Thursday, October 30, 2008

The True Essence Of Lameness

So, after Darian got jumped by many.. I was grouped with mango, blade and tron.
We got some lvls.. wait, I was actually grouped with Simon.. and we got jumped by jakle the shades monk20/wiz2.. that guy was hilarious..

After Simon logged off, I joined Merin.. (A-Rock) and we went to lurids---sheelo.. since we had a big group we had to go back and forth for glands..

When me and blade reached lvl 28 (tron was 30+), Simon relogged and after seing him in ud sanctuary, he popped right in front of us on north face. Being a polite person that I am, I said greetings, but by accident I stepped on his head and the little thing was gone :(
Then, 12blahblahragnarok12, the tough guy comes one slope up and we all know what's going to happen.
He casts a Hellball on us, then goes straight to me and deved my char in one hit. I didn't see what happened to the others, I just joined the fun.

Cain, after a long time in torpor, wakes up to have some quality time bashing tough guys wannabe.
He goes to Sheelo and sees some traces of dead polar bears along the way to polar cap. He follows and not long after he sees the "Damned" killing some bears.
So the igms spam begins. After taking some and lagging everything from bears and igms, he tried to hide near the wall, to block Cain's view, which stops the igms flow. He tried to spam heal himself, but he knows it will not be enough, so he tries to swing his sword at Cain, but he can't even hit a flat-footed con based mage. Fearing that his end is near, he tried to run to the cave entrance, dying while running away, like all tough guys do..

After I heard simon telling me Jakle wanted us to be buds and lvl up together.. I just thought it was too damn sad.. the guy disarmed Simon twice, tried to pk us once or twice, and after seing that he couldn't handle us, he tried to make amends..
12--ragnarok--12 is a total different matter. I even heard he was bitching to the online DM at that moment. Which is kinda fun. The guy bashes a lowbie and that's fine. When you do the same to him, he cries. Why is it common with all those guys? Guess it's just not as fun when the lowbie you kill has many legendary chars and can probably choose which one to kick your ass.
Ahh and all that in just one day.. good and fun Thursday.. lol
I may make him my shado251988. Call me Deurack.. :)


Deurack said...

lol, I love it. There's nothing like smacking around some dumbass that thinks his build is UBER and showing him that he's just like everyone else. Hell, it's happened to me too. Even with the best possible build in a particular "type" of build, there's always another that can take you out. It's just SOOO much better when you have that 'other' build to slap him down with.

And yeah, we all love the little bitches that like killing lower builds but then run and cry when builds their own level start to hunt them. Do we have another 'Raz' on our hands? I'll keep an eye out for him and say 'hello' every chance I get ;)

darianthebold said...

Yeah got my teeth into it today also. Started with A-Rock .. went to ud with deim and his party to check out the bug he found. After i test it properly he gets stupid and launches at me bored ....lvl 55 bard/pale dever vs a level 25 mage with crap gear. The shout appears and all the normal whingers let me have it...i say nothing ...after all i did dev a 25 even if it was on autoattack.
GO looking for the whingers now i know im going do some jail time.
First pyro gets smashed hard.. then I turn to 12agnorak the big mouth.
Hes got 24 lvls of pale and still needs to heal kit spam me just to avoid dying..... MY PET hate .....
both try to mock me ...

Well im pissed now ..... doing time may as well bring me some whingers heads on pikes.
Relog to a lower level just to be inside their range ....
Find thor coming to coast to get this pker....
Bang my 43 wastes conan before he even got going outside Forgotten ...thats 3 from 3 whingers nailed and a 60 for topping.
Head to lands find them and go again , pyros mage is weakened and i dont bull rush ...coz its a sad way to win against a weakened mage.
This time 12agnorok heal kits spams , spawn runs for over 15 minutes and mouths off while doing so....... In the end about 15 cat spawns waste all my buffs , spells and the like and I try to get some distance on them.....
Pyro , to his pvp credit , fights by the code..... but 12agnorok pursues and makes his kill.
then I gotta hear him gloat....
I dont think on a palemaster , spawn running , heal kits spammer he is gonna loose much. Hes not gonna hit much either......I give pyro another one on one go and narrowly win ( GOOD job Pyro)......and run outta time to whack conan some more .... but thats my morning ...
AND that palemaster is mine ..... if u touch my kill be prepared to suffer for it.

