian to bring up "semen". He just loves the stuff, yup, to him it's just like any other condiment.
"Pour it on thick!" That's his motto.

Qwildurn said...

I'm laughing so hard I farted and the dog ran away!

Simon Hawk said...

"the power of the Dog Fart"

That'd be a killer boss-drop....

Deurack said...

What can I say, I've been reading "Star Wars" books lately.

CrazyGnome2 said...

Woot Woot... Today, Fadra of the Arcane Brotherhood killed(owend) Shady Shadowblade twice, yes thats right, after killing him he got mad and wanted a rematch, so I gave it to him AGAIN... So watch out ShadowBlades, there is a new kid on the block...