Qwildurn said...

Lameness? What is synonymous Lameness?

Oh, yeah, Gart.

Ring any bells? Reminiscing fond old memories that should have been put out with the trash?

Well, I was on my private server just now, testing the new On-Hit Shop I'm making for BadLands RPG, when, I got killed!

Gart, for those of you that don't know Gart, or wanted to forget, got himself banned from BadLands about a year ago.
As I recall, all Gart did was kill lowbies and then hide in Dozo when the Big-Boys logged on. He pissed off one of the DMs bad enough that they made his level 40 a level 1.
So he logged onto my private server and proceeded to complain to me. I logged in to BadLands with my DM to see what was up. I knew Gart was long past due for punishment and was more annoyed that I had to bothered for his petty life.
So I'm talking to the DM when Gart logs in and Gart starts running off at the mouth about unfair DM brutality and some other nonsense.
I had just finished building a DM tool to be able to deal with Gart type players. That would be the Magic Staff you see us DMs holding. I was so ready to test this new awesome power that I let him have it.
I could have sent him to jail.
I could have Soft Banned him. (a soft ban will lift when the server resets).
Soft ban can be done by char name, player name, or CD Key. Hard Ban is CD Key only.

So now the server is sending us DMs a message saying that a Hard Banned player is trying to log in and that the server auto-booted him. After about 10 trys with different chars, Gart logs in with a different CD Key.
I can't recall what he did, but it was not an apology. He forced me to ban a second CD Key. Over the next few days, Gart got banned on 4 CD Keys.
If Gart is your friend and you can't logon to BadLands, now you know why!
Almost every day for the last year, I see a server message saying Gart is trying to log in. I get most DM messages even while in player mode.

So, here I am, about 10 minutes ago, minding my own business, when BAM! I'm dead. Thinking it's Darian's way of say "Hi, I love you", I respawn and BAM! POW! Two hits and I'm down. So I shell out and hit the ban button followed by the boot button and proceed to start checking things. Who was this chump? Why is he on my private server and why is he killing me without reason?

I check the BadLands database and find, well, you know what I found.

darianthebold said...

PKs are in the blood atm.... I just saw good old lycan grow pissed at zookeeper for cube running to ud and execute his own little punishment.
Well its shows u just cant do anything on server without running into some tool and having his messy parts ruin ur weapon.
BTW score lycan 1 ZOO 0 ...updates to come....

Deimonos said...

Ahh, I bet we all have experienced something like that.
You are killing your own spanws, when you see some fast runner coming to your direction being chased by lots of bears/drows/the fallen and they automatically start attacking you.

Sometimes, you got a great build there with nice ac and uncanny dodge and you might survive but most of the time, the spawn count is just too much for you to handle and you die.
Even funnier is when the tool just say "sry, I can't rez". Don't worry about it, you'll be dying soon enough..

Guess we have on our hands, multiple ledak and nubbie clones.
Yay, bashing time!

Simon Hawk said...

Glad you posted that story Deim, I had to go after that 'ragnarock' incident, and was totally confused as to what heppened, now it all makes sense.

Q, does Gart still try to login to this very day? Thats unreal.

Jim Brannick said...

Seems like the names change (Raz, Ball, Shadow, Dano, etc), but the method remains the same for these scrotes:
1. Bash the weak
2. Run from justice
3. Hide in Dozo OR get caught and bashed.
4. Bitch on shout to DMs or no one in particular.

We've seen this all before, guys. Time for me to dust off some PvP builds. Thanks to the oki invasion last spring, I've got builds at 5 level increments strictly for the purpose of dealing with these turds.

Qwildurn said...

TO; the awesome one
FROM: BadLands RPG Staff

Everything I think I know could fill a void into a larger void.

oh geeze i thoght this was the shirt store ,. how'd i get here

Deimonos said...

Probably game mistake. >D

Deimonos said...

Hmm, I've heard from trustful sources that gart was trying to find the blog to explain everything..
Or maybe not..